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About this lesson
Advertising is so effective at influencing people because of repetition. By inundating an audience with their own goals, corporations can impact the choices people make.
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- 00:04 I hope you've done the work along the way and filled out the charts so
- 00:09 that you know exactly what your goals are at every level for all seven spheres.
- 00:14 Because you're going to have to program your brain to really accept these.
- 00:19 It's not enough to think about it.
- 00:21 It's not enough to write it down.
- 00:24 It's not enough to look at it.
- 00:25 We've got to figure out together how to program these goals in your brain.
- 00:30 Because, as I mentioned earlier in this course,
- 00:34 your brain is receiving programming every single day by other outside forces.
- 00:40 Google, Facebook, Netflix, YouTube, Instagram, McDonald's,
- 00:46 Coca-Cola, the Cheesecake Factory, all of these organizations
- 00:52 are sending you messages every single day to give you their goals.
- 00:58 And you're going to have to fight, you're really going to have
- 01:03 to fight to figure out who gets control over your brain,
- 01:08 who gets control over your mind, and
- 01:11 who gets control over your life and your life's goals.
- 01:16 I want it to be you.
- 01:17 The fact that you're here with me now, and you're this far in, is a very good sign.
- 01:22 But if you stop right now, you really haven't made much progress.
- 01:26 We've now got to spend more time figuring out how to really
- 01:31 take what you want, not what I said, but what you want for
- 01:36 your goals and program them into your brain.
- 01:40 If you have goals for yourself, you want to influence yourself to take the actions,
- 01:44 you need to make those goals come alive.
- 01:46 Or everyone else in the world has goals for you, we've already discussed this.
- 01:51 But let's look at some other characters.
- 01:53 I mean, there are a lot of personal development experts
- 01:56 who have goals for you.
- 01:57 How do they try to convince you?
- 01:59 Through courses like this, through books, through workshops,
- 02:03 through seminars, and I've been through all of those.
- 02:07 I'm sure you have too, at some level, and they have some level of efficacy.
- 02:12 There is medicine, there's psychiatric drugs for
- 02:15 people who want to change certain behavior.
- 02:18 There are laws, there are punishments to guide behavior.
- 02:23 But when I look around at all the different types of influence in the world,
- 02:29 I've looked at things like hypnosis, which does have some impact.
- 02:34 I've looked at things like books, and public service announcements,
- 02:41 and things like going to seminars and firewalks.
- 02:46 There's so many different ways you can influence people's behavior.
- 02:50 But what I noticed is that the people who are really in the business of
- 02:55 changing behavior, who get rewarded the most for
- 02:58 changing behavior, they don't use any of that.
- 03:02 They don't use books.
- 03:04 They don't use workshops.
- 03:05 They don't use seminars.
- 03:08 They don't use affirmations very much either.
- 03:12 What the people do who really have to influence behavior is
- 03:16 they use advertisements, and they use digital messaging.
- 03:23 Think about it, Coca-Cola of the world, why is it so powerful?
- 03:26 Well, it has advertised and
- 03:28 marketed its brand since the day you were born until the day you will die.
- 03:33 You're inundated with commercials, banners, logos, icons, billboards.
- 03:40 You're constantly inundated.
- 03:42 The result is someone says, we got soft drinks today,
- 03:47 what do you want, a Coke, a Sprite, a Fanta?
- 03:51 If you're like a lot of people, you'll say Coke.
- 03:52 Because the advertising works.
- 03:56 We all like to think we're above advertising and
- 03:59 somehow it doesn't influence us, and yet it does.
- 04:02 Advertising is the most studied mode of influence in the history of the world.
- 04:08 Major corporations spend money on advertising because it works.
- 04:13 And depending on how you count it, between half a trillion to more
- 04:17 than a trillion dollars a year is spent on advertising worldwide.
- 04:21 And if you look at it more broadly, look at all the messages
- 04:26 Amazon sends you in emails, and Netflix sends you.
- 04:30 How would you like this one, or do you like this one?
- 04:32 Those are forms of advertising as well, direct communication, direct marketing.
- 04:38 So when I look at people who are really successful at changing behavior,
- 04:43 I look at those folks.
- 04:46 It's true, Facebook doesn't spend a lot of time on traditional TV ads.
- 04:51 But they've got you,
- 04:52 they are advertising in the sense of you pick up your phone notification.
- 04:57 Your friend liked your post, that's a type of electronic digital push communication.
- 05:05 This is what works.
- 05:06 This is how behavior was changed, it wasn't that long ago where the average
- 05:11 person spent zero minutes a day on social media because it didn't exist.
- 05:17 Now, it's often two hours, three hours, four hours a day.
- 05:21 The social media companies are influential.
- 05:26 McDonald's, Coca-Cola, Sara Lee Bakeries,
- 05:31 all of these companies that can get us to consume massive amounts of sugar,
- 05:38 carbohydrates, processed food with fat, and salt,
- 05:43 loaded in, ruining our health, are quite effective
- 05:48 because of constant, nonstop advertising.
- 05:54 If you look at a big company like Procter and Gamble,
- 05:58 consumer goods product company, and you ask them, how many times do we
- 06:03 need to advertise in order to make sure a customer buys your soap?
- 06:07 Is it one time, three times, seven times?
- 06:11 I think the head of marketing and advertising would say, how about forever?
- 06:16 How about them just watching our ads forever, forever is pretty good.
- 06:22 And that's the problem with just reading a book once, or
- 06:25 even going through this course once.
- 06:26 It's a one-time one-off thing, you forget about it.
- 06:30 When it comes to advertising by major corporations, or
- 06:34 digital messaging from major social media companies, the Googles,
- 06:39 the Netflix, the Facebooks of the world, it's that they can do it repetitively,
- 06:45 again, and again, and again, every day forever.
- 06:49 That's the power.
- 06:52 Now we know that we can't easily change it unless we disconnect and
- 06:55 become a hermit and go live in a cave.
- 06:57 I'm not suggesting that.
- 07:00 But we can if we can't beat them, join them.
- 07:04 That's what I'm recommending with my whole Selfie Speak programming.
- 07:09 You are essentially joining the Facebooks, and the Netflix, and
- 07:13 the Amazons of the world in their own business.
- 07:16 We're going to create our own ads in the simplest way possible, an audio ad,
- 07:21 just talking to ourselves.
- 07:22 It works for radio, it works for podcast, it can work for you.
- 07:29 So that's what we have to focus on together.
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