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About this lesson
Learn how to copy, edit, and delete options and questions.
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Quick reference
Copy, Edit, or Delete a Question
Learn how to copy, edit, or delete options and questions.
When to use
It's important to know how to manage our options and questions and make modifications or deletions when required.
Edit, Delete, and Move Options
Edit Questions/Options
- Click on the question to edit.
- Make your changes.
- Click away from the question to save.
Delete an Option
- Hover the mouse over any option.
- Click the trash can icon on the right-hand side.
Reorder Options
- Hover the mouse over any option.
- Click on the 6 dots to the left of the option.
- Drag and drop to a new location.
Copy, Delete, and Reorder Questions
Copy a Question
Just above the question, we have a toolbar with some options for managing questions.
- Click the Copy icon just above the question.
This will duplicate the question and we can edit it to suit our needs. Sometimes copying an existing question is quicker than adding a new question from scratch.
Delete a Question
- Click the trash can icon above the question.
Reorder Questions
- Use the Move down and Move up arrows to reorder the questions on the form.
- 00:04 Let's take a look at some options that we have when it comes to organizing
- 00:09 our quiz questions and quiz options, because we can copy, edit, and
- 00:14 delete not only entire questions, but also options within those questions.
- 00:19 So for this example, we're going to use the customer satisfaction survey that we
- 00:23 were working on a bit earlier.
- 00:24 And let's go to this first question.
- 00:27 As I hover over it, it highlights in grey.
- 00:30 If I click, it puts me into edit mode.
- 00:33 So I can now go in and edit anything within this question.
- 00:37 So instead of, how did you hear about Happy Flame?
- 00:40 Maybe I want to modify this to say, how did you find out sbout Happy Flame?
- 00:45 I could then go in and I could edit any of these answers as well.
- 00:51 Now, maybe I decide that I want to delete one of these options.
- 00:56 Notice if I hove my mouse over any of them, I get the little trashcan icon to
- 01:00 the right-hand side, which is going to allow me to delete that option.
- 01:03 So let's delete our Other.
- 01:05 I'm going to click on the trashcan, and it's gone.
- 01:08 If I want to quickly add an option back in, I can choose Add option, or
- 01:12 in this case, I can choose Add other option.
- 01:15 Also notice when I hover over, we get these little dots to the left-hand side,
- 01:20 and these allow us to rearrange and reorder our answers.
- 01:23 So I could pick up Promotional Ad, drag it to the top, and
- 01:26 that list is now reordered.
- 01:28 So that's how we can manage our options.
- 01:30 But what about if I want to manage the actual question?
- 01:34 Well, that's where these little icons in the top right-hand corner come into play.
- 01:39 Notice we have Copy, Delete, Move Down, and Move Up.
- 01:44 So if I wanted to copy this entire question, I can click Copy question and
- 01:49 it gives me an exact copy just below.
- 01:51 And I can then go in and I can start editing this to suit my needs.
- 01:55 Sometimes copying an existing question is a little
- 01:58 bit quicker than creating one from scratch.
- 02:00 And, of course, I can delete any questions simply by clicking on the trash can.
- 02:04 So let's delete the copy of the question that we just created.
- 02:08 There we go, and it's gone.
- 02:10 And, of course, we have move down and move up to reorder these questions in the list.
- 02:15 So if I click Move Down, it's going to move it down, so it's now question two,
- 02:19 and this is now question one.
- 02:21 Move up or do the reverse.
- 02:24 So really simple to edit, copy, delete, and move questions and options.
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