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Basic Bootstrap Usage
Using Bootstrap couldn't be easier.
When to use
Whenever you want to add a Bootstrap Element to your website, use these instructions.
Whenever you want to add a Bootstrap element to your website, just head over to GetBootstrap.com
Once you've installed Bootstrap, you use its elements by copying example code from their website to your website.
Example code is found on their "CSS" page and their "Components" page.
Just scroll through those pages to find the thing you want to use, copy the code, and paste it into your app.
Hints & tips
- Find all Bootstrap usage at GetBootstrap.com
- 00:05 Okay so in the last video, we installed Bootstrap.
- 00:07 In this video, I wanna play around with that little bit, and
- 00:09 just show you how to use it, very easy to use, very fun.
- 00:12 So I've come to this CSS page, just click on the CSS link, and
- 00:16 the first thing, it tells us to do is to put in our view port meta tag.
- 00:20 So I'm gonna come back here, and
- 00:21 this goes, like between the head and the head tag, we save that.
- 00:25 Then next thing is to notice that they want you to wrap things in containers.
- 00:30 And a couple of videos go,
- 00:31 I wrapped some stuff in a row basically the same idea, these call containers.
- 00:36 And next you wanna familiarize yourself with a little bit with the grid system,
- 00:39 but you already pretty much know how to use a grid system,
- 00:41 it's the same basic thing.
- 00:42 So enough of this nonsense, let's actually do something fun.
- 00:46 So let's come here, when I click on navbars.
- 00:48 I click on components then navbar.
- 00:50 I scroll down here and I'm just gonna copy this whole thing.
- 00:54 You can look, there's all kinds of different examples you can choose from,
- 00:57 it just have whatever you want.
- 00:59 I'm just gonna grab the default, come back here, and
- 01:01 let's come up just right up here above our H1, and
- 01:06 I'm just gonna paste this in and click save, hit reload and just see what we got.
- 01:10 Boom, just like that.
- 01:11 Man, we've got this fully functioning, awesome looking navbar.
- 01:15 So that is just really cool.
- 01:17 So we come up here, we can kinda play around with this.
- 01:19 Let's see what we got here.
- 01:20 Well, I don't really like this Submit button, because we don't need this for
- 01:23 our website, let's say.
- 01:24 So let's get rid of that.
- 01:25 So how do we do that?
- 01:26 Well, first of all, we just kinda scroll down here.
- 01:29 Before we do that, check out this brand.
- 01:30 I'm gonna say, I'm gonna call this John Elder instead.
- 01:33 We save this, come up here and hit reload, boom.
- 01:35 Now it says John Elder up there, I think that's really much better looking.
- 01:38 So, next, let's look for that submit button.
- 01:41 So, here we have this search, here's a button, submit button.
- 01:44 So if we just kinda look here, form group,
- 01:46 I highlight, here we go form, that's what we're looking for.
- 01:48 So, this is all form, so I'm just gonna delete it.
- 01:52 Click save, hit reload, boom, disappears.
- 01:54 So maybe, we don't want this drop-down.
- 01:57 Well, that's probably this guy right here.
- 02:00 If I click on here, this one down here highlights.
- 02:03 So I know that this is all the stuff that has to go.
- 02:06 So I can just delete that.
- 02:07 Save it, hit reload.
- 02:08 Boom, now that disappears.
- 02:10 Maybe I wanna get rid of these two links too.
- 02:11 So I just find them.
- 02:14 Each one boom, boom.
- 02:16 Probably this one too.
- 02:18 Save, awesome.
- 02:20 So now, if we wanna come down here and look at, let's see this link.
- 02:25 Let's call this one responsive, let's capitalize it.
- 02:29 Responsive, so if we come back here and
- 02:33 type in Responsive.html, just the name of our other page.
- 02:38 If we save this, come back and hit reload.
- 02:39 Now that says responsive, I click on it, it works.
- 02:42 So I'll just leave this drop down cuz this is kinda cool to look at.
- 02:45 So that's how easy it is to add Bootstrap stuff, right?
- 02:48 So let's come back here to the CSS, and let's grab a button, I don't know.
- 02:55 Let's grab a blue button, so we want this primary button.
- 02:58 So this was all the different buttons, so we're not gonna click this copy thing or
- 03:01 else it'll copy all of them.
- 03:03 I just want the one, so I'm just gonna copy this,
- 03:05 come back here to our Hello Bootstrap thing, underneath it, type that in,
- 03:10 and boom, now we have a blue button, if we hover over it,
- 03:15 it changes color very, very cool, right?
- 03:17 I mean, that's just awesome.
- 03:19 Here we can see, look image responsive, we give it a class of image responsive.
- 03:23 Let's see what happens, I'm gonna grab this, come back.
- 03:27 Underneath our button for the SRC.
- 03:29 Let's give this a hike.png, we save this, we get this whole big thing.
- 03:36 But if we resize, what happens?
- 03:41 Look, it resizes it automatically.
- 03:43 Remember last time we did this and we resized it, it only showed like,
- 03:46 from here left.
- 03:48 My whole body got cut off, and you look up here, you notice this hamburger.
- 03:52 Boom, it's already responsive, fully functioning and
- 03:55 responsive, and we didn't do anything.
- 03:58 Just out of the box, it works like that, as long as you have your viewport set.
- 04:01 So, I can't tell you how awesome this is.
- 04:03 And this is totally free, doesn't cost a single thing to use it, so
- 04:07 spend some time, play around here, get to know the different things.
- 04:10 There's forms, there's tables.
- 04:12 Remember we did tables earlier.
- 04:13 These tables look much better, right, hover you do different colors.
- 04:17 Just very, very cool.
- 04:19 Right out of the box, completely free.
- 04:20 So check it out, play around with it.
- 04:22 That's Bootstrap, and that's all for this video.
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