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About this lesson
Send individual, full color flyer emails to multiple people with one easy process.
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2016, 2019/365.
Quick reference
E-Mail Merge, Full Color Flyer
Send individual, full color flyer emails to multiple people with one easy process.
When to use
Outlook email merge can be used to email a full color flyer to recipients. This is a cost-saving alternative to expensive paper flyers and postage.
- Start with Outlook.
- Click Contacts, and select the folder with the contacts to use in the email merge.
- On the Home ribbon, click Mail Merge.
- At the bottom of this box, change Merge to: E-mail and enter a subject line.
Note: you will have a chance later to change or modify the subject line
- If your list contains contact groups, the process will warn you that those will not be included in the merge. Click OK.
- MS Word will open in the background, type your email message, personalize the fields, and/or Insert a .jpg photo of a pre-made flyer.
Personalize the email message
- Click into the greeting line of the message, i.e.: Hello ____________
- On the Mailings ribbon, click Insert Merge Field.
- Locate and select the field First Name.
- The greeting line will look like this:
- The grey area is the field code and the chevrons (arrows) on the sides should not be deleted or the code will break.
To Insert a .jpg photo of a pre-made flyer
- This process is basically easy: Insert a .jpg into the text portion of the email.
- Create a .jpg with either PowerPoint (PPT) or Publisher (PUB).
- In PowerPoint, click File, Save As, under Save As Type = .jpg.
- In Publisher, click File, Save as, Browse, Save As Type = .jpg.
- Insert the .jpg into the Word mail merge window.
- In Word, click Insert, Pictures.
- Find the picture in your files and click Insert.
- Click and drag the right upper corner of the .jpg to resize to approx. 4 – 5 inches. This is ideal to allow the recipient to view the flyer without scrolling.
- Click Save as an under Save As Type choose .jpg.
- Take a moment to preview the emails (only available if you added a personalized field.)
- Click Finish & Merge on the Mailings ribbon, and then Send Email Messages.
- You have one last chance to change the subject line and/or cancel the process.
- Click OK and the emails will immediately send out.
Tip: Should all go wrong and emails are flying out to the wrong list (Yes, this happens because humans sometimes choose the wrong lists!), close Outlook asap, switch off your wireless on your laptop, or pull the Ethernet cord from your computer!
Login to download- 00:05 Okay now, this is the icing on the cake to the mail merge process.
- 00:09 This time, we're going to send a full color flyer.
- 00:12 Let's just start over again, we are on our contact list.
- 00:14 I have my email merge list ready, I'm going to click the Mail Merge up on top,
- 00:19 on the ribbons.
- 00:20 And I'm going to tell it mail merge to an email.
- 00:23 And I'm going to tell this, this is my full color flyer example.
- 00:28 Here we go.
- 00:29 And I'm going to hit a OK, Microsoft Word opens in the background and
- 00:33 I am going to use Microsoft Word to paste the picture that I've already designed.
- 00:39 So, here's the problem.
- 00:41 Where do you create your full color flyer and get a picture out of it?
- 00:44 Well, you have two options.
- 00:46 One of the fastest ones is PowerPoint, PowerPoint is great because you can click
- 00:51 on File, New, any of all of these in here, just scroll through.
- 00:56 What I've done is I've already created one,
- 00:59 I reduced it just to the main slide and so yes, that is me, hello, how are you?
- 01:04 The trick here is to get this saved as a picture.
- 01:08 Well, click on File, click on Save As.
- 01:11 And over here, on the right hand side, instead of saving this as a PowerPoint,
- 01:15 which we're not going to put inside of a Microsoft Word document but
- 01:19 we are going to scroll down and see we have gifs, jpgs, pngs and tif down, jpgs,
- 01:24 all for of those are pictures, jpg is the smallest file size.
- 01:27 We don't want files dropping in their inboxes.
- 01:30 We want 50 kilobytes files, so I'm going to go ahead and
- 01:33 make this a jpg, click.
- 01:35 And then I'm going to tell it where to save.
- 01:37 And there we go.
- 01:38 I'm going to go ahead and save that, save it into my documents.
- 01:41 Here we go.
- 01:42 And at this point, I ask you all the slides or just this one,
- 01:45 just this one, hit OK.
- 01:47 Now there's another way we can do that.
- 01:48 I'm done with this.
- 01:49 I'm going to go ahead and close it.
- 01:51 And I'm not going to save changes to that.
