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About this lesson
The Navigation Pane is an area on the left side of the database that enables you to open and change the design of objects.
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Quick reference
The Navigation Pane
Application Terminology
To choose how objects will be categorized, or grouped, in the Navigation Pane, right-click on the Navigation Pane header and choose Category. Choices are:
- Tables and Related Views
- Object Type (best)
- Created Date – grouped by date ranges such as Today, Last Week, Two Weeks Ago, Last Month, Last Year, etc.
- Modified Date – grouped by date ranges such as Today, Last Week, Two Weeks Ago, Last Month, Last Year, etc.
You can also click on the Navigation Pane Header to choose a category or just one group to show.
Collapse << or Expand >> the Navigation Pane, Shutter button
Collapse << or Expand >> the Navigation Pane by clicking its shutter button in the top right of the Navigation Pane.
Collapse or Expand Groups
Collapse or Expand Groups in the Navigation Pane by clicking on the group header.
Copy Object
To rename an object, right-click on it in the Navigation Pane and choose Copy from the shortcut menu. You can also press Ctrl-C when the object is selected.
Copy Object Name
To copy the object name so you can paste it somewhere else, choose Rename so the object name gets selected, and press Ctrl-C. Then press ESC to undo inadvertent changes and not rename.
Create Macro
To create a macro, click on the Create ribbon and then the Macro icon on the right. One way to run a macro is to double-click on its name in the Navigation Pane.
To view or change the Description for an object, right-click on the object name in the Navigation Pane and choose [Table | Query | View | Object] Properties from the bottom of the shortcut menu.
Dismiss a Menu
To dismiss a menu, press the ESCape key on your keyboard.
Hidden Objects
Show or hide Hidden Objects by right-clicking and on the Navigation Pane header and choosing Navigation Options from the shortcut menu. Check or clear Show Hidden Objects in the lower left. When hidden objects are displayed, their names will be gray instead of black in the Navigation Pane.
Hide Object
To hide an object, check the Hidden attribute in the object Properties dialog box. To unhide an object, clear the Hidden attribute in the object Properties dialog box.
MessageBox is a macro action that enables you to pop up a message to the user.
Navigation Options
To see Navigation Options, right-click on the Navigation Pane header and choose Navigation Options from the shortcut menu. In this dialog box, you can choose to show or hide Hidden Objects, show or hide System Objects, show or hide the Search Bar, and define groups.
Navigation Pane Width
Change the width of the Navigation Pane by dragging its right border.
Object Type
Object Type is a good way to look at objects in the Navigation Pane. Right-click on the Navigation Pane header and choose Category, or click on the Navigation Pane Header and choose what you want. Objects will be grouped by Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports, Macros, and Modules. Empty groups are not displayed.
Open Object
To open an object displayed in the Navigation Pane, double-click its name or right-click and choose Open from the shortcut menu.
Paste Object
To paste an object that has been copied to the clipboard, right-click in the Navigation Pane and choose Paste from the shortcut menu. You can also press Ctrl-V in the Navigation Pane.
Rename Object
To rename an object, right-click on it in the Navigation Pane and choose Rename from the shortcut menu. You can also press the F2 key when the object is selected.
Search Bar
Show or hide the Search Bar by right-clicking and on the Navigation Pane header and choosing Navigation Options from the shortcut menu. Check or clear Search Bar in the lower left. You can also press Ctrl-F in the Navigation Pane to show the search bar and make it active.
Sort Navigation Pane
To specify how to view objects in the Navigation Pane, right-click on the Navigation Pane header and choose Sort by. Choices are:
- Name
- Type
- Created Date
- Modified Date
System Objects
Show or hide System Objects by right-clicking and on the Navigation Pane header and choosing Navigation Options from the shortcut menu. Check or clear Show System Objects in the lower left. Microsoft system objects start with "Msys" and are colored gray. User system objects start with "usys".
When you create queries that your application needs, preface the names with "usys" so they hide from view.
