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When your team feels supported they are willing to take more risks and innovate to achieve your desired outcome. Productivity increases substantially.
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Team Support
Perpetuating teamwork is the final step in leadership because when your organization is working as a cohesive team you achieve more goals and then morale goes up and quality increases. We look at the importance of a team and how to use the team to achieve the desired outcome. As a leader you must always support your team.
When to use
Always support your team emotionally and through resources and lead by example.
As a leader it is so important to support your team.
Emotionally – If someone on the team needs a little extra help, you as a leader can provide them the emotional support to meet the desired outcome. Think of a time when you were down and needed the support from your team to get through.
Resources - Support your team with whatever resources they need to meet the end goal. This could be adding additional people, putting more money towards a project or adding more time to a project.
Set an Example - As a leader you can step in and pick up the slack when needed. Lead by example, so that others on your team will also start stepping up and picking up the slack.
Login to download- 00:04 In this video, we're going to talk about team support.
- 00:08 How do you support your team?
- 00:10 Because as leaders, it's so important for us to give that support to our team and
- 00:15 other team members to support each other.
- 00:17 So the first way is emotionally.
- 00:20 Have you ever had a time when you were down or in trouble and
- 00:24 your team helped you through?
- 00:27 I share personal story with you, I love to travel,
- 00:29 I love to see new cultures and learn new things about history and
- 00:35 all these different things of different places.
- 00:36 I love it, it's one of my passions and
- 00:39 I had the privilege years ago to go to a place called Machu Picchu in Peru.
- 00:43 And this was this lost city for
- 00:45 a number of years until somebody stumbled across it.
- 00:48 And it's absolutely amazing.
- 00:50 And I've gotta tell you when when I go, I like to go, right.
- 00:54 So I did a four day trek through the Andes absolutely beautiful.
- 00:59 But I'll tell you, I was at the highest point almost 14,000 feet.
- 01:01 And the way I had planned this trip, I also took a trip to the Amazon.
- 01:08 Now there I was below sea level and when you go from below sea level to where I
- 01:13 started my trek about 9,000 feet or so, you've gotta acclimate.
- 01:17 You take a few days so that your body gets used to the altitude.
- 01:21 But me, I'm like hey, I'm an athlete.
- 01:23 I've got these pills from my travel doctor that are gonna take care of my altitude
- 01:26 sickness if I get it, no worries.
- 01:28 So the very next day, I take off on my trek after being in the Amazon okay?
- 01:34 So this was kind of crazy.
- 01:35 So of course, I get altitude sickness.
- 01:38 I'm taking the pills, it's not really working I'm feeling pretty weak.
- 01:42 I've got shortness of breath.
- 01:43 I've got stomach pains.
- 01:45 So what happened was, we were with a team
- 01:48 of not only other people who were hiking with us but also the porters.
- 01:52 Now the porters, they help carry things for our tents and our cooking and
- 01:57 all types of things.
- 01:59 And they're local people from that area of the world, right.
- 02:03 And so they're used to living in that climate.
- 02:05 In fact, their hearts are a little bit bigger and
- 02:08 their lungs are a little bit bigger too.
- 02:10 And have more lung capacity.
- 02:12 So that they can breathe that thin air and they do really well.
- 02:15 And what ended up happening was they helped carry my pack, right?
- 02:19 So I had just come out of full ACL knee reconstruction surgery as well, right?
- 02:24 So I'm walking with my walking stick and
- 02:26 these guys on this team, on my team, helped me carry my pack and
- 02:30 get through those four days to the trek and get to Manchu Picchu safely okay.
- 02:35 So think about a time when hey, you really needed your team support.
- 02:40 That's what you wanna create.
- 02:42 That's what you wanna create in your organization, okay?
- 02:45 Now, next you wanna support your team with resources.
- 02:49 I love this conversation.
- 02:51 There's never enough resources is there?
- 02:54 Typically no, right?
- 02:56 What kind of resource are we talking about?
- 02:58 We're talking about people.
- 03:00 We're talking about money.
- 03:02 We're talking about time.
- 03:04 So you wanna support your team with whatever resources you can.
- 03:08 Okay, and you wanna do contributing actions as well as a leader.
- 03:12 And you want your team members to learn from you and lead by example,
- 03:16 that exemplary leadership, right?
- 03:19 So even if it's not your job,
- 03:20 support your team to get things done that move your team towards its goal, right?
- 03:25 This is crucial, so you have everybody picking up the slack, right?
- 03:30 You see it in restaurants as a very simple example, when the wait staff is
- 03:34 really busy and your waiter in particular may be serving a number of people.
- 03:40 If there's another waiter or waitress that's around,
- 03:42 another server, they can grab the food and
- 03:45 run it out to you while that other person is waiting on somebody else, okay.
- 03:49 So that's a very simple example of somebody picking up the slack to
- 03:54 help reach a common outcome okay, or a common goal.
- 03:58 Now, I was in Palm Springs recently with my family and we went to this hotel,
- 04:05 it's a great hotel and they actually had a luau over the weekend.
- 04:09 And it was kinda windy that weekend and
- 04:11 what end up happening was a lot of the luau things, the plates and cups and
- 04:15 everything blew into this beautiful landscaping right along this golf course.
- 04:19 And the next morning we were getting our stuff ready, to go out and sit by the pool
- 04:24 and I see the general manager walking through landscaping picking up trash.
- 04:30 Now, here's a guy who very easily could have called maintenance or
- 04:35 landscaping or anybody he wanted to and have them pick it up.
- 04:39 But no, he was doing it himself.
- 04:42 That exemplary leadership.
- 04:44 Hey, setting the bar and expecting his people to do the same.
- 04:49 Are you doing that in your organization?
- 04:52 I hope so, take a look at that okay.
- 04:55 Because when you do what you expect of your team,
- 04:59 it's a lot easier to get them to buy in and support you okay.
- 05:03 So team support, you wanna support them emotionally right?
- 05:07 You wanna think of a time when you were down or in trouble and
- 05:09 the team helped you through.
- 05:11 And that's the environment you want to create.
- 05:13 You also wanna support your team with resources,
- 05:16 whether it's people, money, time.
- 05:18 And you want to set an example, that exemplary leadership really
- 05:23 help pick up the slack, so that your team will start picking up the slack for
- 05:27 each other whether it is or is not their job to do so.
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