Locked lesson.
About this lesson
Work with page tools, color schemes and fonts, and page backgrounds.
Lesson versions
Multiple versions of this lesson are available, choose the appropriate version for you:
2016, 2019/365.
Exercise files
Download this lesson’s related exercise files.
Page Design Ribbon - b.docx104.5 KB Newsletter (Soft Blue Design).pub
584 KB
Quick reference
Page Design Ribbon - b
Rename Pages, recolour template Schemes and fonts, and apply full Background images in just a few easy clicks.
When to use
Knowing these simple but important tools will help you customize your publication every time you are in Publisher.
Begin by opening the corresponding Exercise File with this lesson, or to go File, New and find the Newsletter (Soft Blue design).
Make sure the Page Navigation pane is open.
- Click the View Ribbon.
Click the Page Design ribbon.
The Pages section of the Page Design ribbon contains 3 options.
These are also found on the Page Navigation pages with the right click button.
Quickly and easily delete an old page, move a page, or rename a page for easy identification when floating the mouse over the Page Navigation pages.
Schemes and Fonts
Quickly recolor and entire publication and change fonts throughout by using the galleries under Schemes and Fonts.
Apply Image and Background Color
To make your publication’s front page look like a magazine cover, simply click any picture and click Apply Image:
Maybe you would prefer to simply change the Fill Color rather than the background picture? Use the Background Color button:
- 00:04 All right, staying with the Page Design we're going to move on and
- 00:07 finish up the rest of this ribbon.
- 00:09 Notice the Pages section, it has Delete, Move, Rename Pages.
- 00:15 These options are also on the right mouse, kind of handy to know that.
- 00:18 So I'm going to float my mouse over here in my page navigation.
- 00:21 I'm going to hit my right mouse button, and
- 00:23 notice there's an extra one in here called Insert Page.
- 00:26 I think it's interesting that Insert Page is not on this list
- 00:29 because most of the time I want to insert a new page.
- 00:31 Insert a Duplicate Page, and here we go, Delete, Move, Rename.
- 00:35 Now, generally when you hit your right mouse button the shortcut list
- 00:39 has some buttons with little icons on it.
- 00:43 That means there's an equal or matching button up on a ribbon somewhere.
- 00:46 So notice the Delete, Move, Rename have little icons,
- 00:49 and here they are right up here so you can match them, your personal preference.
- 00:53 But honestly, when you're at this level you're going to get very accustomed to
- 00:56 just hitting your right mouse button.
- 00:58 Notice we also have Page Numbers up here and Master Pages and
- 01:02 of course the View Two-Page Spread.
- 01:03 I'm going to uncheck that very quickly, take a look at my navigation pane.
- 01:07 It only affects my navigation pane, click and it puts them on to single pages.
- 01:12 This is okay, that's fine,
- 01:14 I just can't see which pages are facing pages or mirrored pages.
- 01:19 But it does give me a better view of them.
- 01:21 I'm going to go ahead and leave it like that right now even though I prefer to
- 01:25 work with my View Two-Page Spread.
- 01:26 We're going to make some changes and
- 01:28 I really want to see how it affects the entire page here in a minute.
- 01:32 All right, let's go ahead and Move pages.
- 01:35 So I'm going to move Page 1 to Page 2.
- 01:37 So I'm going to click Move and it's going to ask me, Move selected page.
- 01:42 So I was on Page 1, I want to move it after Page 2.
- 01:46 So when I click OK, you're going to see this title, this big blank area,
- 01:50 within this other title.
- 01:51 Click, there we go, it just became Page 2, and my Page 2 is now Page 1.
- 01:56 All right, that's fine, I can change that back if I want.
- 02:00 Another great thing to do is to Rename these pages.
- 02:03 Because I know when you float your mouse, it says, let's see,
- 02:06 make sure it says that.
- 02:07 My goodness, I just made that vanish.
- 02:10 Good thing that happened so you can see that that little arrow over here on
- 02:12 the page navigation does make it vanish.
- 02:14 When I float my mouse the Tool Tip says Page 1, float here it says Page 2.
- 02:18 Wouldn't it make more sense to actually title these things, and rename them?
- 02:21 So I'm going to click on this one, and I'm going to right click,
- 02:24 and I'm going to Rename this.
- 02:26 And I'm going to call this my Title Page, and I'm going to call, better hit OK.
- 02:32 And I'm going to Rename this one, and this is going to be my New Business page.
- 02:40 All right, so now when I float my mouse it says, New Business page.
- 02:43 When I float my mouse here, Title Page.
- 02:45 And then, of course, I can just click and drag and move those.
- 02:47 Should be able just to click and drag it and move it to Page 1, which I did.
- 02:51 So you don't have to right-click and move, you can just click and
- 02:53 drag them and reorder them.
- 02:55 All right, enough about that, let's change the color of this entire thing.
- 02:58 So I'm going to hit the drop down arrow on this styles, okay?
- 03:01 The little schemes here, and I'm going to make this, let's see,
- 03:05 we'll go with the pink.
- 03:07 The entire thing just turned pink, look at all these pages.
- 03:10 All the text turned pink, all the fill-in colors turned pink,
- 03:13 I honestly think that's terrible.
- 03:15 I'm going to turn it back with my Ctrl+Z right now, Ctrl+Z.
- 03:19 And I want to show you something else that you can do.
- 03:21 And that is right over here on the right hand side,
- 03:24 we can actually make one picture.
- 03:26 So I'm going to click on this picture, and I'm going to click on background.
- 03:30 Let's see, Apply Image, and I'm going to Fill, click.
- 03:34 I just filled the entire background with that image.
- 03:36 Now this makes it look like a magazine cover, all right?
- 03:39 A full-bleed, all to the edge, color all the way to the edge,
- 03:43 is called a full-bleed picture.
- 03:45 I can Tile that picture, and so it didn't actually fill the whole thing.
- 03:49 It just took a corner of it and tiled it on the background.
- 03:52 Kind of a nice effect if you're looking for something like that, kind of great.
- 03:55 I'm going to undo that with my Ctrl+Z.
- 03:59 This time I'm just going to make the Background fill with a color.
- 04:02 And these colors that show up are in your theme, the newsletter theme you've chosen.
- 04:08 So you can fill the background with whatever color you want.
- 04:11 It's already pre-designed for you, kind of great.
- 04:13 Then of course at the very end we have Master Pages.
- 04:15 We had a whole lesson on the Master Pages, so that's it.
- 04:18 Have fun, you've got some great creative stuff here.
- 04:20 Yes this was an advanced level, but you can handle it, thank you.
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