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When your organization is working as a cohesive team, you achieve more goals, morale goes up and quality increases. In this module we look at the importance of a team and how to use the team to achieve the desired outcomes.
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Create Synergy
Perpetuating teamwork is the final step in leadership because when your organization is working as a cohesive team you achieve more goals and then morale goes up and quality increases. We look at the importance of a team and how to use the team to achieve the desired outcome. You must start with creating synergy within your team.
When to use
All leaders should create synergy within their team. A team that works together is what makes a team work.
Football coach, Vince Lombardi once said “Individual commitment to a group effort, that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work and a civilization work.”
When you look at sports, the teams with the best players and the largest salaries, are rarely the teams that win the championships. It is the team that have the best teamwork that win.
From synergy comes innovation. Without innovation, your company dies. Blockbuster could have bought Netflix, but they didn’t and as a result they are gone. Borders bookstore is out of business because online books took over.
As a leader you need to make sure you are taking care of your team, using that collaborative style of leadership and you are looking toward the future. You are anticipating what is coming and you are there.
- First, meet with your team a minimum of once a week. Talk about how you can continue to get better and grow and deliver the results you are looking for.
- Second, solicit the biggest challenges your team is facing and allow input from your team to overcome them. Heated conversations are ok. Some of the best ideas come from heated arguments. The best results can come from people that are very passionate and take a stand.
- Third, when the team comes to a decision everyone supports it. Even if they don’t agree with the method they must accept it to create synergy on the team.
- 00:04 All right, congratulations, you made it to Step 7,
- 00:08 the last step, perpetuate teamwork.
- 00:12 Because when your organization is working as a cohesive team,
- 00:17 you achieve more goals, and then your moral goes up, and your quality increases.
- 00:23 So in this video, we look at the importance of a team and
- 00:27 how to use the team to achieve the desired outcome.
- 00:32 So we start with creating synergy, okay?
- 00:35 Legendary football coach, Vince Lombardi, once said,
- 00:39 individual commitment to a group effort, that is what makes a team work,
- 00:45 a company work, a society work, and a civilization work.
- 00:51 I love that quote.
- 00:53 And what's funny when you look at sports and
- 00:56 think about the championship teams, okay?
- 00:59 Because the teams, really, with the best players that have those big
- 01:04 long lists of millions and millions of dollars, the salary taps and
- 01:08 all that stuff, they rarely win the championships, don't they?
- 01:13 There's a great movie.
- 01:15 Have you ever seen a movie called Money Ball, with Brad Pitt?
- 01:20 It's a story about one season based on true events with the Oakland A's.
- 01:25 They brought a team together where each
- 01:28 person on that team had a specialized strength.
- 01:31 They weren't the super stars, they weren't the highest paid, and the reason they did
- 01:34 it quite frankly is because the A's had a low budget that time that year.
- 01:40 But when everybody came together as a team, they didn't win the championship,
- 01:44 but they came very, very close.
- 01:46 They all work cohesively and were able to win games.
- 01:50 So those championship teams with the best players rarely win the championships.
- 01:54 It's those teams that have the best teamwork, those are the ones that win.
- 02:00 Does it make sense?
- 02:01 Okay, excellent.
- 02:03 So from synergy comes innovation.
- 02:06 Because we've talked about this before.
- 02:07 If you don't innovate, your company dies.
- 02:10 Do you remember a little company called Blockbuster?
- 02:15 Now, a $9 billion company.
- 02:17 And they could have bought Netflix for a mere $50 million.
- 02:20 Chump change, right?
- 02:23 But they didn't do it.
- 02:24 They thought, no, people are not gonna want that.
- 02:27 Streaming videos.
- 02:28 Who would think, right?
- 02:30 And where's Blockbuster today?
- 02:32 They're gone.
- 02:34 Remember Tower Records?
- 02:35 What a behemoth in the record industry.
- 02:37 I love Tower Records.
- 02:39 Those of you don't know what a record was, it was this disk that played music, okay?
- 02:44 It's great, and Tower Records went away because of digital music downloads, right?
- 02:50 And Apple capitalized on that with the iPod and others.
- 02:54 What about taxi cabs?
- 02:55 We've got Uber now.
- 02:57 That's taking over Transportation, private transportation, right?
- 03:03 What about Borders Books, the bookstore?
- 03:05 Who replaced them?
- 03:06 Amazon, right?
- 03:10 So we still have to make sure that we're innovating.
- 03:13 That as leaders, we're taking care of our team, creating that synergy, so
- 03:18 we're using that collaborative style of leadership, and
- 03:21 we're looking to the future.
- 03:23 We're anticipating what's coming, and we're there, okay?
- 03:27 Excellent.
- 03:28 Next, you wanna make sure you meet with your team a minimum of once a week, okay?
- 03:34 I love the Ritz-Carlton because they do the daily huddles.
- 03:37 We talked about that in one of the past videos, didn't we?
- 03:40 At least just 15 minutes before your shift, right?
- 03:43 Just get together, get a positive testimony or a quote, and
- 03:47 get some input from your team members on how you can continue to get better and
- 03:51 better and to grow.
- 03:52 And deliver whatever kind of service you're looking for
- 03:54 or whatever kind of results you're looking for, okay?
- 03:57 So you wanna meet with your team, create that synergy.
- 04:00 Number two, you wanna solicit the biggest challenges your team is facing and
- 04:04 allow input from your team to overcome it, right?
- 04:08 Now, listen.
- 04:10 Heated conversation or arguments are okay.
- 04:13 Some of the best companies and some of the best ideas come from these heated
- 04:17 arguments, when people are real passionate about their stance.
- 04:22 It doesn't have to be all love and kumbaya.
- 04:24 How great is that?
- 04:25 No, sometimes it really is people being passionate and taking a stand.
- 04:30 That's how you get the best result.
- 04:32 That's how you get the best solutions to these challenges, okay?
- 04:35 So if that's what it takes, let it roll.
- 04:39 And number three, when the team comes to a decision,
- 04:42 this is important, everyone supports it.
- 04:46 Who supports it?
- 04:47 Everyone supports it, even if they disagree with the method.
- 04:51 Why is that important?
- 04:52 Because you need that synergy.
- 04:53 Everybody has to agree on what direction they're heading in and
- 04:57 how they're going to get there.
- 04:59 They don't have to like it, but they've got to agree and accept it, okay?
- 05:04 So let's go back and recap.
- 05:07 To create synergy, you wanna make sure that, hey,
- 05:11 you're meeting with the team minimum once a week.
- 05:14 It comes from innovation.
- 05:15 So make it okay for your team members to come up with ideas and
- 05:20 to fail a little bit, right?
- 05:22 But you wanna meet with them, keep those ideas flowing.
- 05:25 Number two, you wanna solicit the biggest challenges and
- 05:28 get input from your team and how to overcome those challenges, right?
- 05:32 We've talked about attacking challenges together.
- 05:35 And number three.
- 05:35 When the team comes to a decision, everybody supports it.
- 05:38 Whether they agree or disagree, everybody needs to come together and
- 05:42 make it happen so that you guys can get your outcome, all right?
- 05:45 Sound good?
- 05:46 Good.
- 05:48 We'll see you guys in the next video.
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