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The best leaders can anticipate the challenges that will arise in the future and put a plan in place to overcome that challenge.
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Anticipate Challenges
Anything worth having in business and life comes with challenges. You will learn how to overcome challenges and the strategies to overcome them. You need to anticipate challenges. Those challenges are coming, so if you anticipate the hurdles you can have a backup plan in place.
When to use
Whenever you are trying to overcome challenges you must first assess where you are. Be brutally honest with yourself and your team.
When you are driving, and see a speed bump in a parking lot, you don’t freak out because you know you can drive around it or slow down and drive over it. The hurdles in your business are the same. You know the hurdles are out there, so when you anticipate these hurdles you can take some of the sting out of the challenge. Once you overcome a challenge you have another challenge to look forward to because that is how business unfolds.
To help you anticipate the challenges you can do the following:
- Identify the threats
- Competition
- Market Conditions
- Things outside of your control like governmental regulations, the weather
- Come up with alternative plans
- Have these plans in place so you are ready to roll if the challenge presents itself
These challenges might not always present themselves, but if they do you will have the peace of mind of knowing you have an alternative plan.
Login to download- 00:04 In this video, we're going to talk about anticipating hurdles.
- 00:09 Anticipating hurdles, right?
- 00:11 Because those challenges are coming, so when you can anticipate those challenges,
- 00:16 now you've got a plan B, or a plan C, or a plan D.
- 00:20 So let me ask you a question.
- 00:22 Do you drive?
- 00:25 Do drive in parking lots?
- 00:27 Yeah.
- 00:28 And you see those,
- 00:28 what do you call those things when you drive into the parking lot?
- 00:32 The speed bump, right?
- 00:33 Here comes the speed bump.
- 00:34 When you drive into a parking lot and you see a speed bump, do you freak out?
- 00:38 I hope you said, no, because if you said, yes, you should not be driving, okay?
- 00:42 So when you see a speed bump, you don't freak out.
- 00:43 Why not?
- 00:45 Because you know you can drive around it, or you can drive over it.
- 00:49 I have some clients tell me, hey, you know what?
- 00:50 I just floor it and go flying over it, okay?
- 00:54 So, your hurtles in your business are the same,
- 00:57 because you know they're out there, don't you?
- 00:59 You know these challenges are coming.
- 01:01 So when you anticipate the challenges, you can take some of the surprise out of it,
- 01:05 some of the sting out of it, okay?
- 01:08 Just like the speed bumps in a parking lot.
- 01:11 Because really, you have two things to look forward to.
- 01:14 A challenge coming, overcoming the challenge, and
- 01:16 then guess what's waiting on the other side?
- 01:19 The next one to follow.
- 01:21 Right? Another challenge.
- 01:22 Same thing in a parking lot.
- 01:23 The parking lot's big enough, you get over a speed bump, there'll be enough one.
- 01:27 You don't freak out.
- 01:28 You just go around it, you go over it, or you go flying over it.
- 01:33 This is what you need to do in your market.
- 01:35 You need to identify the threats.
- 01:38 So whether that's competition, whether it's market conditions,
- 01:43 things that are outside of your control, like governmental regulations or
- 01:48 laws, or even the weather.
- 01:50 I mean I had a client who had a company in the Caribbean, so
- 01:54 hurricanes were a very real threat.
- 01:56 And we had to anticipate what to do if a hurricane hits.
- 02:00 Okay? So you have to come up with the remedies.
- 02:03 So identify the threats, and come up with the remedies.
- 02:07 Okay?
- 02:07 And this isn't being pessimistic at all.
- 02:09 It's just being prepared.
- 02:11 There's a big difference.
- 02:13 Being optimistic on your dreams is great.
- 02:16 And you have to be prepared in case something else goes sideways, okay?
- 02:20 Get ready for those hurdles.
- 02:22 Next, come up with alternative plans, a plan B, plan C,
- 02:27 plan D if need be, so that you've got it in place, ready to roll.
- 02:32 So I had an entertainment company, special events company.
- 02:35 And whenever we would do special events there's no take two.
- 02:40 Okay? When that event starts,
- 02:41 it is gone and going, off to the races, right?
- 02:45 And challenges will happen, and you have to handle those on the fly.
- 02:48 So we would really anticipate what was happening in the environment.
- 02:53 Where was this event gonna be?
- 02:54 Equipment-wise, talent-wise,
- 02:58 we had to have plan B, plan C, plan D, and ready to go in a moment's notice.
- 03:03 Okay, one of the biggest things was equipment.
- 03:05 So what if some speakers went out for the band?
- 03:09 Or if some lighting went out, right?
- 03:11 We have to have backup speakers.
- 03:12 We have to have backup lighting.
- 03:14 Sometimes we had backup talent in case the talent couldn't make it or
- 03:18 was sick or something.
- 03:20 So you have to anticipate the hurdles,
- 03:22 not necessarily that they're going to happen, but
- 03:24 if they do, you've got that peace of mind, and boom you just move into your plan B.
- 03:29 Okay, so let's recap, when hurdles are coming at you, don't freak out,
- 03:33 because you know they're coming.
- 03:35 And what you have to look forward to is when you get one challenge,
- 03:38 you've got the next challenge after that.
- 03:40 Okay?
- 03:41 That's how business unfolds.
- 03:42 That's how your life will unfold.
- 03:45 So anticipate the challenges, so you know how to overcome them, and when, and
- 03:50 if they occur, okay?
- 03:51 So you know how to overcome them.
- 03:52 Identify the threats in your market, whether it's competition,
- 03:56 market conditions, uncontrollable outside sources, like government regulations or
- 04:00 laws or the weather, and come up with the remedies for
- 04:03 those, plan B, plan C, plan D, if need be, okay?
- 04:08 All right, you guys got this.
- 04:09 We'll see you in the next video.
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