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Outlook can read messages aloud and translate to the language of your choice.
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7.02 Translate and Read Aloud buttons - Exercise.docx67 KB
Quick reference
Translate and Read Aloud buttons
Outlook will Read Aloud and Translate your emails with just a click of a button.
When to use
When you need a translation from or to another language, or when you need an email read outloud for personal reasons.
Open any email.
On the Home ribbon, click the Read Aloud button and change the settings to your preferences.
To Translate an email, on the Home ribbon, click the Translate button.
Choose "Translate Preferences" to adjust your preferred language output.
- 00:04 We're going to translate and
- 00:06 read aloud with simple buttons located on the home ribbon of Outlook.
- 00:11 So I have an email ready, and up on the right hand side,
- 00:15 far right hand side of my home ribbon, are two buttons.
- 00:18 One says Read Aloud, one says Translate.
- 00:21 Let's start with the Read Aloud.
- 00:23 And when I click this, it's literally going to read the email, click.
- 00:27 >> It is a simple process to get language help from Outlook.
- 00:31 >> Now I'm going to pause just for a moment, because notice this small menu,
- 00:36 gray menu that popped up.
- 00:38 One of them right over here is a speaker with a little gear or cog on it, so
- 00:43 that always means settings.
- 00:46 So I'm going to click that button, and I can change the reading speed and
- 00:50 I can change the voice selection to male.
- 00:55 Now I'll hit the play again.
- 00:59 >> Use this email and click the Read Aloud button.
- 01:02 >> I hit pause again, just so you could see, very quickly, how easy it is.
- 01:06 Hit the volume, change the speed,
- 01:08 change the voice to whatever your preferences are.
- 01:11 I'm going to close that.
- 01:15 Now let's go to the Translate button.
- 01:17 This is fantastic.
- 01:19 When I click Translate, I can translate the message and
- 01:22 I can look at translation preferences.
- 01:24 Let's go there first.
- 01:27 Over here it pops right open to my language option, and
- 01:29 I have a scroll bar on the far right hand side.
- 01:33 Office display language.
- 01:34 Do you want your buttons to display in a different language?
- 01:37 I'm going to leave mine in English.
- 01:38 Or I can add a different language.
- 01:42 Office authoring languages and proofing.
- 01:45 Are your spellings different?
- 01:46 Are you in a European country which has different spellings than American?
- 01:50 So, I could add a language to that.
- 01:52 Near the bottom, Translation.
- 01:56 Choose how to handle messages received in other languages.
- 01:58 Do you want it to always translate, or to ask you before you translate, or
- 02:03 just never translate.
- 02:05 Again, your preferences.
- 02:08 Right now I've got mine set to translate messages into Spanish.
- 02:11 When I hit that drop down arrow, whatever one you want to use you can choose.
- 02:15 I'll leave mine as Spanish, or I could add another language.
- 02:21 Okay, so I'm leaving my settings alone, clicking OK.
- 02:24 And I'm going to go ahead and hit the Translate button.
- 02:29 Translate message, and there it is, look at this.
- 02:34 Well, let's test it.
- 02:35 Let's go ahead and hit the Read Aloud and see what happens.
- 02:49 >> This is really interesting because if you are trying to learn another language,
- 02:53 this could help you do that.
- 02:55 The buttons are right there on the Home ribbon available for you.
- 02:59 They've been there for a few years.
- 03:01 I hope you use it, I hope you like it, and I hope you learn how to
- 03:06 speak another language from it, or just to be understood better.
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