Locked lesson.
About this lesson
A quick walkthrough of Visual Studio and some of its basic menus and features
Quick reference
Visual Studio Walkthrough
Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with Visual Studio.
When to use
Do this just once when you first install the software.
Take a moment to look around the software. Maybe play with the color scheme or font size.
Login to download- 00:03 Okay, so let's go ahead and dive into Visual Studio.
- 00:07 So if you've been following along and we're installing this thing and
- 00:09 you didn't have to restart your computer, it probably popped up and is ready to go.
- 00:13 So, you're either looking at the screen or not, so
- 00:16 if not go to your Windows start menu and just type in visual.
- 00:19 You start to type in VIS and Visual Studio is going to pop up, click on that and
- 00:22 then this should open.
- 00:24 So we want to come down here and create a new project, so I'm going to click on this
- 00:27 guy down here, and then you can create whatever kind of app you want.
- 00:30 So we see a sharp console application, go ahead and click that,
- 00:33 you scroll through here, you can kind of look there's asp.net.
- 00:38 Last library, asp.net core, different things.
- 00:42 We're not going to be doing most of this stuff in this course.
- 00:45 But there's other fun things you can play around with if you're interested.
- 00:48 So we just want a console application, so click on it to highlight and
- 00:51 then click, Next.
- 00:53 And then we need to name this thing and I'm going to name this HelloWorld.
- 00:57 And you're going to want to pick a location to save these projects.
- 01:02 So I've actually got one that I've created on my desktop.
- 01:06 I'm just calling it C sharp project, so I'll just click that.
- 01:09 You can save these files anywhere you want.
- 01:11 It really doesn't matter whatsoever, but
- 01:13 it's nice to have a sort of central place to keep your projects.
- 01:16 So here we go, that looks good, solution name, solution and
- 01:19 project are slightly different things.
- 01:21 We'll probably get into the differences between those or click on this.
- 01:26 You can say a solution is a container for one or more projects.
- 01:29 So you have a project, and then you have a solution.
- 01:31 So the solution holds the projects and
- 01:33 you can have many different projects in a solution.
- 01:36 It's something we don't really care about right now.
- 01:38 This is for more advanced uses.
- 01:40 So we can just sort of ignore that.
- 01:41 And then, go ahead and come down here and click Next.
- 01:44 And then, you can pick which .net framework you want.
- 01:46 So there's 3.1, which is long term support, or there's 5.0,
- 01:50 which is the current one.
- 01:51 I usually tend to go with long term support.
- 01:53 That's the most stable version.
- 01:55 The latest version, maybe there's bugs, maybe there's whatever,
- 01:59 it's probably fine.
- 02:00 But it's just kind of good idea to always go with the long term support one that's
- 02:04 the most stable version.
- 02:05 So let's go ahead and click Create and when we do, boom it opens up.
- 02:09 So this is Visual Studio,
- 02:10 this is what we're going to be working in throughout the rest of the course.
- 02:14 And just spend a little bit of time now kind of looking through here and
- 02:18 getting to know this thing.
- 02:21 You notice my text is pretty big here.
- 02:24 Yours is probably much smaller, so you can come up to Tools and Options and
- 02:28 play around with different sizes.
- 02:30 So, you can see we've got general, we've got accounts and
- 02:33 we could scroll through here.
- 02:36 And you can see fonts and colors,
- 02:37 if we click on this you can see I've changed my font to size 20.
- 02:40 So it's easier for you guys to see on the videos.
- 02:42 Change it to whatever you want if you want smaller texts, more normal text,
- 02:46 Leave it as the default, or
- 02:48 like I said you can play around with these numbers here.
- 02:50 You could change different colors here so you got the background, I change that,
- 02:55 all kinds of different things you could play around with and bring this back up.
- 02:59 But spend a couple minutes just kind of playing around and
- 03:02 looking at these different things.
- 03:03 All kinds of things you can modify in here and
- 03:06 we're not going to modify most of these things.
- 03:08 But it's nice to sort of familiarize yourself with what's available if you
- 03:12 want to play around with it.
- 03:13 So here's our code this is basically our project and you can see there's
- 03:17 already some stuff in here, that's because we called this HelloWorld and
- 03:21 HelloWorld is the traditional first program any coder creates, right?
- 03:24 It's just how it is.
- 03:26 So it's kind of created a little HelloWorld program for us.
- 03:29 It knew what we wanted to do, and
- 03:31 we'll get into that more in the next video.
- 03:33 In this video, I just want to sort of show this to you, say hey,
- 03:37 it's okay to kind of look around, click these things, right?
- 03:41 You want to save a thing we come up here to File and then Save or
- 03:46 Save All or Save As.
- 03:47 And if we look, let me pull up Windows Explorer right here.
- 03:51 You can see I'm in my desktop where I created this directory C sharp projects.
- 03:56 And inside of this folder, we have this now HelloWorld folder.
- 03:59 If we click on it, this is all the stuff that's going on in here.
- 04:04 So that's pretty much all I wanted to say in this video.
- 04:06 In the next video we will jump into this HelloWorld program.
- 04:10 We'll run it and go from there.
- 04:12 So that'll be in the next video.
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