Locked lesson.
About this lesson
Useful for customizing Photoshop to your own uses, particularly for repetitive tasks and developing unique uses.
Exercise files
There are no related exercise files for this lesson, or we cannot provide them due to copyright issues.
Quick reference
This tutorial will walk you through selecting and creating a custom brush from an image of flames. Great for beginners who want to create custom brushes for repetitive tasks, like adding signatures.
When to use
Useful for customizing Photoshop to your own uses, particularly for repetitive tasks and developing unique uses.
Using Blend If to make the background transparent for a black background
- Double click on the layer to bring up the Layer Styles
- In the Blend If section, drag left slider of the ‘This Layer’ to the right a little. Then hold ALT and separate slider to soften the blend layer style settings
Selecting individual objects from a group
- Use the Rectangular Marquee tool and draw around object
- To adjust the selection, press the space bar
- Alternatively, use the Polygonal Lasso tool and draw around object.
To save selection as a new brush
- Go to dropdown Edit menu/Define Brush Pre-Set
- Name the new brush style and press OK
To use the new brush
- Choose Brush tool (shortcut ‘B’)
- Right click to bring up pre-set menu
- The last saved brush can be found in the pre-sets panel (last)
- To create a brush pre-set for a signature, use a Wacom Tablet and sign with a small hard brush.
- Go to drop-down Edit menu/Define Brush Pre-Set
- Name the new brush style and press OK
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