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About this lesson
Tables are an important and sometimes confusing element of HTML. We'll look at table tags, th, tr, td tags, and more.
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Quick reference
Creating HTML Tables
In this video we'll learn how to create an HTML table.
When to use
Use tables whenever you have rows and columns of data that you would like to respresent in table form.
To create a table tag, use the following general code:
<th>Header 1</th>
<th>Header 2</th>
<th>Header n</th>
<td>Column of Data 1</td>
<td>Column of Data 2</td>
<td>Column of Data n</td>
Hints & tips
- Create tables with the <table> and </table> tags
- Table headers use the <th> and </th> tags.
- Table rows use the <tr> and </tr> tags.
- Table data use the <td> and </td> tags.
- 00:05 In this video, I want to talk about tables.
- 00:07 And tables are a slightly more advanced topic.
- 00:10 And they can give people a little bit of trouble sometimes.
- 00:13 But they're pretty simple to do.
- 00:14 And tables are something you're going to use a lot in HTML.
- 00:17 A lot of times when you want to format stuff around on the screen in
- 00:21 a specific way, you'll go ahead and use a table for that.
- 00:24 And so, let's come up here to our <h1>, and let's type in hiking log.
- 00:31 Now I went ahead and just pasted some table code in here.
- 00:35 And if we go ahead and look at this just to give you an idea, this is a table.
- 00:40 Right, we have headers, and then sort of items inside the table, and
- 00:45 tables are all about rows and columns.
- 00:47 So this is a row this is a row and
- 00:51 this is a row and this is a column, right?
- 00:57 I can't really highlight it cuz it highlights everything but
- 01:00 like the miles hiked that's a column the trail that's a column that
- 01:02 date that's a column that name that's a column so columns and
- 01:05 rows that's sort of which what you want to keep in mind when you're building a table.
- 01:09 So tables are pretty simple you just start out with this table tag, and it opens,
- 01:14 and it closes, and you see just for our purposes, I put the width at 50%,
- 01:18 you don't necessarily have to do this, and you might do this with CSS,
- 01:22 you see we use the Style tag, we use this for CSS type things,
- 01:26 if I change that to 100, it bops to the whole width of the screen here.
- 01:31 So whatever you want.
- 01:32 And then, there's sort of two main sections of a table.
- 01:35 There's the head, and then there's the rest of the table.
- 01:39 And this is the head, the table head.
- 01:43 And table head, <th>, right?
- 01:45 And in the table head, each column head, each heading name gets its own <th> tag.
- 01:52 So th Name, close the tag, th Date, close the tag,
- 01:57 th Trail, close the tag, th Miles, close the tag.
- 02:00 And I should mention before we even do the <th> tags where there's <tr> tag, and
- 02:04 tr stands for table row.
- 02:06 Remember I said this is a row, every time you wanna create a new row,
- 02:11 you use this <tr> tag, and I've put align left, you can do that with CSS as well.
- 02:16 So, right here, this whole bit right here, this is just our header.
- 02:22 After that, directly below that, we start with whatever next row you want.
- 02:26 So we have the <tr> tag open and close, now inside we have this <td>,
- 02:30 and td stands for table data or table cell.
- 02:34 It's basically a cell.
- 02:35 So each one of these TDs corresponds with the TH.
- 02:40 So the first one on your list is gonna be the first one here, the name.
- 02:44 The second one is gonna be second one, the date.
- 02:46 The third one is gonna be the third one, the trail.
- 02:48 And the fourth one is gonna be the fourth one.
- 02:50 So you always wanna keep in mind your structure, so you sort of align things up.
- 02:55 Now, if we create another one, I just type something, and
- 03:00 save this and hit reload, you see it's popped off to the side and
- 03:05 it doesn't line up with everything or anything and it just kind of looks weird.
- 03:09 It's really important to get your TDs lined up with your THs.
- 03:14 That's a table row and just to create another row,
- 03:17 we just duplicate the same thing.
- 03:20 TR open and close and TDs open and close for the data.
- 03:24 Finally, at the very end here we just close our table
- 03:27 with a regular closing tag.
- 03:28 And we save it and hit reload, and this is the table.
- 03:31 So you can make tables look a whole bunch of different ways but
- 03:34 you're usually gonna use CSS to do that.
- 03:37 But in this course we're just, I just wanna sort of show you
- 03:39 the basic table method and yeah, not too difficult but pretty important.
- 03:44 And in the next video we're gonna to talk about some sort of more advanced table
- 03:47 topics.
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