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About this lesson
Dashboard is a loaded term to Excel users, and Power BI calls those reports. So what is a "Dashboard", and how do we create one?
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Quick reference
Dashboards vs Reports
An explanation of how Power BI defines reports and dashboards.
When to use
When you want to clarify the difference between dashboards and reports.
Power BI creates business intelligence in two ways:
Reports are:
- The foundation of dashboards
- Always developed in Power BI desktop
- Where we create and customize our visuals
- Interactive
- Not intended for sharing
Dashboards are:
- A collection of pinned visuals from reports and other locations
- Intended to be a summary of key metrics
- Allow linking back to the report to explore further
- Not interactive (except when pinning the entire report)
- Intended for sharing
- Based off the same data as the report
Create new dashboards by:
- Opening a report
- Pinning a visual
- Pin further visuals from other sources
Hints & tips
- A dashboard is intended to be a summary
- Only the most critical indicators should end up on the dashboard
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