Locked lesson.
About this lesson
Edit your business information so that all publications are uniform with no typos or variations.
Lesson versions
Multiple versions of this lesson are available, choose the appropriate version for you:
2016, 2019/365.
Quick reference
Textbox - Business Information
Pre-formatted Business Information assures no typo happens when it’s time to brand your publication with vital contact info.
When to use
Set this up prior to creating a publication and then it’s easy to add your contact info when needed.
Edit your Business Information details:
Insert Ribbon: OR File Ribbon
Edit Business Information:
To use, click on the Individual Name Click and drag the textbox to the spot
option and a text box appears on your you prefer, then use the formatting
screen. tools to change the font and size.
To add Phone Tear Off tabs to a “for sale” flyer,
- Click the Insert ribbon
- Click Business Information
- Scroll down to find the Phone Tearoff
- Resize and place them to fit across the bottom of your flyer
Computer Tips:
When resizing a text box or a picture, hold the CTRL key for faster results:
Using a corner handle only, Use CTRL and a corner handle:
two sides move to resize then 4 sides move to resize
To increase Font Size from your keyboard, select the text and press Ctrl Shift “>”
To decrease Font Size from your keyboard, select the text and press Ctrl Shift “<”
Login to download- 00:04 We're gonna stay on the text box topics,
- 00:06 so that means we're gonna stay on our insert ribbon.
- 00:09 We'll be working on a blank publication this time.
- 00:12 I'm gonna draw your attention up here to the text group, where we find
- 00:16 the Draw Text Box and the WordArt, which we've already had a previous lesson on.
- 00:20 The Business Information group, when I hit that drop down arrow,
- 00:24 here is where you have already entered your name and your position and
- 00:28 your company name and your other vital information.
- 00:31 At the bottom of this list, it says Edit Business Information.
- 00:34 Well, if you've taken this course from the beginning,
- 00:37 you already met business information.
- 00:38 Let me take you right over here to the file ribbon.
- 00:41 When I click the file ribbon, right here we have Edit Business Information,
- 00:45 and here's all of the pre-entered data.
- 00:48 Now, the reason we use business information, so
- 00:51 if you have multiple people working with you, or for you, you don't want
- 00:55 anyone's one version of your address, or your phone number, or your name or title.
- 01:00 We want them to all use identical information, so there are no typos.
- 01:04 And that's where business information comes in.
- 01:07 Now you can edit it here, or I can hit my back button.
- 01:10 Go to Insert, go to Business Information, and I can edit it here.
- 01:14 Two places do the same thing.
- 01:16 Let's go ahead and put a couple in here.
- 01:17 I'll go ahead and put in my name, and click off of that, and now I'll go in and
- 01:22 put in my company name.
- 01:23 And it landed on the same spot, notice dead center on my screen,
- 01:26 not necessarily dead center on the publication.
- 01:29 So it's up to me to click and drag and move them to where I want them to go.
- 01:34 Now notice they did drop in the right information, but
- 01:36 they didn't pre-format it.
- 01:38 That is up to you to do.
- 01:39 If you wanna pre-format your information,
- 01:42 you've got to then use your formatting tools.
- 01:45 All right, so what we're gonna do here is I'm gonna get rid of these two items, and
- 01:49 we're gonna go ahead and advertise a couch for sale.
- 01:52 So I'm going to Insert Picture, and I already have a couch picture at the ready.
- 01:57 And I'm gonna click and move that into the center of my screen.
- 02:01 Now I'm gonna click and drag to make this larger.
- 02:02 Notice when I click and drag from this corner, only the right and
- 02:05 the bottom sides are coming out.
- 02:07 Watch what happens when I press and hold my control key on my keyboard.
- 02:10 Control, now click and drag, all four sides move out at the same time.
- 02:14 That's just a little tip for you in case you wanna save yourself some work.
- 02:18 All right, so I've got a picture of a couch.
- 02:20 Now I'm going to go to my Insert ribbon,
- 02:22 I'm going to just draw a basic text box right here and I'm gonna type for sale.
- 02:28 Notice I have to then format the text myself and then
- 02:33 center the text on my alignment button, center it and all this wonderful stuff.
- 02:37 What I wanna do though is I wanna make a for sale flyer, so
- 02:40 I can hang it up at the grocery store and have little tear off tabs at the bottom.
- 02:44 Well, here comes the business information.
- 02:46 I'll go ahead and click on my Insert ribbon.
- 02:49 Over here on my Business Information, here's a list of all my vital information,
- 02:53 but if you scroll the scroll bar down to the bottom, look at here.
- 02:57 We have a phone tear-off.
- 02:59 When I click that,
- 03:00 it inserts a text box with little pre-formatted tabs of my name and
- 03:04 phone number, so people could just tear them off and call me when they have time.
- 03:08 Now, there's not enough there, so I'm gonna click this resize handle, and
- 03:12 I'm gonna drag it to the right.
- 03:13 Now, it looks like they're just getting wider, but they're not.
- 03:16 When I let go, you can see they've multiplied, very nice feature.
- 03:21 I didn't do any work at all here.
- 03:23 Now after I print these, let me scroll up so you can see them.
- 03:27 After I print these off, I'm gonna take my scissors and I'm gonna cut on these lines,
- 03:30 so all these little flaps are easily tearable and
- 03:33 people can just walk away with them.
- 03:34 And you can see my flyer off to the left.
- 03:36 Isn't that an awesome feature?
- 03:38 So Business Information is more than just your vital info, it's actually
- 03:43 got great little pre-formatted text boxes, all pretty and ready for you to use.
- 03:49 Okay, I hope that helps you, and I hope that you use it a lot.
- 03:52 It's a great feature.
- 03:53 Thank you.
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