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About this lesson
As Lightroom is a great tool for organising your photos, this technique can be useful for quick color adjustments to photos, without going into PhotoShop. But just incase the adjustments you want to make are more complex, then this will show you how to do the same thing in PhotoShop.
Exercise files
There are no related exercise files for this lesson, or we cannot provide them due to copyright issues.
Quick reference
Two ways of brightening up teeth in Lightroom and Photoshop.
When to use
As Lightroom is a great tool for organising your photos, this technique can be useful for quick color adjustments to photos, without going into Photoshop.
But just incase the adjustments you want to make are more complex, then this will show you how to the same thing in Photoshop.
In Lightroom
- From within Lightroom, enter the ‘Develop Module’ (tab at top)
- Scroll down to HSL section (Hue, Saturation, Luminance)
- Switch on Targeted Adjustment tool
- Choose the colors that you want to change click and drag down to lower the saturation level of the targeted colors.
- To specify where you want color adjustment, then use ‘Adjustments Brush’ (icon at top of Panel)
- Use the Color Set tool as a guide for where the adjustment will affect image
- Change the color set to transparent to reveal just the effects
In Photoshop
- Open image
- From the bottom of the layer panel choose ‘Adjustment Layer’ and ‘Selective Color’
- Select yellow and drag slider left to change teeth color
- To affect only the teeth, choose a large size black brush and paint around teeth.
- The white on the adjustment layer is where the effect will color the teeth
You can paint on the effect by changing the layer mask to black by holding Option or ALT and pressing the delete/backspace key.
Then use a paintbrush set to white, to paint on the effect.
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- 00:04 Hey everyone, Howard Pinsky here with another Photoshop
- 00:07 and Lightroom tutorial. In this video, I’ll show you
- 00:10 several methods of brightening up and
- 00:13 getting rid of the yellow in someone's teeth. So here we are in Lightroom
- 00:17 to start off, and there are two things you can do in Lightroom to
- 00:21 help solve this problem:
- 00:22 one of which is a lot better than the other. So I'm going to enter the development module
- 00:27 by either clicking on develop at the top or pressing the ‘D’ key on the keyboard.
- 00:29 Now, in the first section, the basic adjustments,
- 00:34 I'm not going to touch anything, because this image is pretty nicely exposed.
- 00:37 But of course, in your images,
- 00:38 if you do need to tweak the basic adjustments, feel free to do so.
- 00:42 I'm going to scroll down to the HSL section, which stands for hue, saturation
- 00:47 and luminance -
- 00:47 this gives us control over all the different colors and shades in the image.
- 00:51 In this panel, we have the different colors which we could use the
- 00:56 sliders to control,
- 00:57 but you also have, at the top left corner, the targeted adjustment tool,
- 01:02 which is the much better choice in my opinion. So when you click on this you are
- 01:05 able to move your mouse
- 01:06 overtop of the color you want to adjust - in this case yellow -
- 01:09 and then simply click and drag down. That will suck the yellow
- 01:13 out the image, because I'm decreasing the saturation. Of course, if you want to
- 01:17 increase it, you can drag it the other way. But I'm going to pull it down,
- 01:20 just like this, a little bit. Now, you notice when I'm doing that, the yellow,
- 01:23 if I turn this off and then turn it back on,
- 01:26 the yellow in the teeth is definitely decreasing. But you're also noticing that
- 01:31 the reds in the lips, or the pinks in the lips,
- 01:33 and also the peach in the skin are also decreasing. So in that case, what you can
- 01:38 do is hover over top of the lips,
- 01:40 so we will target the reds, and then bring that up a little bit to bring that
- 01:44 back.
- 01:44 Now when turning off and then back on again, you can definitely see that the
- 01:48 lips are a little bit better,
- 01:50 but the skin was also affected, and you can keep tweaking this until it looks great.
- 01:54 I can hop over to the luminance tab,
- 01:55 grab the target adjustment tool one more time and brighten up the teeth, just like
- 01:59 that.
- 02:00 So, again, I'm going to turn this off and then back on. So it definitely made a
- 02:04 difference and it looks a little bit better.
- 02:06 But what if you don't want to affect everything
- 02:09 else other than the teeth? I'm going to turn this off and scroll back up to the top of the
- 02:14 adjustments panel.
- 02:15 This time I'm going to grab my adjustment brush, which is this
- 02:18 icon right over here, and this will allow us to paint
- 02:21 in exactly where we want to adjust. So you notice if I start painting here,
- 02:25 you can see the area that's going to be adjusted, and that's because
- 02:28 I have a color set over here at the bottom of
- 02:32 the adjustment brush panel. So I'll just paint over top of this. Obviously I'm not going to keep
- 02:36 your teeth green,
- 02:37 but just to show you how this works: it's much more specific than the last method.
- 02:41 Of course, you obviously don't want a green color, so I'll click on the green box
- 02:45 and change this to transparent, by dragging it all the way to the bottom
- 02:48 left. I'll close out the ‘select a color’ window.
- 02:51 Now, obviously you're noticing that the saturation is way down.
- 02:55 I'm going to double click on a saturation slider to reset it back to zero.
- 02:59 And in this case, what you could do is just adjust the temperature,
- 03:02 which right now is a little bit yellow, so I'll drag it to the left.
