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About this lesson
Let's write some code to determine if the answer is right or wrong.
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Quick reference
Right and Wrong Logic
Now it's time to determine the right answer and test our answer vs the right answer.
When to use
We'll use a basic if/else statement.
Our code so far...
<title>Math Flashcards!</title>
$num1 = rand(1,10);
$num2 = rand(1,10);
echo $num1 . " + " . $num2;
$correct_answer = $_POST["num1"] + $_POST["num2"];
if($correct_answer == $_POST["answer"]){
echo "Correct! " . $_POST["num1"] . " + " . $_POST["num2"] . " = " . $_POST["answer"];
}else {
echo "Wrong! " . $_POST["num1"] . " + " . $_POST["num2"] . " = " . $correct_answer . " Not " . $_POST["answer"];
<form method="post" action="/">
<input name="num1" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $num1; ?>">
<input name="num2" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $num2; ?>">
Answer: <input name="answer"> <button>Submit</button> <button>New Card </button>
Hints & tips
- First determine what the right answer should be
- Then test your answer against the right answer with an if/else statement
- 00:04 We have our form and it can submit our answer.
- 00:07 And it can keep track of the old numbers.
- 00:10 But now we need to actually create some logic to determine whether
- 00:14 the answer is correct or not.
- 00:16 And one quick note I wanna say before we go forward.
- 00:19 I've done these with these two hidden value input fields.
- 00:20 You can also use session variables to do that, probably even easier.
- 00:23 I've already taught you how to use session variables,
- 00:25 so in the last video I thought I would use these hidden form values
- 00:29 just as another way to pass variables around to different pages of the forms.
- 00:33 But do it this way or
- 00:35 do it with session variables, whatever you're most comfortable with.
- 00:37 Okay, so let's go forward here.
- 00:39 And right here, I'm gonna change this from num1 to answer.
- 00:43 So if there's an answer, if there's not an answer, don't do anything.
- 00:46 If there is an answer, do this.
- 00:47 So that's where we're at so far.
- 00:49 But instead of doing this, let's create some logic in
- 00:53 here that will determine whether the answer is correct or not.
- 00:57 So let's create a variable, and let's call this correct_answer equals.
- 01:03 And let's just take our two original numbers and add them together, okay?
- 01:10 So this is now the correct answer.
- 01:13 Now, we can test our answer against that correct answer and act accordingly.
- 01:17 So let's do another if statement inside of this else statement that we're already in.
- 01:23 We can do that.
- 01:24 We can sort of layer if statements inside of other if statements.
- 01:26 So if, we need parentheses, correct_answer equals,
- 01:33 remember the double equal too, that answer.
- 01:39 Then echo out.
- 01:41 Well, actually we could just echo out this whole thing, right?
- 01:45 But first let's type in Correct!
- 01:50 Concatenate that, okay?
- 01:53 Else, I'm gonna just copy this whole thing and
- 01:59 paste it again, but I'm just gonna change it around here.
- 02:02 I'm gonna say Wrong!
- 02:04 Number one plus number two equals, let's change this to correct_answer.
- 02:12 Concatenate another little message on here, not,
- 02:18 concatenate and then post answer.
- 02:23 Okay, so let's save this.
- 02:26 Did a whole bunch of stuff there, let's reload this and see if it works.
- 02:27 7 + 9 is 52.
- 02:29 Wrong!
- 02:30 7 plus 9 equals 16, not 52.
- 02:33 All right, so 4 + 5 is 9, correct, 4 + 5 = 9.
- 02:40 1 + 6 = 77.
- 02:43 Wrong.
- 02:44 1 + 6 = 7, not 77.
- 02:47 Okay, so it looks like we are good to go, seems to be working.
- 02:50 Now real quick, let's do this new card guy.
- 02:53 Right, now when we click on it, seemed to work on its own.
- 02:58 Why is that?
- 02:59 Because when we submit this form, it's going here but
- 03:03 we haven't actually typed in an answer.
- 03:06 And so when that happens, this page gets reloaded.
- 03:09 But up here, our very first if statement if this answer does not exist right here,
- 03:15 we're not gonna do anything.
- 03:17 So back here nothing is happening.
- 03:19 So 10 + 8 is 1.
- 03:21 Wrong, 10 + 8 = 18, not 1.
- 03:24 New Card, 12, correct.
- 03:27 New Card.
- 03:28 What happens if we type in 12 and I click New Card?
- 03:30 Same thing so I think that's working pretty good.
- 03:33 In the next video, we'll go ahead and finish this up out for
- 03:36 all of our different math functions, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
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