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About this lesson
Add a frothy amber liquid appeal to your text.
Exercise files
Download the Photoshop file used in the video tutorial and try the lesson yourself.
Beer Text Effect.psd11.6 MB
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Topic: Beer Text
Add a frothy amber liquid appeal to your text.
When to use
Why is St Patricks Day associated with beer and getting drunk? I don’t get it!
Anyway, if you do get this text style is sure to amuse friends, family and co-workers. As usual, the techniques here are important too; particularly for adding a watery feel to things.
Set up
- New document 1280 by 720 pixels.
- Create light texture background.
- Add text (thick font).
Lots of layer Styles to give it a beer feel
Blending Options: Turn On: Blend Interior Effect as Group, Turn Off: Blend Clipped Layers as Group.
Gradiant Overlay: Colors: 0%: e98700, 40%: ad7d73, 80% 772f02, 100%: 772f02.
Bevel And Emboss: Depth: 100, Size: 15, Style: Inner Bevel, Technique: Smooth, Soften: 1.
Bevel And Emboss Shading: Global light: Off, Angle: -90, Highlight Mode: Screen, Shadow Mode: Screen, Highlight Opacity: 65%, Shadow Opacity: 100%, color: white, Altitude: 35, Gloss Contour: Rolling Slope, Anti-Alias: On.
Bevel And Emboss Contour: Contour: Rolling Slope, Anti-Alias: On, Range 50%.
Inner Glow: Blend mode: Overlay, Opacity: 90%, Size: 80, color: white, Source: center.
Inner Shadow: Blend mode: Color Burn, Opacity: 55%, Global light: Off, Size: 20, Angle: 180, Distance: 0.
Drop Shadow: Blend mode: Multiply, Opacity: 20%, Global light: Off, Size: 4, Angle: 90, Distance: 8.
Add a bubbly texture
- New layer and fill with black (hold down Atl /Option and press the Delete/Backspace Key).
- Right click in layers Panel and choose Create Clipping Mask.
- Go Menu/Filter/Pixelate/Mezzotint: Medium Dots type.
- Blend mode Soft light: Opacity 35%.
- Go Menu/Filter/Blur/Gaussian Blur: Set to 0.7.
Add some froth
- Rectangle tool: Draw over the top part of the text.
- Right click in layers Panel and choose ‘Create Clipping Mask’.
Layer Styles
Pattern Overlay: Choose Pattern: Clouds, Blend mode: Multiply, Opacity: 15%, Scale: 150.
Inner Shadow: Blend mode: Multiply, Opacity: 40%, Global light: Off, Size: 20, Angle: 90, Distance: 0.
Drop Shadow: Blend mode: Color Burn, Opacity: 20%, Global light: Off, Size: 9, Angle: 90, Distance: 8.
- Convert for Smart Filters.
- Go Menu/Filter/Distort/Wave: Number of Generators: 4, Wavelength: Min 105, Max 106, Amplitude: Min 5, Max 10, Scale 100%, Type: Sine, repeat edge Pixel.
- Go Menu/Filter/Distort/ZigZag: Amount -85%, Ridges: 10, Style: Out from center.
Add some water drops
- Grab brush tool.
- Menu/window/Brush or F5.
Brush Tip Shape Section: Size: 50, Hardness 50%, Spacing 185%.
Shape Dynamics: Size Jitter: 65%, Roundness Jitter: 35%.
Scattering: Both: Axis: On, Scatter: 630%, Count: 1.
- Create new Layer and Clip to text layer.
- Paint over random drops of different sizes.
- Layer Styles
Blending Options: Fill Opacity 0%
Bevel And Emboss: Depth: 120, Size: 10, Style: Inner Bevel, Technique: Smooth.
Bevel And Emboss Shading: Global light: Off, Angle: 120, Highlight Mode: Screen, Shadow Mode: Soft Light, Highlight Opacity: 100%, Shadow Opacity: 25%, Altitude: 60, Gloss Contour: Cone Inverted, Anti-Alias: On.
Bevel And Emboss Contour: Cone Inverted, Anti-Alias: On, Range: 100%.
Inner Glow: Blend mode: Soft Light, Opacity: 100%, Size: 16, color: white, Range: 35%, Source: center.
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