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About this lesson
Frame the spot for a picture still to come.
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2016, 2019/365.
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Quick reference
Pictures - Placeholders
A Placeholder is an empty picture frame that reserves the space and allows you to insert the picture later. Alignment tools will help you center the picture.
When to use
Pictures can be inserted right away or at a later date. But you can continue with your project while waiting for the pictures by using the Placeholders (empty picture frames) to hold their spots.
Begin by opening the corresponding Exercise File with this lesson, or go to File, New and find the “Business Newsletter” called Trader News. Use Page 4 for this lesson.
- Click the View Ribbon, turn on “Boundaries” and Graphics Manager
- Scroll to Page 4 of the template and Insert 3 Picture Placeholders.
- Move (click and drag) the placeholders to spread them out horizontally.
- Insert the “Office Lobby” picture into a placeholder frame. Then repeat with other pictures in the remaining 2 placeholders.
- FIT the picture to the frame.
- CROP features on toolbar:
Computer Tips:
- “Ctrl + Scroll” to zoom in is faster than pointing to the bottom right zoom controls. Zoom in or out quickly by holding down CTRL and scroll with your mouse wheel.
- To un-do anything, simply press “Ctrl + Z”, or click the un-do button on the Quick Access bar:
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- 00:04 This lesson is about picture frames we are gonna go ahead and start with the new
- 00:08 template of the trader news, business news letter also a file In the lesson videos.
- 00:14 And over here, I'm gonna click on Insert, and
- 00:17 we have an option that says Picture Placeholder.
- 00:19 Now, it inserts an empty picture frame to reserve space for
- 00:23 pictures you want to add later.
- 00:25 So basically, you can work on your text and your content and
- 00:28 not worry about pictures until your photographer provides them.
- 00:31 When I activate picture place holder, I'll Ctrl zoom in here,
- 00:37 the picture drops right in the middle of text and kind of wrecks my text.
- 00:40 Well you can click and drag and move that around and reposition it.
- 00:44 But, the moment you click off of that, I'm gonna go ahead and
- 00:47 click over in the margin area, look what happens.
- 00:50 It completely vanishes.
- 00:52 Good luck knowing that you dropped a picture frame there.
- 00:55 So let's go ahead and make some setting changes on our screen so
- 00:59 we have more control over what's happening on the document.
- 01:03 Alright. On the view ribbon,
- 01:04 I have the button that says Graphics Manager.
- 01:06 Mine is also sitting over here on my quick access toolbar.
- 01:09 I'm going to activate that and the Graphics Manager appears.
- 01:13 And right here on page one, it says empty, so
- 01:16 when I click that, it lights up the picture frame.
- 01:19 So, I basically have an empty frame hanging out there which shows.
- 01:23 Now if you're not seeing the little icons on your Graphics Manager, make sure your
- 01:27 sort by: says Page number, and you have a check mark in the Show Thumbnail.
- 01:31 There's another way to tell at a glance that you've got a picture frame there,
- 01:34 and on the View ribbon right over here, we have an option that says Boundaries.
- 01:39 When I click Boundaries, it'll actually draw lines, border boundaries,
- 01:43 around my text boxes, my picture frames.
- 01:46 Here's another text box.
- 01:48 So a moment ago, those weren't there.
- 01:50 Now a lot of people don't like the Boundaries button on because it looks
- 01:54 busy and you don't have lines around your text boxes.
- 01:58 Why do you wanna see them.
- 02:00 For the empty picture frames.
- 02:01 That's why you want to see them.
- 02:03 If you want to turn it off, go ahead and turn it off.
- 02:05 But, in this case,
- 02:06 I do want them on because I want to know where my empty picture frame is.
- 02:10 Alright, on the page navigation panel over here on the left, please click page four.
- 02:15 We're going to come right down here and we're going to insert.
- 02:18 Three picture frames.
- 02:19 So I'm gonna click Insert > Picture Placeholder, and go ahead and
- 02:24 do it three times.
- 02:25 They land right on top of each other, you just need to be aware of it.
- 02:29 I can see it happening over on my Graphics Manager over here.
- 02:33 I'm gonna pause just for a moment, I'm going to double-click my ribbon so
- 02:37 I can see more of my screen room.
- 02:40 It was just a little too small, I actually wanted to see more of the screen window.
- 02:45 Alright so now I can just click and drag these across from each other.
- 02:48 Notice when I click and drag these blue lines show up.
- 02:51 Those are called guidelines, they help you when you are moving frames or pictures or
- 02:55 anything, to stay lined up to the previous element.
- 02:59 So I'm just going to click and drag and move these off and watch my guidelines.
- 03:03 And everything looks fine.
- 03:05 Now, at this point, I can go ahead and insert some pictures.
- 03:07 So I'm gonna click on the first one and
- 03:09 it's gonna ask me from your computer or the Internet.
- 03:12 I'll go to My Computer.
- 03:14 Here are some pictures that are saved with the lesson files And
- 03:18 I'm going to go ahead and put the office break room in this first one.
- 03:21 Now when that comes in, I'm gonna zoom in so you can this.
- 03:25 Look, the picture itself is a little wider than the actual frame.
- 03:28 So I have a choice.
- 03:29 I can use the crop tools and make the frame wider.
- 03:33 Or I can go to my picture tools format, and I can tell this to fit.
- 03:38 Actually just fit within the size of that square.
- 03:41 And notice it'll reshape the picture accordingly.
- 03:45 Okay, I'm gonna zoom out so we can work on the second one.
- 03:47 I'll click on this picture frame.
- 03:49 And this time I'm going to go to my computer files, and
- 03:52 I'm gonna put office lobby.
- 03:53 Notice it's a rectangle.
- 03:55 I'm gonna click that.
- 03:56 Hit Insert.
- 03:57 And immediately it shows me that it's much wider than the square.
- 04:01 Again, you can change the size of the picture frame or
- 04:04 I can click this, go to format and choose fit and
- 04:08 it will force the picture to fit within the parameters of the square.
- 04:11 Do you get the idea of what's going on here?
- 04:13 And also watch what's happening over in your Graphics Manager.
- 04:16 My two pictures are in, I've got one empty space left.
- 04:19 I can click it here.
- 04:20 I can click it out here and go ahead and insert yet another picture.
- 04:23 This time we'll go ahead and put the office staff picture in this one.
- 04:26 And there you go.
- 04:28 That's how you hold spots for pictures that you haven't put in yet.
- 04:31 That's how you control those, by showing the View Boundaries, and
- 04:36 the Graphics Manager.
- 04:37 All right. Thank you.
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