Locked lesson.
About this lesson
Use these scheduling tools to schedule appointments, meetings and events and make it easy for others to confirm their attendance.
Lesson versions
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2016, 2019/365.
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Appointments, Meetings and Events.docx270.5 KB
Quick reference
Appointments, Meetings, Events
These are all Calendar items; the difference is if other people or resources are invited.
When to use
Appointments are placeholder items on your Calendar. Meetings include invitations to co-workers or individuals who need to attend. An Event displays above the calendar to mark an important day that may still be used for appointments and meetings.
- To schedule Appointments:
- Click and drag a time increment on your calendar,
- Type the name of the appointment and press enter
- To schedule Meetings:
- Click an existing Appointment and notice the Calendar Tools ribbon”
- Select “Invite Attendees”
- An Email template appears; fill in the To: line, the Location line, and click SEND
Recipients will receive an email with a Calendar icon; they will click to Accept or Decline the meeting:
- When a meeting is scheduled, a new ribbon called “Calendar Meeting” appears and includes a Tracking button and a Cancel Meeting button:
- The Tracking button provides details about who responded to the meeting request:
- If a meeting is Cancelled, the meeting attendees will receive a cancellation email:
- To schedule Events:
- Click above the Calendar schedule area and type the name of any event:
- In the case of a birthday or repeating event, you can make it “Recurring”.
- Click above the Calendar schedule area and type the name of any event:
- 00:04 In this video, I'd like to show you the difference between an appointment,
- 00:08 a meeting, and an event.
- 00:10 An appointment is pretty simple, you just click and
- 00:13 drag the area of the appointment, go ahead and type the name, and hit enter, the only
- 00:17 thing that changes on the screen is up on top, I have a calendar appointment ribbon.
- 00:23 I have various items I can do up here and I do have one item right here called
- 00:27 Invite Attendees and this is going to switch this appointment into a meeting.
- 00:32 When I click invite attendees, my screen changes into basically an email.
- 00:37 I'm gonna go ahead and type in the email address of the person I'm sending
- 00:40 it to- in this case it is myself.
- 00:42 I can add the location that it will be held in, and
- 00:48 I can add details and I'll go ahead and send it.
- 00:53 Now an email just got sent to that person, I'll go ahead and go to my Inbox so
- 00:57 you can see what it looks like when it comes in.
- 01:00 The email arrives not with an envelope but
- 01:02 with a little tiny calendar with a couple people, little tiny people there.
- 01:07 Well, it is an appointment, not an email.
- 01:10 So right down here, the header would say, Accept or
- 01:15 Decline or go ahead and look at your calendar.
- 01:16 Because I sent it to myself it says no response required.
- 01:19 I'll go ahead and click the no response required just because I want you to see
- 01:22 that it will vanish from my inbox because it's not an email, it's an appointment.
- 01:29 When I go back to my calendar appointment, when I click on it right up here,
- 01:34 it no longer has an Appointment tab, but now it has a Meeting tab.
- 01:38 Now the Meeting tab adds one extra button that wasn't on the Appointment tab, and
- 01:41 that is the Tracking button.
- 01:43 When I click Tracking, it allows me to see who all was invited, are they required or
- 01:48 optional and did they respond to anything.
- 01:50 So just so you know that.
- 01:52 Now at this point, I also have the option to cancel the meeting.
- 01:55 Now if I cancel this meeting, it's going to go ahead and send another email
- 02:01 to the recipient to make sure they get it off their calendar.
- 02:06 So I'm gonna go ahead and hit send the cancellation go back to my email and
- 02:12 when I do my send and receive,
- 02:13 you're gonna see right here that I get another cancelled sender.
- 02:18 All right, so just so you know, you hit the option there remove from calendar.
- 02:23 All right, the last item on it I want to show you is the Events.
- 02:27 I'm gonna back to my calendar.
- 02:29 Now an event, isn't something scheduled during the day, it's an all day event, for
- 02:34 instance, a Birthday.
- 02:36 So I can schedule a birthday right here and
- 02:39 it just holds a spot just acts as a reminder on my calendar.
- 02:43 So maybe, I want to make sure that this birthday is scheduled every single year,
- 02:48 well, that's called a Recurrence.
- 02:49 I can do the recurrence on an event, on an appointment, on a meeting,
- 02:53 maybe a weekly office meetings, I'm gonna go ahead and click the recurrence.
- 02:57 And I can tell it not daily, weekly, monthly, but
- 02:59 yearly on this particular date and I can tell it no end date, of course.
- 03:05 If it's a birthday, and
- 03:06 then end after ten occurrences and end by a certain time and hit OK.
- 03:12 And now I'm going to go ahead and
- 03:14 take a look at next year to see if it landed there.
- 03:17 So a very quick right click Go To Date, and I can actually go ahead and
- 03:22 change this to look at next year, hit OK,
- 03:25 and sure enough, there is the birthday appointment right there.
- 03:28 Now of course the quickest way to get back is to hit the Today button,
- 03:32 right over here, brings you right back to today's date and the proper year.
- 03:36 And that is the difference between appointments, meetings, and events.
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