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About this lesson
Control if responders can see their quiz results or not.
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3.04 display-quiz-results - Exercise.docx43.2 KB 3.04 display-quiz-results - Exercise solution.docx
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Quick reference
Display Quiz Results
Control if responders can view their quiz results immediately.
When to use
We can control how responders view their quiz results by displaying them as soon as they submit the form or hiding them.
Display Quiz Results
We can control if responders can see their answers to the quiz or not once they click submit.
View Results
- Click the three dots in the top right-hand corner.
- Click Settings.
- Toggle on Show results automatically.
Notice the Responses tab. If we have received any responses to the quiz, we can see them here.
- Click Preview in the top right-hand corner.
- Select the wrong answer for the first question and the right answer for the second question.
- Click Submit.
We can now choose to view our quiz results immediately.
- Click View results.
We can see our results immediately and also see the helpful messages added to each answer.
Do Not View Results
- Click the three dots in the top right-hand corner.
- Click Settings.
- Toggle off Show results automatically.
- Click Preview in the top right-hand corner.
- Select the wrong answer for the first question and the right answer for the second question.
- Click Submit.
Notice that we do not get the option to View results.
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- 00:04 As the owner of the quiz, we can control how quiz responders can see their results.
- 00:09 And that's exactly what we're going to look at in this lesson.
- 00:12 Now it might be that you want them to be able to see their results immediately
- 00:16 after they submit their answers to the quiz.
- 00:18 Alternatively, it might be that you don't want them to see the answers.
- 00:22 Now, we can control this through Settings.
- 00:24 So, if we go up to the three dots at the top and jump into Settings,
- 00:29 there's a couple of things I want to check in here first.
- 00:32 Now, notice at the top here, I have show results automatically toggled on.
- 00:36 And we're going to leave it on for the time being.
- 00:39 And underneath, where we have who can fill in this form,
- 00:42 notice that it says one response per person.
- 00:44 Now if you cast your eyes over to the left hand side, I have a Questions tab and
- 00:49 a Responses tab.
- 00:50 And the Responses tab is showing that I've received one response.
- 00:54 Now it's showing that because I've clicked the options on this form, so effectively,
- 00:59 I've responded to my own form.
- 01:01 Now I need to do this again in this demonstration.
- 01:03 So what I'm going to do is I'm going to uncheck one response per person, so
- 01:07 it allows me to do that.
- 01:09 So, let's go back to our quiz.
- 01:10 Let's jump into preview mode.
- 01:12 And what I'm going to do here is, I'm going to select the wrong answer for
- 01:17 the first one, and I'm going to select the correct answer for the next one.
- 01:22 Now, when I submit these quiz results, notice it says, completed.
- 01:27 Your answers have been submitted successfully,
- 01:29 you can check your score now.
- 01:31 So I can view my results immediately and see where I went wrong.
- 01:35 So this is a great option for instant feedback.
- 01:39 So I can see here, okay, this one was wrong,
- 01:41 count counts the number of items in a list, okay, that's fine.
- 01:44 But aye, I got the second question, right?
- 01:48 Now I can choose to save my response or I can just go back to the Thank you page.
- 01:52 Now let's come back out of here and let's change our settings.
- 01:55 So we're going to click the three dots again, jump back into Settings, but
- 01:59 this time we're going to toggle off show results automatically.
- 02:03 So now if we preview the quiz, and
- 02:05 once again, I'm going to choose the correct answer this time.
- 02:09 Let's go for sum and the incorrect answer for question 2.
- 02:14 Let's click on Submit.
- 02:16 Now, notice the difference here, I'm still getting the same completed screen, but
- 02:20 I'm not getting the options to view my results immediately.
- 02:23 So just be aware of that, because it might be that in some situations,
- 02:27 you might want respondents to get instant feedback and
- 02:29 sometimes you might want them just to have no feedback at all.
- 02:33 That is it for this lesson, I will see you in the next one.
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