Locked lesson.
About this lesson
Learn to quickly preserve files and easily access your most used documents.
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Exercise files
Download the Word document used in the video tutorial and try the lesson yourself.
File, Recent.docx58.8 KB
Quick reference
File, Recent
The “Recent Files” list is a time saver, especially when you pin your most used document to the list.
When to use
Rather than searching repeatedly for your most used document or file location, use the push pin to lock it onto the top of the list. When it is no longer necessary, just click the pin to turn it off.
1.There are two places to find recently used documents:
a.Upon opening Word, the left blue panel will show your recent documents.
b.If already using a document, click File, Open and the list of Recent documents will show on your screen.
2.To keep your favourite documents at the top of the list, simply click the Push Pin that appears when you float the mouse over the document name.
3.To save your favourite file locations at the top of the list, select “Computer” and then click the Push Pin that appears when you float the mouse over the file location on the list.
- 00:05 This lesson is all about the recent file list.
- 00:08 When you first open up Microsoft Word, on the left-hand panel,
- 00:12 you see this dark blue panel, says Word at the top and
- 00:15 then Recent, this is showing you your recent files.
- 00:18 So that's kinda nice cuz you don't have to down here to open Open Other Documents and
- 00:22 dig for the one you want, it shows you the most recent ones here.
- 00:26 Now if I activate in here, as my mouse starts floating down the list,
- 00:30 take a look at the right hand side, this little tiny push pin appears.
- 00:33 Now it only appears when you're floating on the screen,
- 00:36 now my preference would be to have those push pins always visible,
- 00:39 but they're only visible when you float there.
- 00:41 Now the reason those are there, is let's just say this particular file I open up
- 00:45 every day, I'm digging for that file, looking around for it, well when I
- 00:49 click the push pin it locks it in place up at the top and draws a line under it.
- 00:53 Say there is another one down here I'm always looking for click that and
- 00:57 it puts it in place, so now every time I open Microsoft Word the first couple
- 01:02 files at the top are the ones that I've chosen that I want to open all the time.
- 01:06 This is a productivity booster because I'm not digging and searching for those files.
- 01:11 Right now, let's just say I don't wanna open these,
- 01:13 I'm gonna go ahead right in here, I'm gonna click on my blank document and
- 01:16 open up Microsoft Word and begin to my work.
- 01:20 Now, I think, oh wait a minute, I wanna go back and get those files, I don't have to
- 01:24 close Word and re-open it, I simply have to go to the file ribbon and look right
- 01:29 here, the first option is already highlighted, it says Recent Documents.
- 01:33 And over here on the Recent Documents list happens to be those two files that
- 01:36 I just put pins on when I first opened Word.
- 01:40 So there's two places you're going to find your pinned documents,
- 01:44 upon opening word, or if you're already in word, go to file, open, and
- 01:48 there they are, sitting right here.
- 01:51 Now notice, as I move my mouse down here, those little push pins are appearing
- 01:54 again, I can click those and there's another feature called Recent Places.
- 01:59 So on the left, I'm going to click on computer, and
- 02:04 here are all files or places I've been on my computer,
- 02:08 now notice as I float my mouse through there little pin shows up.
- 02:11 So if there's a certain file I'm always looking for,
- 02:14 I can actually pin it in place, so that means I'm not clicking from
- 02:19 Documents to Camtasia to GoSkills, I'm just locking it in there.
- 02:23 This saves me clicks, which saves me time, which saves me frustration,
- 02:28 I love these push pins, I love the Recent Documents, I love that these are there.
- 02:33 Now what if none of the files are there that I'm looking for, well now I gotta dig
- 02:37 further and I click into my Browse button, and I start purging through my files,
- 02:41 swimming through my files, looking for the file I want.
- 02:44 But when you find it, go immediately back to your recent documents and
- 02:48 pin either the exact document in place or go to Computer and
- 02:53 pin the file location in place.
- 02:55 I love this feature, huge time saver,
- 02:58 well worth knowing, you will be a better computer user if you know these little
- 03:03 gifts that have been designed inside Microsoft Word to save you time.
- 03:08 So please explore that, please pin some files to your list and
- 03:12 go back and get them, you'll be delighted.
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