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Quick reference
The Union operator combines the results of two or more Select statements.
When to use
Use it when you want to combine two or more Select statements or statements from different tables.
SELECT [Email Address]
FROM [Customer].[dbo].[Current_Customers]
SELECT [Country]
FROM [Customer].[dbo].[Current_Customers]
This will give us one column with all the customer email addresses and countries in ascending alphabetical order.
UNION is particularly useful for combining statements from multiple tables into one column, for example if you wanted to combine email addresses from multiple tables into one list:
SELECT [Email Address]
FROM [Customer].[dbo].[Current_Customers]
SELECT [Email Address]
FROM [Customer].[dbo].[Past_Customers]
This will give us one column with all the customer email addresses from past customers and current customers in ascending alphabetical order.
Hints & tips
- Every Select Statement has to have the same number of columns to use UNION
- The Columns have to have the same data type
- The Columns of each Select Statement must be in the same order
- 00:05 In this video, I want to talk about the union operator and the union operator,
- 00:09 it sort of does what it seems like it would do.
- 00:12 It's a union, it combines the results of two or more select statements.
- 00:17 Now usually, you're gonna use this for different tables.
- 00:20 And we'll talk about accessing multiple tables later on.
- 00:24 Right now, I'm just gonna use the union operator with our current table.
- 00:27 So before we get started,
- 00:29 there's a few things you need to know about the union operator.
- 00:32 And this makes it kinda hard to work with sometimes.
- 00:35 But, none the less, you need to know these things.
- 00:37 So, every select statement has to have the same number of columns.
- 00:41 So if you're using two select statements, it has to have the same number.
- 00:44 Both of them have to have the same number of columns,
- 00:46 otherwise you're gonna get an error.
- 00:47 The columns also have to have the same data types.
- 00:51 So if we look at our design thing here,
- 00:57 we have our data types, email address, and country.
- 00:59 We can use a union statement for this two, but not for like, say, age and country,
- 01:04 because they have different data types.
- 01:05 Also, text, you can't use union for text data types.
- 01:09 That's just another shortcoming of the text data type that we
- 01:12 keep running across throughout this course.
- 01:14 So those are the first two things.
- 01:15 The third thing you need to know is that the columns in each select statement
- 01:19 have to be in the same order.
- 01:21 So just three things you need to sort of be aware of, and
- 01:24 a lot of times, those prohibitions, I guess you would call them,
- 01:27 make use using the union operator kind of hard to do, but, nonetheless,
- 01:30 we are going to give it a try, so let's come back here and look at our design.
- 01:35 What did we say email address and country,
- 01:37 they have the same varchar data type so we can use those.
- 01:40 Let's start out with select email address from customers to.
- 01:47 Now, to use the union operator, you just type in UNION, and then go ahead and
- 01:53 write another select statement, because you're joining,
- 01:58 you're unioning two select statements, so our next one was country.
- 02:04 Okay, and we can kinda tab these around.
- 02:07 Make them easier to look at.
- 02:10 So that's it.
- 02:11 So if we execute this, what we get is one column
- 02:14 with everything from our Email Address column and our Country column.
- 02:18 And you can see it's sort of a jumbled mess.
- 02:21 If you look at it, it looks to be in ascending alphabetical order.
- 02:30 So ascending alphabetical order.
- 02:32 So that's the union operator.
- 02:34 So you might be thinking, why not just come up here, instead of using union,
- 02:40 just slap in Country, like this, like we've done in the past.
- 02:43 So if we delete that and run this, you see, well then two columns.
- 02:48 And that may work in some instances, in some it may not.
- 02:51 So you may want all this data in one column for
- 02:54 some specific reason and in that case you would use Union.
- 02:58 And also, like I said at the beginning of this video,
- 03:00 you're going to use Union a lot for pulling data from different tables.
- 03:05 And right now we only have one table to pull from, but you can
- 03:08 sort of imagine if you had three or four or five or 100 different tables and
- 03:12 you wanted to pull data from each one and slap them all into one column like this,
- 03:16 and then do stuff with them, this would be a great and easy way to do it.
- 03:19 And, in fact we can make a table really quickly here and just see if.
- 03:22 Come to Tables, right click, new Table.
- 03:25 Let's go email, email address, keep it simple,
- 03:29 it has to be the same, so varchar50 and now if we just save this.
- 03:34 Yes.
- 03:34 And let's call this Past_Customers.
- 03:40 So if we come back here to our customer reload this table so
- 03:45 we could get this Past_Customers and
- 03:48 let's just really quickly create bob@bob.com,
- 03:53 tim@tim.com, sally@sally.com whatever,
- 03:58 just a few simple email addresses.
- 04:01 So if we close this, now we come back to our statement here and get rid of, or
- 04:06 we could just change this.
- 04:09 Now we want the email addresses from our current customers and
- 04:12 we all want it from our past customers as well.
- 04:14 So Email Address, and we'll just change the name, so
- 04:19 this is what you'll do if you have multiple to pool tables, Past_Customers,
- 04:24 everything else stays the same.
- 04:25 And you notice, well, first I'm gonna save this and execute it.
- 04:30 So we get six results from our Current customer,
- 04:33 now if we add back in this union run it again and
- 04:36 now we get nine results, we get that Bob, Sally and Tim, and we just add.
- 04:41 So that's how you use Union with separate tables, very easy,
- 04:44 very simple to do and this is a pretty good example.
- 04:47 You may have email addresses from current customers, past customers,
- 04:51 revolving customers, old customers, whatever different tables you have,
- 04:56 you might wanna use union to smoosh them all into one big report if you're gonna,
- 05:00 for instance, send out an email, newsletter, or something.
- 05:03 So that's the union operator.
- 05:04 In the next video, we will look at functions.
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