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About this lesson
Dashboard is a loaded term to Excel users, and Power BI calls those reports. So what is a "Dashboard", and how do we create one?
Exercise files
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Quick reference
Dashboards vs Reports
An explanation of how Power BI defines reports and dashboards.
When to use
When you want to clarify the difference between dashboards and reports.
Power BI creates business intelligence in two ways:
Reports are:
- The foundation of dashboards
- Always developed in Power BI desktop
- Where we create and customize our visuals
- Interactive
- Not intended for sharing
Dashboards are:
- A collection of pinned visuals from reports and other locations
- Intended to be a summary of key metrics
- Allow linking back to the report to explore further
- Not interactive (except when pinning the entire report)
- Intended for sharing
- Based off the same data as the report
Create new dashboards by:
- Opening a report
- Pinning a visual
- Pin further visuals from other sources
Hints & tips
- A dashboard is intended to be a summary
- Only the most critical indicators should end up on the dashboard
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- 00:04 So we've published our report to the cloud.
- 00:07 Now what?
- 00:08 Before we move forward,
- 00:09 we should really talk about the difference between reports and dashboards.
- 00:14 This is particularly key to those of you who've come from a world of Excel where we
- 00:18 basically take our worksheets and
- 00:20 build what we call dashboards in that particular case.
- 00:23 Power BI doesn't see this the same way.
- 00:25 They see those kind of pieces of information as reports, not as dashboards.
- 00:30 Dashboards are a completely different animal as far as Power BI is concerned.
- 00:34 And this is something that we really struggle often as Excel users coming to
- 00:37 Power BI is getting over that particular hurdle.
- 00:40 So let's look again at the flow of how we do this.
- 00:43 We start with data.
- 00:44 Now this could be local data sources and
- 00:47 local databases, it could be hosted databases that are out there on the cloud.
- 00:51 It could be text files, like we started with, it could be Excel files,
- 00:54 it could be anything.
- 00:55 Let's just say there's multiple data sources in this case.
- 00:58 So we go and we take Power BI desktop and we might pull multiple things
- 01:03 from one data source or multiple data sources together to build reports.
- 01:09 The key piece here is that every report that is ever
- 01:12 authored is always done in Power BI Desktop.
- 01:15 Because it's the richest tool set for actually making this work.
- 01:17 Now you can actually build some reports in the cloud but quite frankly,
- 01:20 the tools are not as robust so we're not even gonna cover that at all.
- 01:23 Always go back to the Power BI Desktop to build your reports.
- 01:27 Once we've built our reports, then we publish those into the cloud.
- 01:32 Once they're in the cloud, the report lives in the cloud but we can also go and
- 01:36 create a dashboard in the cloud service as well.
- 01:40 We do this by pinning visuals.
- 01:42 And you'll notice that at the top part here the first dashboard
- 01:45 pulls from a specific report.
- 01:47 Now there could be five or
- 01:48 six visuals that we want from that report, we pin to a specific dashboard,
- 01:52 it doesn't have to take all the visuals it just take some key ones.
- 01:56 The next one down though you'll notice actually pulls from
- 01:58 two separate reports which are coming from two separate databases.
- 02:03 Now if you think back to the comment that I made in the Power BI work flow
- 02:07 I actually told you I said don't try and build things too complicated.
- 02:10 Where you're trying to solve everything under the world in a one particular file.
- 02:14 The reason being is it makes a file very very awkward to work with for a very,
- 02:17 very big very clunky and very complicated.
- 02:19 But in this case with a dashboard we can actually take
- 02:23 different visuals from different reports and bring them together onto
- 02:26 one dashboard to collect all that information in key places.
- 02:29 This gives you the ability to stage things in a smaller fashion and
- 02:33 still put them together at the end.
- 02:35 The other key component about dashboards is that dashboards are the mechanism for
- 02:40 sharing with other users.
- 02:42 We don't share reports, we share dashboards.
- 02:45 So this is a big, big key distinction.
- 02:48 Now the dashboard sharing with other users is obviously also the point where we kick
- 02:52 over from free to a pro license, so that's something else we wanna be aware of.
- 02:56 But in this particular case, this is the big difference between reports and
- 03:00 dashboards is dashboards aggregate information from multiple different
- 03:03 reports.
- 03:04 And can be shared with other users.
- 03:07 So how do you create a dashboard then?
- 03:09 Well, that's a great question.
- 03:12 The way we do it is we actually go into the cloud service because all dashboards
- 03:16 are created in the cloud.
- 03:19 And we pin a visual from a report onto a dashboard.
- 03:24 Now where can we actually pin visuals from?
- 03:28 It turns out, lots of places.
- 03:30 We can go into a report.
- 03:31 We can pin individual items.
- 03:34 We can also pin an entire report as what's called a live page.
- 03:40 Now, this has a specific property that's interesting because
- 03:42 normally when you pin a visual, it doesn't cross filter.
- 03:46 But if you pin the entire report, it still allows cross filtering, so
- 03:49 that's kind of an interesting one.
- 03:52 We can pin directly from Excel,
- 03:53 if you have an add in installed in Excel to do that.
- 03:57 We can pin from something called quick insights, which I will show you shortly.
- 04:02 We can pin from other dashboards as well.
- 04:04 So if somebody shares a dashboard with us, we can potentially pin a tile from there.
- 04:09 We have the ability to go to your dashboard and click an add tile button.
- 04:12 This allows a pin things like images or text boxes, video or
- 04:16 web content into a dashboard as well.
- 04:18 And we can also pin from another little animal which is obviously fantastic
- 04:23 called Q&A.
- 04:24 And I'm gonna show you some of the different components around those
- 04:28 in the next modules.
- 04:31 So let's create a dashboard.
- 04:32 You'll notice that I am in the Power BI web service in my web browser.
- 04:36 I'm not in Power BI Desktop, and I'm looking at my report.
- 04:39 In order to create a dashboard,
- 04:41 I can mouse over the visual that I want to pin and I click the pin visual.
- 04:46 If I don't have a dashboard it asks me would I like to put it on a new dashboard
- 04:49 which I get to provide a name.
- 04:51 And then I say pin, and it says hey great would you like to go to the dashboard?
- 04:57 So we'll go to the dashboard and you'll see that I have a dashboard tile.
- 05:00 Notice that when I click on the bar it takes me into the report.
- 05:04 It doesn't cross filter it,
- 05:05 it now brings me to the place where I can actually work with the data.
- 05:09 What else might I want to see?
- 05:11 Maybe I want to pin my total sales.
- 05:13 So click on the tile, click pin visual, and you'll notice
- 05:16 now that I can pin it to an existing or another new dashboard, so I'll say Pin.
- 05:20 I'm gonna ignore that one, gonna click on Units Sold, and pin this guy too.
- 05:27 To the existing dashboard and maybe as well we'll pin the last sale date.
- 05:34 And now, if I miss these little windows, let's say that they go away.
- 05:39 And I want to see my dashboard.
- 05:41 I can go to My Workspace.
- 05:43 I can click on Dashboards.
- 05:45 I could go back to my Reports.
- 05:48 Go my Dashboard, and click on Load Pencil and it will bring me in to look at it.
- 05:52 And again, I can move some tiles around as well, or
- 05:56 I could resize things if I do not want to see them quite as big,
- 05:59 in order to make my dashboard view to look the way that I actually want to see it.
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