- 01:53 Another way we can do this is with Publisher.
- 01:55 Publisher is wonderful.
- 01:57 If you go to File, New in Publisher and you just type the word right
- 02:02 here postcards, these are perfect because they show up as the right size.
- 02:06 They show up as 3x5s.
- 02:07 They're wonderful.
- 02:08 Look at this entire list of postcards you can use.
- 02:12 So, I'm going to choose this one we really wanted to stand out and
- 02:14 who doesn't want to be invited to a birthday party.
- 02:16 So I'll go ahead and click this one, we'll go ahead and create it.
- 02:20 And now, I just want to, I really only just want half of that,
- 02:24 I don't know if I can do it but but I'm going to click File, Save As again,
- 02:29 and check this out, when I hit Browse, right down here.
- 02:32 It's a little different method on this one, but publisher files.
- 02:36 Well, I'm just going to find JPEG right there.
- 02:38 I can save this page as a JPEG.
- 02:41 And same thing.
- 02:42 I'm going to drop that right into my documents.
- 02:45 I'll put it samples, sample flyer, sample postcard.
- 02:49 Here we go.
- 02:51 And hit Save.
- 02:52 All right, now, I'm going to go back.
- 02:54 I'm going to close this and I'm going to go back and finish my mail merge, hold on.
- 02:58 Okay, I reset, I'm back on Microsoft Word.
- 03:01 Because this is where the picture has to land.
- 03:02 Remember, Microsoft Word in Outlook are the mail merge tools,
- 03:06 not PowerPoint and Publisher, and we simply use that to create the pictures.
- 03:11 All right, so, temporarily, I'm going to walk away from Mailings.
- 03:15 I'm going to go back to insert ribbon and choose Picture and
- 03:19 I drop those pictures on my documents.
- 03:21 So the first one.
- 03:23 Let's see, I want to make sure, there we go.
- 03:25 There, my sample color flyer, so I'm going to go ahead and
- 03:28 click Insert on that one.
- 03:30 And there we have it.
- 03:31 So at this point, I can go ahead and go back to my Mailings.
- 03:37 I can check these, are they all going to go?
- 03:38 Yes they are, I got numbers shooting by.
- 03:41 So I'm going to finish and merge, send email messages.
- 03:44 I'm going to go ahead and hit OK.
- 03:46 Watch in the background, there they all go.
- 03:48 They're stacking up, and now the numbers will fall down as they get sent.
- 03:52 There they go. These little emails with this full
- 03:55 color picture are flying out of my Outbox right now.
- 03:58 All right. I'm going to push pause.
- 04:00 We're going to reset for one more.
- 04:01 Hold on.
- 04:03 Okay, back to my Contacts.
- 04:04 Click on Mail Merge.
- 04:06 Go ahead and click on Email.
- 04:08 This again is my full color flyer, so over here, this will be my postcard,
- 04:12 my Publisher postcard this time.
- 04:15 I'll go ahead and click OK, Microsoft Word opens up,
- 04:18 I'm on my mailings, I simply have to go find that picture.
- 04:22 So that is on the Insert Picture.
- 04:24 And that was on my documents, you have to kind of take some notes while you're doing
- 04:28 all this to remember where you put everything.
- 04:30 Sample Postcard and hit Insert.
- 04:32 We do want these to be about 3x5.
- 04:34 We wanted to fill in the full e-mail screen of the end user, assuming they
- 04:39 don't have their Microsoft Outlook maximized, whatever, it'll all be fine.
- 04:43 Now, you might get confused in here after you dropped it in.
- 04:46 What are you supposed to do next?
- 04:47 Click back on the Mailings ribbon, and just finish the merge,
- 04:51 send email messages, that's fine, and I'm going to hit OK.
- 04:55 And whoops, I should have this ready.
- 04:58 There they all go into the outbox, and now they're going to get sent and
- 05:02 you can see my Sent folder.
- 05:04 All right, as soon as those go,
- 05:07 I'm going to change my reading pane and show you what these look like.
- 05:11 All right, I'll click my view, reading pane, right, and take a look.
- 05:16 Here we go.
- 05:17 All of these emails just went out with full color flyers on each one of them.
- 05:23 How great is that?
- 05:24 So that's how you send your message out.
- 05:27 Because people like color and they like pictures,
- 05:30 this is a long video but definitely worth watching a couple of times,
- 05:33 you will love this when you start doing this, thank you so much.
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