Navigation Pane
The Navigation Pane is an area on the left side of the database that shows names of objects, and enables you to open and change the design of objects. You can also Rename, Cut, Copy, and Paste objects.
The shortcut key to make the Navigation Pane active is F11.
View By
To specify how to view objects in the Navigation Pane, right-click on the Navigation Pane header and choose View by. Choices are:
- Details – Name, Date Created, Date Modified, Description
- Icon - Name and big icon
- List – Name and small icon
Open Object from the Navigation Pane
- Double-click on the Name of an object to open it from the Navigation Pane
Copy Name of Object from the Navigation Pane
- To copy the name of an object, right-click and choose Rename from the shortcut menu
or pressto Rename
- The name will be selected. Right-click and choose Copy
or press - Press ESCape
to cancel renaming or click away (Escape is safer in case you accidentally changed something)
View Navigation Pane by Object Details
- To see more details for each object, right-click on the header of the Navigation Pane,
- Choose View By > Detail.
- In this view, you will see the date an object was Created and Modified. If there is a Description, you will see that too.
Change Object Description
- To change the Description for an object, right-click on it and choose Properties from the bottom of the shortcut menu.
- In this dialog box, you can also see when an object was Created and Modified, who owns it, and whether or not it is Hidden.
Show Hidden Objects in the Navigation Pane
- To see Hidden objects, right-click on the Navigation Pane header
- Choose Navigation Options
- Check or uncheck Hidden.
When Hidden objects are showing, they will be gray.
Show/Hide System Objects in the Navigation Pane
- To see System objects, right-click on the Navigation Pane header
- Choose Navigation Options
- Check or uncheck System.
Microsoft system objects are prefaced with MSys.
User system objects are prefaced with USys.
Case does not matter.
Remove/Set Hidden Flag from Object
- To change the Hidden status for an object, right-click on it and choose Properties from the bottom of the shortcut menu.
- Check or Uncheck the Hidden checkbox
Display or Hide the Search Bar
- To see show the Search Bar at the top of the Navigation Pane, right-click on the Navigation Pane header
- Choose Navigation Options
- Check or Uncheck the Show Search Bar checkbox
- Alternately, you can press
in the Navigation Pane to show the Search Bar and go to it.
Collapse the Navigation Pane
- Click
in the right top of the Navigation Pane to Collapse it.
Expand the Navigation Pane
- Click
in the right top of the Navigation Pane to expand it.
Resize the Navigation Pane
- To resize the Navigation Pane, position the mouse on tis right border
- When the cursor shape changes to
, click and drag
Collapse or Expand a Group in the Navigation Pane
- To Collapse or Expand a Group in the Navigation Pane, click on the Group Header.
View Objects in Navigation Pane by Object Type
- To View objects by Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports, Macros, and Modules
- Choose Category
Object Type
Sort Objects in Navigation Pane by Name
- To sort objects in Navigation Pane by Name, , right-click in the Navigation Pane Header
- Choose Sort By
Create Macro to Show Message Box
- Click the Create ribbon and then Macro.
- For the macro Action, choose MessageBox.
- Message: [type your message – i.e.: Hello World]
- Title: [type the Title – i.e.: This is a MessageBox]
- Save the macro and give it a good Name [i.e.: -- mcr_HelloWorld]
Run a macro
- To run a macro, double-click its name in the Navigation Pane
- You can also launch a macro from an event property by dropping the list in the property you want on the Property Sheet and choosing the macro name
- 00:04 This is Access 2013, Lesson 9.
- 00:09 The Navigation Pane shows you the names of an objects
- 00:13 and is what you use to get around in an Access database.
- 00:18 Hi this is Crystal
- 00:21 The shortcut key get to the Navigation Pane is F11.
- 00:23 The Navigation Pane is what you use
- 00:27 to get around in an Access database.
- 00:30 It shows you the objects.
- 00:33 In the first group I see names of Tables.
