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About this lesson
We will look at the core concepts and structure of a relational database such as tables, columns, rows, etc
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RDBMS Concepts
RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System.
When to use
Whenever you use a databse, you'll use a RDBMS.
RDBMS is the foundation of most database systems. In it, databases are made of tables, tables are made of columns and rows, columns and rows are filled with data.
Columns are also called fields.
Rows are also called records.
Hints & tips
- RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System
- Databases are made of tables
- Tables are made of Columns and Rows
- Columns and Rows hold data
- 00:04 In this video I want to talk about RDBMS concepts, and
- 00:08 that's Relational Database Management System Concepts.
- 00:12 Basically, what is a database,
- 00:14 what's it made up of, what are the parts involved in it on a very basic level.
- 00:18 So we're going to look at core concepts like the structure of a database,
- 00:21 such as tables, columns, rows, and things like that.
- 00:24 So, really drilling down to the bare bones of what is a database, and
- 00:28 what you can expect to find in them.
- 00:29 And it doesn't really matter what type of database you're going to use: SQL,
- 00:34 MySQL, Postgres,
- 00:36 any type of major SQL based database is gonna have this same structure.
- 00:40 So what I've done here is I've opened up just Microsoft Excel.
- 00:43 And Excel is just a spreadsheet program, but it's very popular.
- 00:47 Likely you've seen or used it before in the past.
- 00:49 And when you really think about it, Excel and
- 00:52 really any spreadsheet is sort of like mini database.
- 00:55 It has the same structure, the same components, and the same layout as
- 00:59 a database, so it's a good tool to sort of use to show these concepts.
- 01:03 So I've just gotta a basic Excel spreadsheet open and
- 01:06 you see we have all these squares, right?
- 01:09 Well, this thing is made up of columns.
- 01:11 That's this.
- 01:13 And rows, which go across like this.
- 01:16 And that's the basic layout.
- 01:18 So think of this spreadsheet, think of Excel as a database.
- 01:22 The whole big thing is a database.
- 01:25 Now down here, we have these different tabs.
- 01:27 So we have Sheet 1, Sheet 2, and Sheet 3.
- 01:29 So if we're on Sheet 1, if I type some stuff.
- 01:32 I click on the Sheet 2.
- 01:33 It's empty, I can type more stuff.
- 01:36 Sheet 3 doesn't have anything at all.
- 01:38 So think of each of these sheets as a table.
- 01:41 Everything on this screen is a table, right?
- 01:44 And your database, Excel, the main program can have lots of different tables,
- 01:50 lots of different worksheet, okay?
- 01:52 So that's the first concept, databases are made up of tables.
- 01:56 The tables, the individual tables are like the units that you need to be aware of,
- 02:01 it's the main unit of a database.
- 02:03 So you have the database Excel.
- 02:04 For our purposes,it doesn't do much but hold the tables, right?
- 02:08 So it's in the tables themselves where you're gonna be doing most of your work,
- 02:12 where you keep all your data.
- 02:14 And you can have lots of different tables.
- 02:15 You can have a table for current customers, past customers,
- 02:18 potential customers.
- 02:20 Whatever you wanna do, however you wanna label these different tables,
- 02:22 you can do that.
- 02:24 Let's rename this sheet.
- 02:26 Just to make things clear, current customers, right?
- 02:30 So our table is current customers and inside that we have columns.
- 02:34 So let's say, first name, last name,
- 02:39 email address, phone number, mailing address.
- 02:45 And we can click on each of these to resize these a bit,
- 02:48 just to make things clear.
- 02:52 Each of these columns is a major thing we wanna record, first name, last name,
- 02:56 email address, right?
- 02:57 So in sort of database lingo, we call these columns, but we also call them
- 03:02 a field and we call these rows, but we also call them a record, right?
- 03:06 So each row is its own record, sort of important to understand.
- 03:10 We can have John Elder.
- 03:15 Now everything in this row goes together.
- 03:18 This is all data from one record, right?
- 03:22 One person, in this case, John Elder, me, my email address, my phone number, and
- 03:27 my mailing address.
- 03:27 So, whenever we want to look up something, we'll often look up something from
- 03:32 a certain row or we might say, give me all the rows.
- 03:35 Or we might say give me all the rows with first name John or whatever.
- 03:38 And our SQL stuff allows us to do these things.
- 03:40 But this right here,
- 03:42 what we're looking at right now is basically pretty much everything.
- 03:45 I mean this is the main concepts of databases.
- 03:47 This is what you gotta wrap your head around.
- 03:49 You have Excel here, in this case, which is the overall database.
- 03:54 Inside the database, we have different worksheets.
- 03:58 We can have as many worksheets as we want.
- 04:01 And inside each worksheet, we have columns and rows, columns or fields.
- 04:06 So each of these is a field, right?
- 04:07 An email address field, a phone number field, a mailing address field.
- 04:13 And each of these rows is a record.
- 04:15 And everything in the row goes together.
- 04:18 And one more thing to note, each of these items of data, and
- 04:21 we'll talk about this in the next video, deals with a certain type of data.
- 04:25 Like this phone number, these are numbers obviously.
- 04:28 This last name is text.
- 04:30 And each field has different characteristics.
- 04:32 And we'll talk about that in the next video.
- 04:33 But that's pretty much it.
- 04:35 So if you can understand this basic concept,
- 04:38 you're most of the way to understanding how databases work.
- 04:41 And it's really not any more complicated that this.
- 04:43 In the next video, we'll talk about each of these fields and their data type.
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