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About this lesson
When you need to aggregate multiple tables or create new fields in order to display properly in a PivotTable.
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2016, 2019/365.
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Preparing Source Data.xlsx16.2 KB Preparing Source Data - Completed.xlsx
23.7 KB
Quick reference
Preparing your PivotTable source data.
Where/when to use the technique
When you need to aggregate multiple tables or create new fields in order to display properly in a PivotTable.
The end goal is to get all the required columns into a single table in order to feed the PivotTable. This includes aggregating data from other tables, creating new columns to hold the values you’d like to see, and splitting up fields into smaller pieces for PivotTable use if necessary.
Aggregating Tables
- Use VLOOKUP() to pull data from the other table into the main table
- Use Text functions (LEFT, RIGHT, MID, LEN, FIND) to break apart text if needed
- Perform mathematics in new columns (unit count * sales currency to get total sales)
- Saves tying to write complicated formulas beside a pivot which can be overwritten or not cover the entire boundary of the Pivot
- Saves trying to make complicated Calculated Fields later
- Makes it easy to drag and drop required fields on a pivot
- Extra columns in your data source table that may not always be required
- Can be tedious to set up the needed variants of the data
- 00:00 In this video, we're gonna look at the problem that occurs when we
- 00:05 have two separate tables and we want to feed a pivot table from them.
- 00:10 In this particular case, you can see that I have a Sales Transactions table with
- 00:15 some dates and quantities of my different sales items.
- 00:18 I also have a Inventory Items table,
- 00:20 which happens to have things like the sales price, the unit cost and the margin.
- 00:24 Now what I wanna do is try and pull these things together into one table,
- 00:28 because a pivot table native in Excel can only be based off of one table.
- 00:33 And the way that I'm gonna do that is I'm gonna try and deal with it using VLOOKUP,
- 00:37 which is everybody's favorite function and
- 00:39 the way that we can actually make this work.
- 00:41 So the first thing that I need to look at is which table am I going to try and
- 00:46 aggregate together?
- 00:48 And in this case, I can't pull values into this table, because there's multiple
- 00:52 different records for the same sales item, so that's not gonna work.
- 00:55 I need to lookup information from this table in this table and
- 01:00 bring these items back over to the right-hand side.
- 01:04 So the way I'm gonna do this, I'm gona say well, we've already got a date,
- 01:07 we've already got a SKU and I can see a SKU number and a brand over here.
- 01:10 Those both exist.
- 01:11 What I don't have is these guys, all the different types of quantities and
- 01:16 things like that.
- 01:17 So I'm gonna start off with type and we'll just add a new column to our table for
- 01:22 this and we're going to do a VLOOKUP.
- 01:24 So we'll =vlookup and we'll pick up the SKU, so that's what we want to lookup.
- 01:30 Where do we want to look it up over in this table over here.
- 01:34 And then we're going to say, give me the let me see, where is type.
- 01:39 This is the first, the second, the third column.
- 01:42 And of course, we always put comma false on our VLOOKUP to get an exact match.
- 01:45 We now have the different types.
- 01:48 I'd also like to pull over these three items, sales price, unit cost, and margin.
- 01:54 So we'll just copy that, right-click, and paste values to give us our new columns.
- 01:59 And again, we'll run back and quickly do a =vlookup(@SKU)
- 02:04 against the Inventory Items table, comma.
- 02:09 So for sales price, we're gonna go column one, two, three, four, five and
- 02:14 six, false.
- 02:18 We can see that that's pulled that back correctly.
- 02:20 The unit cost =vlookup.
- 02:23 Once again, the SKU number in the table that we're gonna lookup,
- 02:28 this one should be ,7,false, cuz it's the next column over from what
- 02:33 we just used and we can see Budweiser's pulled us back a cost of 24.4.
- 02:38 And finally, =vlookup to grab the margins.
- 02:42 We're gonna go lookup the skew in the table,
- 02:48 and pull back the 8, false.
- 02:52 So what we've done here is we aggregated the key information from two
- 02:56 tables into one, because now when I go and create my pivot table.
- 03:01 So equals, Insert > Pivot table and I'll use a new worksheet.
- 03:06 I can now grab my brand and throw it on rows and I can grab my type, maybe I'll
- 03:11 throw that right above it, just so I can see what's going on there, there we go.
- 03:16 And now, I can pull across my sales price into the values area and my unit cost and
- 03:21 my margin, except that I just realized there is a problem here.
- 03:25 It's pulling out the sum, but this doesn't look like my total sales when I
- 03:30 consider I had quantities of 64 units in some of these cases.
- 03:34 So if I run back and take a look here,
- 03:36 what it's doing is it's actually summing the total amount of times that sales
- 03:40 prices showed up in this particular column and that's not exactly what I wanna do.
- 03:45 So what I'm gonna need to do is I'm gonna need to add some more information to
- 03:49 my particular table here and what we're gonna do is we're gonna add total sales.
- 03:53 Now we can use some more advanced techniques for this, but sometimes simple
- 03:58 is better and all we're gonna do is say =(@(Sales @uantity) *(@Sales Price).
- 04:04 Here we go.
- 04:05 Let's do Total Cost and once again,
- 04:09 it's just =(@Sales Quantity) *(@Unit
- 04:14 Cost) and we'll also grab Total Margin.
- 04:19 And once again, =(@Sales Quantity) *(@Margin).
- 04:27 We can now go back to our pivot table, refresh the data and
- 04:31 you'll see that we get some new columns here.
- 04:34 So I'm gonna pull these guys off, cz I don't need them anymore and
- 04:38 we'll put Total Sales, Total Cost and Total Margin on our pivot table and
- 04:42 you can see that we're starting to get much more accurate results.
- 04:46 So this is the secret to working with pivot table.
- 04:48 Sometimes quick and easy is best way to deal with things.
- 04:51 We amalgamate our tables together and
- 04:53 we create the additional columns that we might need to sum things up quickly rather
- 04:57 than trying to work black magic with more advanced techniques.
- 05:01 Although, we'll certainly show those later on in the course as well.
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