- 00:37 Double-click the name of an object
- 00:39 in the Navigation Pane to open it.
- 00:42 To close, click the X in the upper right corner.
- 00:46 You can quickly close an object
- 00:49 by double-clicking the Window icon
- 00:51 in the upper left corner.
- 00:54 Right-click on an object name for a shortcut menu
- 00:57 that allows you to choose options
- 00:59 such as Design View, Rename, Delete, Cut, and Copy.
- 01:09 Pressing ESCape makes the shortcut menu go away.
- 01:14 If you press the F2 key when an object is selected,
- 01:17 you can Rename it.
- 01:19 I often use rename to copy the name
- 01:22 so I can paste it somewhere else.
- 01:25 Then press ESCape to cancel renaming.
- 01:28 To see more details for each object,
- 01:30 right-click on the header of the Navigation Pane,
- 01:33 and choose View By > Detail.
- 01:36 In this view, you will see
- 01:38 the date an object was Created and Modified.
- 01:42 If there is a Description, you will see that too.
- 01:46 To change the Description for an object,
- 01:49 right-click on it and choose Properties
- 01:51 from the bottom of the shortcut menu.
- 01:54 In this dialog box, you can also see
- 01:57 when an object was Created and Modified,
- 02:00 who owns it, and whether or not it is Hidden.
- 02:04 If you check Hidden, the object will not show.
- 02:08 To see just the names of objects, choose View By > List.
- 02:13 To see Hidden objects,
- 02:15 right-click on the Navigation Pane header,
- 02:17 choose Navigation Options, and check Hidden.
- 02:22 When Hidden objects are showing, they will be gray.
- 02:26 Use the Properties dialog box
- 02:28 to remove the Hidden flag so it is normal again.
- 02:33 Also in the Navigation Options dialog box,
- 02:37 you can choose to see System objects.
- 02:41 System objects that start with "MSys"
- 02:44 are Microsoft System objects.
- 02:48 Ones that start with "USys" are user-system objects.
- 02:52 Those are your names.
- 02:54 Prefacing objects like queries with "usys"
- 02:57 when they are necessary and shouldn't be deleted
- 03:00 is a good idea.
- 03:02 The Navigation Options has a checkbox
- 03:05 to display or hide the Search Bar.
- 03:08 You can also toggle the Search Bar display
- 03:11 by right-clicking on the Navigation Pane header.
- 03:15 A fast way to turn on the Search Bar
- 03:18 is to press Ctrl-F when the Navigation Pane has the focus.
- 03:23 You can collapse or expand groups
- 03:25 by clicking on the Group header.
- 03:28 You can collapse and expand the entire Navigation Pane
- 03:31 by clicking its shutter button
- 03:34 Change the width of the Navigation Pane
- 03:36 by dragging its right border.
- 03:38 My favorite way to look at object names
- 03:42 in the Navigation Pane is by Object Type,
- 03:44 which is what you are seeing now.
- 03:47 This View shows Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports,
- 03:51 Macros, and Modules.
- 03:54 Empty groups, though, don't show.
- 03:56 In this database, there are no macros
- 03:58 so the Macros group doesn't show.
- 04:01 To get the macros group to show, create a macro.
- 04:05 Click the Create ribbon and then Macro.
- 04:08 For the macro Action, choose Message Box.
- 04:12 Message: Hello World
- 04:15 Title: This is a MessageBox
- 04:19 Let's name it mcr_HelloWorld.
- 04:23 We will discuss macros in greater detail down the road.
- 04:27 To change the Category, right-click
- 04:30 on the Navigation Pane header
- 04:31 and choose "Category" from the shortcut menu.
- 04:35 Created Date and Modified Date are grouped by date ranges
- 04:39 such as Today, Last Week, Last Month, and Last Year.
- 04:46 In the next lesson we will create a query with calculations.
- 04:50 We will also go deeper into the Navigation Pane.
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