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When people are clear on the actions and duties expected of them to achieve a goal with a purpose, chances go up of the team achieving the desired outcome. This module looks at how to implement clear actions and duties.
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Clear Actions & Duties
In order to be successful in meeting a goal make sure you have clear actions and duties. Determine the action steps that you need to achieve the goal, prioritize those steps and be flexible.
When to use
You should always define clear actions and duties for yourself and your team.
You need to come up with clear actions and duties to be successful.
- Have specific timelines, boundaries and expectations for actions and duties.
- Prioritize what needs to get done and what can be skipped to achieve outcome.
- Be flexible. If it does not work, try something else.
- Measure and track results.
- Have specific guidelines, boundaries and expectations for actions and duties. The more clear you can be the more chances of success.
The first thing that comes into play is project management. Create your action items. Break down the tasks that need to happen to reach the desired outcome and assign people to those tasks.
Use the collaborative leadership style here. Let the team help you decide the tasks and what they want to do to reach your goal.
Assign duties based on the team member’s strengths for the best results. Make sure you have the best person in the best place to meet the goal.
Login to download- 00:04 In this video, we are going to look at clear actions and duties.
- 00:09 Clear actions and duties.
- 00:11 So what are the action steps that need to be taken in order to achieve that goal?
- 00:17 In order to have success in that project?
- 00:20 In order to hit those quarterly numbers.
- 00:23 So this is where, the first thing that comes in is your project management.
- 00:27 These are those action items.
- 00:29 You've got somebody assigned to the task.
- 00:31 This is what we're gonna do.
- 00:33 And you wanna break it down to be very specific.
- 00:35 You've got your driving purpose behind it, and
- 00:37 now we know exactly what we're gonna do to get it.
- 00:40 And this is great.
- 00:42 Use the collaborative leadership style here.
- 00:44 Cuz you can take the different leadership styles and put them in together.
- 00:49 Because this is going to help gain buy-in from the team.
- 00:53 When they get to decide hey, if I do X, Y and
- 00:55 Z, that's gonna help us get us to the goal.
- 00:58 And if it's within the realm, if it's something that's good,
- 01:00 something that's gonna work, use it.
- 01:03 Let them do it.
- 01:04 Let them go, let them roll with it.
- 01:07 It's gonna be something that helps you get to your goal, because a lot of times,
- 01:11 as leaders, we get caught up in the minutiae, don't we?
- 01:14 This little piece didn't go right, this little piece didn't go right,
- 01:17 this piece didn't go right.
- 01:17 This person wants to do this, or this, or this.
- 01:20 Refocus yourself on your outcome and if somebody can do something that they come
- 01:25 up that's gonna help you hit that goal that works within your guidelines and
- 01:30 your values, it might be best to let them roll with it.
- 01:33 Good.
- 01:34 Next, assign duties based on strengths of the team member for the best results.
- 01:38 We talked about that in other videos.
- 01:39 I can't stress that enough.
- 01:41 Make sure that you have the right person in the right place doing the right action.
- 01:46 And remember cohesive action towards a common goal, for
- 01:50 the greater good that's what we're working towards.
- 01:52 Even if there's different actions that each co-worker is doing.
- 01:56 Each person has there own little piece that they're working on.
- 02:00 Now there's three things that you really wanna make sure, this is the secret sauce,
- 02:03 to get those clear actions and duties to help you move to your goal.
- 02:07 The first one is prioritize.
- 02:09 Which specific order are you going to go through these different action items?
- 02:14 Which things need to get done and, this is important,
- 02:18 which things can be skipped and still achieve your outcome?
- 02:23 Again, if you get caught up in the minutia, some of these things,
- 02:26 some of these ideas that came out, you may not have to do it and
- 02:29 you can still hit your outcome.
- 02:30 You can get there quicker, faster and easier.
- 02:34 So map it all out.
- 02:36 And number two, you have to be flexible to try things.
- 02:39 This is some of the biggest Hurdles that my clients come across.
- 02:43 When they put a plan together, they don't wanna change it.
- 02:46 Well, listen,
- 02:47 when you try something that doesn't work, you have to try something else.
- 02:52 And you need to measure and track those results, right, yearly, quarterly,
- 02:55 monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, like we talked about.
- 02:58 And you need to measure it to make sure that,
- 03:00 hey, you're on track towards your goal.
- 03:02 Remember that example I used if we were flying from San Diego to Hawaii?
- 03:06 You're always course correcting, you've got to try something else.
- 03:10 And number three, you have to have specific guidelines, boundaries,
- 03:15 and expectations for actions and duties.
- 03:18 When you look at any successful company they've got those systems.
- 03:21 You've got a handbook, you've got the manuals,
- 03:24 the guides, nowadays you even have videos.
- 03:27 So that your staff, they know exactly what those guidelines are.
- 03:30 What they can do, what they can't do, what's expected of them.
- 03:35 And the more clear you can be on those things, the more chance of success
- 03:39 that you have when you implement those actions and doings.
- 03:42 So I love the story with Thomas Edison.
- 03:45 He said he did not fail to create the light bulb 10,000 times.
- 03:50 He simply found 10,000 ways it would not work.
- 03:54 You try something, you course correct.
- 03:55 You try something, you course correct.
- 03:58 So to recap, clear actions and duties.
- 04:00 What are the action steps to achieving this goal.
- 04:03 You wanna get your project management.
- 04:05 You wanna put the collaborative leadership style into this process so
- 04:10 that you get the best from everybody.
- 04:12 You assign duties based on strengths of your team members.
- 04:15 And you're gonna take cohesive action towards one common goal.
- 04:19 And the three things for the secret sauce, you have to prioritize.
- 04:22 Which specific order to do things, and which things need to get done, and
- 04:26 which things could be skipped and still get your outcome.
- 04:30 You have to start thinking that way and start looking outside.
- 04:33 Hey, we don't have to do everything, what we need to do is get our outcome.
- 04:38 Number two, you have to be flexible to try new things when something doesn't work.
- 04:42 You try something else, and finally you have to ask specific guidelines.
- 04:47 Whether it's in the manual or a handbook or some videos that you shot.
- 04:51 So everybody knows exactly what's expected with them, from them.
- 04:54 Exactly what they're going to do and put it in there their strength so
- 04:58 they can excel.
- 04:59 You guys got this, we'll see you in the next video.
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