Locked lesson.
About this lesson
Customize your Display Option preferences to suit your particular situation.
Lesson versions
Multiple versions of this lesson are available, choose the appropriate version for you:
2016, 2019/365.
Quick reference
Calendar Display Options
Choose your Display Option preferences to suit your particular situation.
When to use
This section will probably be used only once or twice during your Outlook lifetime. Take the time to explore the Display Options and then move on with your work.
- On the File ribbon, click Options, and select Calendar.
- Another way is on the Weekly Calendar screen, right click a blank area and choose Calendar Options.
Work Time
Select your work hours and days available for other’s to schedule you. The off-hours and off-days will appear grey on your calendar screen:
Calendar Options
- Toggle on or off the 15 minute appointment reminders.
- Add Holidays for your country of residence (only one time or you’ll see two of every holiday if you do this twice.)
Display Options
- Change your default calendar color.
- Choose whether to Show week numbers.
- Calendar Colors:
- Results of Week Numbers:
Time Zones
- Set up to two time zones:
- Results on Weekly Calendar Screen:
- You can disable the Weather feature or you can switch from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
Weekly Calendar Screen
- Change time increments with a right click, then choose a different time span for your appointments.
- Calendar Color can also be set with a right click on the calendar screen, choose Color, and pick a color:
- 00:04 Okay, let's go in the background and set up some calendar options for you.
- 00:09 Now there's two ways to get there, the easiest way in my opinion is just to right
- 00:12 click on the calendar, and we have an option that says calendar options, and
- 00:16 then an entire screen opens up, now I'm going to close that and
- 00:20 show you the second way.
- 00:21 Click on the file ribbon.
- 00:23 Way at the bottom is options, the same as a right click calendar options.
- 00:26 File options.
- 00:27 There we go. And here we have it again.
- 00:29 Calendar options.
- 00:30 Now let me make sure you can see all of this.
- 00:32 In this case, I have to click on the word Calendar.
- 00:35 Let's take this from the top, here we have our working hours.
- 00:38 Now, anything you set in here applies to other people trying to schedule you.
- 00:43 It does not limit you on what you can schedule on your own calendar.
- 00:47 But if you do not want to be scheduled for
- 00:48 meetings on Sundays, do not put a check mark on the Sunday.
- 00:52 If you do not want to be scheduled for meetings at 6:00 AM,
- 00:54 well make sure that your calendar is set for 8:00 to 5:00, or maybe 6:00 to 3:00.
- 00:59 Make sure no one can schedule you if you're in a corporate environment.
- 01:03 All right, the next one, the default duration for
- 01:06 new appointments and meetings.
- 01:08 Mine is set for 30 minutes, you can, maybe your default is minimum one hour meetings.
- 01:13 You can set anything you like in here, it depends on your industry and what you do.
- 01:17 You can also set the default reminder.
- 01:20 Do you want your reminder to be five minutes ahead,
- 01:23 10 minutes ahead, an hour ahead, you can set that as well.
- 01:27 All of this is up to you just to go ahead and read through and
- 01:30 make any changes you prefer.
- 01:32 Now, add holidays, do you have the current holidays for
- 01:36 your country on your calendar?
- 01:37 So when we click Add holidays, you can choose your country, click OK,
- 01:43 and it is now importing all those holidays into my calendar, so hit OK.
- 01:48 And also, let's see, let's go down here, I can actually change the default color of
- 01:53 my calendar, in the background, you can see it's blue.
- 01:55 I think I'm going to change that to orange.
- 01:59 And let’s see, show the week numbers on the month view.
- 02:02 So, right over here on the very left,
- 02:04 see this little calendar on my Navigation Pane?
- 02:07 I’m going to activate show the week numbers, and all of the Week 1,
- 02:10 Week 2, Week 3 will be listed over here on the left hand side.
- 02:14 Maybe that is something you need in your world, maybe it is not.
- 02:17 All right, this is a great section, show the time zones.
- 02:20 You are actually allowed to have three time zones showing on your calendar.
- 02:25 Excellent, if you're in the corporate world or you work globally,
- 02:28 and you need to know the time zone in New York or
- 02:31 the time zone in London, of course, I have done my research on Google.
- 02:35 And I have asked Google, what is the UTC Time zone for
- 02:40 London and then I came in here and I found it on the list.
- 02:44 So that is definitely something you would have to look up ahead of time.
- 02:48 Be very careful with the swap time zones.
- 02:50 Very, very careful because the top timezone
- 02:53 is the one that controls the computer clock on your computer.
- 02:57 This top time zone will actually change your computer clock.
- 03:01 Alert, alert, caution, caution, be very careful.
- 03:04 So if you're going to hit the swap time zones,
- 03:06 make sure the top one is the one you need it to be for your local time.
- 03:11 All right, what else is in here?
- 03:14 Showing the temperature.
- 03:15 I do like having the weather and the temperature on my calendar but
- 03:18 you can choose whether it will be Celsius or Fahrenheit.
- 03:21 All right, I'm going to go ahead and hit OK, so we can see all the changes,
- 03:25 okay, I changed my calendar color to orange.
- 03:29 I added 2 more time zones and
- 03:31 they're showing up right here which I love that feature.
- 03:34 And take a look over on the left hand side, there are the week of the year,
- 03:39 numbers over on the left and somewhere in here, I've got a holiday.
- 03:43 Let's see if, February 14, sure enough,
- 03:45 shows up as a holiday in the United States, this is great information, so it's
- 03:49 actually kind of fun to go in there and change up your settings in your calendar,
- 03:54 it's all about you and how you want your calendar to work.
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