Locked lesson.
About this lesson
Regardless of where your text is placed, formatting tools are in one location.
Lesson versions
Multiple versions of this lesson are available, choose the appropriate version for you:
2016, 2019/365.
Quick reference
Ribbon - Home
The main Font Formatting tools are located on the Home ribbon.
When to use
Every time you use Publisher, you will be using text and font formatting tools.
Begin by opening the corresponding Exercise File with this lesson, or to go File, New and find the Business Newsletter called Trader News.
Use Page 1 for this lesson.
Follow along with the video for an introduction to the Publisher Home ribbon.
This includes:
- Clipboard – Cut, Copy, Paste and the Format Painter tool
- Fonts – including SuperScript, SubScript, ClearAll, Character Spacing, Change Case
- Paragraph tools – Bullets, Numbering, Indents, Columns, Line Spacing
Computer Tips
- Double-click any word to select that word (faster than click and drag over the letters.)
- Triple-click any word to select a paragraph (faster that click and drag over a paragraph.)
- 00:04 On the Home ribbon, there are some buttons that are easily looked over.
- 00:08 And a lot of times, we assume knowledge about these buttons that we shouldn't.
- 00:12 because there are some great buttons in here that you need to know.
- 00:15 So first of all, let's take a look at some text on our screen.
- 00:18 I'm going to zoom in so we can actually see the text.
- 00:21 And I want to introduce you, first of all, I'm assuming you know cut, copy, paste.
- 00:25 But I don't want to ever assume.
- 00:26 So I'm going to copy this.
- 00:29 Now when I select it, I have some tools that pop up right here.
- 00:32 This is called the mini bar.
- 00:33 This I say is a gift of the gods of Microsoft.
- 00:36 They give us all these formating tools within a quarter inch of where I did my
- 00:40 click and drag.
- 00:41 I love it.
- 00:42 Now a lot of these tools are also on the home ribbon.
- 00:44 But maybe you're not conveniently on the home ribbon, so they're not handy.
- 00:49 So I can cut this with a little cut right here, the little tiny scissors.
- 00:53 Notice my tooltip comes up and says Ctrl+X.
- 00:56 I could also right-click and I also have the Cut, Copy,
- 00:59 Paste options down here as well.
- 01:01 So I'll cut that.
- 01:03 And now I'm just going to paste it right back in the same spot.
- 01:05 But should I paste it with all the formatting, should I paste it and
- 01:08 merge with other formatting, or should I just paste the text?
- 01:12 I'll paste the text, but of course it was already formatted, so it's fine.
- 01:15 That area, that textbox is formatted, so it's okay.
- 01:19 Let's go ahead and move on.
- 01:20 Now I want to show you the format painter.
- 01:22 So I'm going to, again, select this text.
- 01:25 Notice my mini bar comes up, it has this cute little paint brush over here.
- 01:28 It says Format Painter, Ctrl+Shift+C.
- 01:30 Also right here, Format Painter or a Ctrl+Shift+C.
- 01:33 And what this is going to do, it's going to copy the format and paste the format.
- 01:37 It's not going to copy the text.
- 01:39 I love it.
- 01:39 Second best button ever invented by Microsoft,
- 01:42 that cute little paint brush right there.
- 01:44 I'm going to click that once.
- 01:45 Cute little paint brush is attached to my mouse.
- 01:48 Now when I click and drag over any other text, as soon as I let go, there you go.
- 01:52 Is that the greatest thing in the world?
- 01:54 Love, love, love it.
- 01:55 All right, at this point, that text is too big.
- 01:58 I like the format, I just don't like the size.
- 02:00 So let's go into the font section.
- 02:02 Now, I'm looking at Cambria, 37.9.
- 02:05 Well, I don't know.
- 02:06 Do you think 36 would work, or 35?
- 02:08 I'm not going to sit here and guess on numbers.
- 02:10 I'm going to use the two buttons right next to it.
- 02:12 Now, any time there's a button with the letter A, it means alphabet or text.
- 02:17 So this is alphabet bigger, alphabet smaller, smaller, smaller,
- 02:21 smaller, smaller.
- 02:22 I like that. Size 24.
- 02:24 You see that's why I use and love these two buttons.
- 02:26 And yes, by the way, they are on the right click on the minibar right up here,
- 02:31 the A up and the A down, increase, decrease font size.
- 02:34 Love it. All right, now, of course we have bold,
- 02:36 italicize, underline, that's what the B, the I, and the U mean.
- 02:39 And then we have Subscript and Superscript.
- 02:42 Hmm, well, let's go ahead and show you what those are about.
- 02:45 I'm going to double click the word newsletter, and
- 02:47 I'm going to hit Subscript.
- 02:48 It's basically going to take the text and set it below the line of print.
- 02:52 Click. There we go.
- 02:54 And I'm going to take the word provide, double-click that, and
- 02:57 set that above the line of print, click, there we go.
- 03:00 See what happened?
- 03:02 Newsletter's below the line, provide is above the line, that is subscript,
- 03:06 below the water, superscript, above the water.
- 03:08 All right, here we go.
- 03:10 As soon as you've got that done, we can change even more.
- 03:13 We have this little A with a dropdown,
- 03:17 for Small Caps, or Normal caps, or All Caps.
- 03:21 I'm sorry, so we have Normal, Small Caps, All Caps.
- 03:24 I'm going to stick with Normal.
- 03:26 This is Spacing.
- 03:27 Now let's see, get in one, two, three.
- 03:31 A double click will select a word, a triple click will select a paragraph.
- 03:34 So I did a triple click to select the entire paragraph.
- 03:37 Now watch what happens with this.
- 03:38 Very tight letters.
- 03:40 Tight, Normal, Loose, or Very Loose letters.
- 03:43 See what happens?
- 03:44 It really spreads them out.
- 03:45 You have a lot of control over what you are working on.
- 03:49 Here of course I can change the color of my text.
- 03:51 It inverts on the color wheel to the opposite.
- 03:55 So, even though I chose blue, it inverts it to orange,
- 03:57 because they're opposite on the color wheel.
- 03:58 When I click off of it, you'll see the blue.
- 04:00 There you go. So don't freak out if it's not the right
- 04:02 color for you.
- 04:03 And then what if I want to wipe all this formatting off of all this whole section?
- 04:07 I just want to wipe the formatting.
- 04:09 Well, see this button with the red?
- 04:11 That's a little pink eraser.
- 04:12 Remember in high school, we had those flat rectangle erasers?
- 04:15 That's what that pink thing is.
- 04:17 So I'm going to click that.
- 04:18 Wipes all the formatting off of it.
- 04:20 We're ready to go.
- 04:21 All right, I just want to make sure you're familiar with those text options,
- 04:24 because they're actually pretty creative.
- 04:27 And they're on the Home ribbon.
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