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The TOP clause is used to limit the number of records that will be returned from a SELECT statement
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Quick reference
TOP Clause
The Top clause lets us limit the number of records we return in a SQL Statement.
When to use
Use it any time you want to limit the number of records you return with your SQL Statement.
The top clause looks like this:
SELECT TOP 100 [First Name], [Last Name]
FROM [Customer].[dbo].[Current_Customers]
This will return the top 100 records in your customer database. You can change the number '100' to what you want, e.g. Top 5 or Top 20 Percent.
Hints & tips
- TOP can specify an exact number or a percentage
- To use percentages with TOP, use the word PERCENT (not the % sign)
- 00:04 In this video, I wanna talk about the TOP clause, and the TOP clause, let's just
- 00:09 limit the number of records that we return from any given SELECT statement.
- 00:13 So, if we go ahead and just get rid of all of this stuff, and it's very easy,
- 00:18 you just type in TOP and then give a number.
- 00:21 Let's say we want the top three and we wanna list everything from our database.
- 00:26 So if we execute this, we get John, Tina, and Mark, it's just the top three listed.
- 00:30 And if we get rid of this top statement and just run the thing as normal, so
- 00:36 John, Tina, Mark John, Tina, Mark, they're just the first three listed, all right?
- 00:43 So that's what the top does, and in our specific case here,
- 00:47 we've only got six records so we really don't need to limit the number probably.
- 00:51 But like I've said many times in this course, in real life, you could
- 00:54 have thousands, tens of thousands, millions of records in your database.
- 00:57 And speed becomes an issue, you may only wanna return a certain portion,
- 01:02 a certain amount from any query and a top clause will help you to do that.
- 01:08 So we've seen we can do top two or whatever, we can also use percent, so
- 01:13 let's say top 50% of everybody.
- 01:16 If we execute this,
- 01:18 again we're just gonna get the first three because there's six records.
- 01:21 50%, half of it is three and we could easily go the top 20%,
- 01:25 just get two, we could go 80%, whatever you like.
- 01:29 You could see how it changes, all but the last one, so that's top, now you
- 01:33 can use this also in connection with like a WHERE statement or a WHERE clause.
- 01:38 So let's say we want the top two, get rid of that percent
- 01:44 from our database where age is less than, say 35.
- 01:49 So if we execute this, we get Tina and Steve, Tina is 29,
- 01:55 Steve is 32, these are the top two of this category.
- 01:59 And you'll notice I didn't put the brackets around age, probably should,
- 02:02 as you can see, it works either way.
- 02:03 This way just allows you to keep things visually separated,
- 02:08 easier to look at at a glance.
- 02:10 Not such a big deal when we've got a simple select statement like this.
- 02:12 But sometimes, your select statements can get quite large and
- 02:16 it's easy to get lost inside of these things.
- 02:19 So these brackets help keep things separated, and
- 02:22 it's just a good thing to do.
- 02:24 So anyway, we've got two records that we've returned, now if we get rid of this
- 02:27 top clause and we just return everybody who's less than 35.
- 02:30 Now if we execute this, suddenly now we have four records, so
- 02:35 we do have more than the two that we just saw that people that are less than 35.
- 02:40 But if we wanna, we could do a top 50% like we did
- 02:45 earlier and again get the Tina and Steve records.
- 02:49 So mix and match, you can a trial, you can
- 02:54 order by age descending like that or
- 02:58 DESC capitalized you the way so high to low, we can go ascending.
- 03:07 Low to high and you will see the records change, the numbers,
- 03:11 the ones that we return because we are ascending.
- 03:14 And then doing the top 50% in ascending order so
- 03:16 it changes the output, so very interesting, something to keep in mind.
- 03:20 Anyway, that is the top clause, very useful,
- 03:23 in the next video we'll look at the select distinct clause.
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