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Exploring Common HTML Tags
Let's explore some of the common HTML tags that we've used so far, and some new ones.
When to use
Depending on what sort of text effect you would like to see, you will use different HTML tags to achieve your desired result.
To format text with specific spacing, use the <pre> tag.
To create a line break, use the <br /> tag.
To create different heading sizes, use the following H tags:
...with <h1> being the largest text and <h6> being the smallest text. Heading tags are used to create emphasis (headlines etc).
Hints & tips
- <h1> tags are the largest heading tag
- <h6> tags are the smallest heading tags
- <br /> is used for line breaks
- <pre> is used to format spacing of text
- 00:05 Now it's time to start learning actual HTML tags.
- 00:07 And for a while here we're just going to start talking about different tags so
- 00:10 you get an idea of the common ones that are used.
- 00:13 So we've already used a few here and I'm gonna start by talking about them.
- 00:17 This <h1> and this <p> tag.
- 00:19 Let's start with the <p> tag.
- 00:20 P, I mentioned earlier, stands for paragraph.
- 00:23 And any time you have any kind of text, a little bit of text or a lot of text,
- 00:27 it's a good idea to wrap it in a <p> tag.
- 00:30 Now, we can see why this is important, we need to generate some dummy text.
- 00:34 And whenever you're creating a website, there's something called lorem ipsum text.
- 00:38 And it's just gibberish, if you go to Google and type in lorem ipsum generator,
- 00:42 pick any one you want and let's say we want one paragraph of gibberish.
- 00:47 Click this generate and here it is.
- 00:49 It's generated all this gibberish.
- 00:51 We can just copy and paste this.
- 00:53 So, if I copy this, come back here and paste it in.
- 00:58 Now I haven't wrapped this text in anything at all.
- 01:01 I'm just gonna save this and come up here and click reload and
- 01:04 it just sorta runs it all across there.
- 01:06 If I do the same thing.
- 01:08 But I first wrap it in a <p> tag.
- 01:12 And I'm just gonna move this down and save this.
- 01:15 Well it looks pretty much the same cuz we haven't done any formatting, but
- 01:20 it sorta wraps all this stuff together.
- 01:22 And we can do different things with it and we'll see that as we move forward.
- 01:25 Let's get rid of that.
- 01:29 We also talked about the <br> line break tag that just does exactly what it sounds like.
- 01:37 It creates a break and moves everything down, without it.
- 01:41 These two things will be right next to each other.
- 01:47 Another tag is the <pre> tag and this is kind of a weird tag.
- 01:51 You see it like right here, it put this all on one line and
- 01:56 that's what HTML does, except in the <pre> tag.
- 02:00 Here, whatever formatting you give it, this is
- 02:04 very weird, right?
- 02:12 Now if we save this, you would think like, the A and
- 02:16 the B this would all be smooshed up on one line.
- 02:19 But since we wrapped it in a pre tag, all the formatting stays the same.
- 02:24 So that's very useful for a certain design type things that you need
- 02:28 to move your text around into a clearly define sort of thing, so that's the <pre> tag.
- 02:33 We also have this <h1> tag.
- 02:34 And h1 stands for heading one.
- 02:36 And what that does is it creates this big heading text.
- 02:40 Well, there's five or six other heading tags as well.
- 02:44 So you can go <h2>.
- 02:46 This is H2.
- 02:49 <h3>.
- 02:50 This is H3.
- 02:52 All the way on down to <h4>.
- 02:56 This is H4.
- 02:57 And <h5>.
- 03:00 This is H5.
- 03:03 Bear with me.
- 03:03 We're almost done.
- 03:04 And finally <h6>.
- 03:06 This is H6.
- 03:09 Now if we save this, hit reload, you can see.
- 03:12 You get progressively smaller headings.
- 03:14 Now, this is not something you use just to resize text.
- 03:18 This is something you use to create emphasis.
- 03:21 You're telling the web browser,
- 03:22 you're telling Google, you're telling the world that this is a headline.
- 03:26 So this is a slightly less important headline and
- 03:29 this is a very much less important headline, this H6.
- 03:32 So if you wanna change the size of text,
- 03:35 just because you wanna change the size of text, don't use an h tag.
- 03:39 Well use a different font size tag or we'll use CSS, but if you want to create,
- 03:45 for instance, a title of a blog post or something, you would use an <h1> tag.
- 03:49 If you're writing an article, the title of the article, you would wrap in an <h1> tag.
- 03:54 A subheadline in an article or a blog post might be an <h2> tag or an <h3> tag.
- 03:58 To tell you the truth, <h4> through <h6>,
- 04:00 I can't remember ever actually using those tags.
- 04:03 You generally just use <h1> and <h2> sometimes you'll use <h3> but not often and
- 04:08 so that's the header tags.
- 04:09 So this heading tag, the <p> and the <pre> tag, as well as a line break tag.
- 04:16 Tell the truth, you don't often use this <pre> tag either,
- 04:18 but it's kind of an interesting thing, so I thought I'd show it to you.
- 04:22 I'll go ahead and delete that for now.
- 04:23 So in the next video, I wanna talk about text formatting,
- 04:26 should be a lot of fun and that's all for this video.
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