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Showing different web page designs based on different sized devices.
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Media Queries
A media query allows us to create different designs based on different sized devices (ie phones, tablets, desktop computers etc).
When to use
You'll use media queries any time you design for mobile.
Here's the main format of a media query:
@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
[class*="col-"] {
width: 100%;
Hints & tips
- Media queries allow us to create different designs for different sized screens.
- We refer to them as breakpoints.
- 00:05 In this video, I wanna talk about media queries.
- 00:08 A media query, if we come up here to our more tools, we looked at this earlier, and
- 00:12 developer tools, we can see, this is the Galaxy 6.
- 00:15 Its screen is 360 x 640.
- 00:20 This is an iPhone 6.
- 00:21 It's screen is 375 x 667.
- 00:23 And then, here's an iPad, it's screen is 768 x 1024, right?
- 00:29 So, all of these devices have different size screens.
- 00:33 And that's what a media query is.
- 00:35 It's saying what size screen am I dealing with?
- 00:38 You have to design your mobile first application
- 00:41 to look different on each of these devices.
- 00:43 And we do that with media queries.
- 00:45 And media queries let us designate widths right?
- 00:48 So, let's get rid of this and come back here and look at our CSS.
- 00:52 Now this is sort of a subtle thing you're gonna have to wrap you brain around It's
- 00:56 not too bad, but it's kind of clever, right?
- 00:59 So what we're gonna do here is we saw earlier when we defined all of
- 01:03 our columns, 1 through 12, 1 column width is 8.3, 12 of them is 100%,
- 01:08 7 of them is 8.3 times 7 and on and on and on.
- 01:12 Well, we did this thing here and we haven't seen this before.
- 01:15 This is where a little bit kinda almost like logic, it saying all of these classes
- 01:19 that have this col- in their name do this too.
- 01:24 So every one of these col- whatever 1, 2,
- 01:28 3, whatever it's gonna Grab this, and basically what it's gonna do is,
- 01:35 it's gonna do this, and it's gonna do this.
- 01:41 So, it's pushing in this stuff in each one of these guys right.
- 01:49 Let's change this back real quick.
- 01:51 So, it's sort of like a shorthand.
- 01:53 Well, if we look down here at our media query and
- 01:56 this is what a media query looks like.
- 01:57 It uses this at media sign and then only screen and you set your max-width 768.
- 02:03 Now, you should probably do this for
- 02:05 all the different devices if you want it to look different.
- 02:07 But we want up to 768, which is what the iPad, up to that width.
- 02:14 We wanna do this CSS, right?
- 02:17 So what is this CSS?
- 02:18 We're doing this same thing again that we did up here.
- 02:22 But up here these widths are gonna equal what each one of these widths are.
- 02:25 So this one is 50% for column 6, column 11 is 91% and on and on.
- 02:31 Down here in our media query, we're saying no, no, override that,
- 02:35 instead put the width at 100%.
- 02:38 So why?
- 02:38 Why would we do that?
- 02:40 Well think about this.
- 02:41 If we come back here, hit reload, and we resize our screen, what are we saying?
- 02:47 After we hit 768, which is right around there, it's saying for
- 02:49 all of these things make them 100% the size of the screen.
- 02:52 Whereas before, they were only 8.3%, right?
- 02:57 Now we want them to be 100%, and that's what bops them all across and
- 03:01 gives them that interesting look.
- 03:03 Same thing down here.
- 03:04 This is called -9, instead of that being,
- 03:08 what did it used to be, is pull this out, and it used to be 75%.
- 03:13 Well now when we resize that, boom, it's becoming 100%.
- 03:19 It's taking up 100% of the viewport of the viewing space
- 03:24 of our device for everything up to and below 768.
- 03:28 So anyway that’s media query, that’s the crux of this whole thing.
- 03:31 And whenever we put these in we call this a breakpoint.
- 03:35 So for all the different sizes the max widths we want to put in here,
- 03:39 each one of those would be a breakpoint.
- 03:41 And you can get real specific and do for every type of mobile device,
- 03:44 specific things, so if you want the iPad to look specifically a certain way,
- 03:49 you could designate that right here.
- 03:51 If you want your Nexus 5 phones to look a certain way,
- 03:54 you could designate it right here.
- 03:56 So as long as you have this width equal to 100, you're good to go.
- 03:59 So, that is media query ir'a very important and that's all for this video.
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