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About this lesson
This lesson will show you how to properly use the Lasso select tool, which allows you to highlight your handwriting on the page in OneNote.
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3.13 Use OneNote's Lasso and Hand Tools - Exercise.docx62 KB
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Use OneNote's Lasso and Hand Tools
This lesson will show you how to properly use the Lasso select tool, which allows you to highlight your handwriting on the page in OneNote.
When to use
You would use this technique when you want to move or resize your handwriting on the page.
- Go into the OneNote program
- Go into the Quick Notes notebook
- Click on the new page icon on the right
- Click anywhere on the page
- Type in some text
- Click on the Draw Menu
- Click on one of the pens on the Draw Menu, and draw a circle around your text
- Click on the Lasso Select icon on the left side of the Draw Menu
- Move your mouse a little above and to the left of the circle you drew
- Drag your mouse so that the whole circle is selected - you may have to practice this a few times until the whole circle is selected
- Click on the Type icon on the left side of the Draw Menu to put your mouse back to normal
- You will be able to move or resize the circle - notice when you move it, the text inside moves as well
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- 00:04 In this lesson, I want to show you how to use the lasso Select tool.
- 00:08 So I'm going to draw some ink again.
- 00:10 So I'm going to pick on the draw menu, and I'll pick on the red ink, the red pen.
- 00:16 And I'm going to make a circle around the two phone numbers there.
- 00:20 And then I'll go back to maybe a blue pen and
- 00:25 draw a circle around my original to do list.
- 00:29 Good. So now,
- 00:30 I'm going to pick up the lasso Select Tool over here on the draw menu.
- 00:36 So I'm going to try to encapsulate the red circle.
- 00:41 So notice where my mouse is, I'm kind of outside of the red circle.
- 00:44 Then you drag your mouse so that whole thing is selected.
- 00:48 So you want to move your mouse so that whole drawing is selected.
- 00:53 Good.
- 00:54 Now notice how the whole drawing has the sizing handles.
- 00:58 So watch what happens when I resize the whole thing.
- 01:01 Even the ink itself is getting bigger.
- 01:04 Are you catching that?
- 01:05 So this time let's try to encapsulate the blue ink.
- 01:09 So I'll pick up the lasso select and then try over here.
- 01:14 And then let's see if I got the whole thing this time.
- 01:16 Good.
- 01:18 And then if I resize that, then notice how that entire blue circle
- 01:23 is getting bigger or smaller, depending on how I resize that.
- 01:28 So you see the purpose of the Lasso Select, it's so
- 01:32 you can select the actual ink.
- 01:34 And then from there, you can move it, I can move that whole thing there.
- 01:39 And then I can also resize it, the actual shape itself.
- 01:46 So now you see the purpose of the lasso select.
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