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About this lesson
Learn how to customize your Calendar interface with advanced settings, including time zones and Holidays.
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4.02, Calendar Display Options - Exercise.docx58.9 KB
Quick reference
Calendar Display Options
Choose your Display Option preferences to suit your particular situation.
When to use
This section will probably be used only once or twice during your Outlook lifetime. Take the time to explore the Display Options and then move on with your work.
- On the File ribbon, click Options, and select Calendar.
- Another way is on the Weekly Calendar screen, right click a blank area and choose Calendar Options.
Work Time
Select your work hours and days available for other’s to schedule you. The off-hours and off-days will appear grey on your calendar screen:
Calendar Options
- Toggle on or off the 15 minute appointment reminders.
- Add Holidays for your country of residence.
Display Options
- Change your default calendar color.
- Choose whether to Show week numbers.
- Calendar Colors:
- Results of Week Numbers:
Time Zones
- Set up multiple time zones:
- Results on Weekly Calendar Screen:
- You can disable the Weather feature or you can switch from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
Weekly Calendar Screen
- Change time increments with a right click, then choose a different time span for your appointments.
- Calendar Color can also be set with a right click on the calendar screen, choose Color, and pick a color:
- 00:05 When we're still talking about calendar views and display settings,
- 00:08 you can go even deeper into the background of your settings.
- 00:11 Just hit right-click on your calendar, choose Calendar Options, and
- 00:15 that takes us directly to the calendar option, and we can see all these settings.
- 00:20 A second way to get there, I'll hit Cancel.
- 00:23 On the File ribbon, on the bottom left, Options, and now I have to click Calendar.
- 00:31 Either way, that's how you get there, let's take a look at this.
- 00:34 You can actually set up your work hours so
- 00:35 no one can schedule you outside of the days and times that you pick.
- 00:39 So, what are your hours?
- 00:40 Which is your first day of the week or the first week of the year?
- 00:45 Under Calendar Options, if you want to add online meetings to each and every meeting,
- 00:49 you can set up which provider you want to use.
- 00:53 We can also add any of these options in here.
- 00:55 It's worth just taking a read and seeing these, but
- 00:58 one of the important ones is the Add Holidays.
- 01:01 I'll go ahead and click that button, so you can choose any country you want.
- 01:04 Since we are in a global communication world, maybe you want to add two or
- 01:08 three different countries to yours, depends on your industry and your company.
- 01:12 I'll click OK, and there they are, US holidays being added.
- 01:17 In Display Options, you can choose the calendar color.
- 01:19 Now, we've set that up already in a different lesson, but
- 01:23 here's just a third place you can change this.
- 01:25 We can also show the week numbers in the month view, which I like.
- 01:30 In the education world, we go by week numbers during our year.
- 01:34 We also have the time zone, so you can have a second time zone or
- 01:37 a third time zone, but beware of the Swap Time Zones.
- 01:41 When I click these, notice how they shuffle up, they shuffle around.
- 01:45 But whichever one is on top will reset your entire computer's clock to that
- 01:50 time zone.
- 01:51 Be aware of that, be careful.
- 01:53 So I just leave my default home time zone as the top one.
- 01:58 We can show calendar details in the ScreenTip.
- 02:01 So if I float my mouse over an appointment, it'll show me details.
- 02:05 Automatically accept or decline meetings, again,
- 02:08 it depends on your industry and what you do, and Meeting Insights.
- 02:12 I'll go ahead and click OK to this.
- 02:15 Take a look at what happened.
- 02:17 There are my week numbers.
- 02:18 Here are my three time zones.
- 02:20 Now it looks like London's the default one.
- 02:23 No, no, no, the Central time zone, Central Standard is the default one.
- 02:27 It's right next to my calendar, then New York, then London.
- 02:30 And notice a line across the screen that shows us our current time, but
- 02:33 it helps us guide our eyes back over here to the time zones.
- 02:36 Come up to the Home ribbon, click on Month, and there are my holidays.
- 02:41 I can hit the forward button to go to the next month, next month.
- 02:45 What if you added holidays for the wrong country?
- 02:47 You want to remove some.
- 02:49 Well, you can reset all of your holidays by going to
- 02:53 the View ribbon > Change View > List.
- 02:56 And if I sort by categories, I can collapse all my holidays,
- 03:01 right-click, and delete them all, just wipe them right off my calendar.
- 03:07 And there they go, that's how you get rid of them.
- 03:10 And then, of course, I would have to go back to File >
- 03:14 Options > Calendar, and add my holidays again.
- 03:19 But just in case, it's handy to know how you get rid of them.
- 03:22 Okay, go ahead and do that work and set up your calendar.
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