- 03:05 That's going to take that yellow out of the teeth. Now, if I continue painting, I can
- 03:10 continue
- 03:11 removing the yellow from the teeth, just like this. And I can paint
- 03:15 on the image as much as I want. What you’re noticing is that it is really not affecting any of the
- 03:20 other colors, like the reds or the peaches in the skin,
- 03:23 because I'm really not painting over top of it. And the little red that I am
- 03:27 painting over top of
- 03:28 in the gums and lips, you're not really noticing a difference.
- 03:31 So that's not too bad. Now, if I turn this off with this icon at the bottom
- 03:35 left,
- 03:36 and then back on, you’re noticing only the teeth are being affected.
- 03:40 And of course you have all these other adjustments, so I can take the highlights
- 03:43 and increase it a little bit if I want to. Or I can adjust the exposure instead, just like that.
- 03:47 Now that's probably a little bit too overdone, but you can't we
- 03:51 can tell you find in my sweet spot,
- 03:53 And again if I turn it off and then back on you definitely have much nicer teeth.
- 03:58 So that's how you can do it in Lightroom. But if you want a little bit more
- 04:01 control
- 04:02 you can definitely do this edit in Photoshop.
- 04:05 So here we are in Photoshop and the nice thing about editing in Photoshop
- 04:08 is that you have access to adjustment layers. So the bottom of your Layers panel
- 04:11 you can click on the adjustment Layer icon and you can choose all these different
- 04:15 just layers. For this example I'll choose Selective Color,
- 04:18 which allows me to go through my colors and adjust the cyans the magenta
- 04:22 the yellow and the black of each and every color. So I can select yellow
- 04:26 and then in this panel I can track the yellow slider to the left
- 04:30 which will get rid of the yellow in the image and you may not be able see that
- 04:33 but if I turn Selected Color off and then back on
- 04:36 you may be able to see that the yellow in the teeth has definitely decreased.
- 04:40 And then you can switch over to the whites and do the exact same thing: grab
- 04:44 the yellow slider
- 04:45 and drag to the left which again decreases the yellow in the teeth.
- 04:48 Again I'll turn Selection Color off
- 04:51 and then back on but you're noticing the same problem that arose in the first
- 04:56 example when we're in Lightroom.
- 04:57 Where even though the teeth are being affected, everything else is changing as
- 05:01 well.
- 05:02 But because we're in Photoshop and because we're using an adjustment layer
- 05:06 we also have access to layer masks which allows us
- 05:09 to choose exactly what we want affected. Kinda like the adjustment brush in
- 05:13 Lightroom.
- 05:14 So in the Layers panel we have our layer mask right over here
- 05:17 and their are a few ways to work with this. You can either grab a black brush
- 05:22 and then change the brush over here on the left. I'll choose a black brush.
- 05:27 And if I right click I can set my size: let's say somewhere around,
- 05:32 this a pretty big document, somewhere around 432,
- 05:36 and the hardness I wanna set to 0.
- 05:39 And when I paint black on this document it's going to remove the adjustment from
- 05:43 everywhere I'm painting on top just like this, and because I'm using a Wacom
- 05:47 stylus
- 05:48 its also detecting my pressure sensitivity.
- 05:51 So if there are some areas of the photo that I won a little bit less affected
- 05:54 I could press a little bit softer on my stylus and I can do just that.
- 05:58 So once again I'm gonna turn off the Selective Color adjustment
- 06:02 turn it back on, and you're noticing now only the teeth are being affected the
- 06:06 lips are fine,
- 06:07 the skin is fine, we only have the teeth. Now the second way you can do things
- 06:11 is pretty much do the opposite
- 06:13 you can paint in white where you'd like the effect to take place.
- 06:17 And if that's the route you wanna take you want to take your layer mask and
- 06:20 make it completely black.
- 06:21 So right now my foreground color is set to black. I'll hold on my option key on the Mac,
- 06:25 Alt key in Windows, and press Delete which will fill the whole layer mask with black.
- 06:30 Now at this point you want to switch to a white brush.
- 06:34 I'll press the D key on my keyboard to set the default brushes.
- 06:37 And then decrease the size my brush a little bit by pressing on the left square bracket
- 06:40 key.
- 06:41 And simply brush cover top of the teeth. Now we'll paint in my selective
- 06:44 color
- 06:45 adjustment layer only on the areas that I'm painting on top of:
- 06:49 in this case the teeth. And you're noticing as I'm doing that
- 06:52 the teeth are becoming less yellow and a little bit more bright.
- 06:56 and I can continue down here just like that, make a brushstroke
- 06:59 right across there, and we now have much brighter teeth.
- 07:03 Turn off the selective color adjustment layer and then back on.
- 07:07 Now again because we're using adjustment layers what I can do is add another one.
- 07:11 I can add a brightness and contrast adjustment layer. Brighten it up just a
- 07:15 little bit,
- 07:17 and then I can clip it using this icon right here which'll clip it to the
- 07:20 previous adjustment layer.
- 07:22 so only affects the teeth as well. If I turn that off
- 07:25 and then back on, you'll notice the teeth are now nice and bright.
- 07:29 And now we're just about complete it I showed you two methods in Lightroom and
- 07:32 one method and Photoshop
- 07:33 on how to remove the yellow stains and brighten up your teeth
- 07:37 in Photoshop and Lightroom.
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