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About this lesson
In this module we look at practical examples of using the ALL() function to modify and override the filter context, resulting in measures that only change when we want them to.
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Quick reference
The ALL() Function - Application
Creating measures for our sample model using ALL().
When to use
You want to practice using the ALL() function.
Create a multi-row card and add the Sales $ measure
Create the following measures and add them to the multi-row card:
Remove filters from an entire table
- Sales $ - All Time = CALCULATE([Sales $],all('Calendar'))
- Sales $ - All Locations = CALCULATE([Sales $],All(Locations))
Remove filters from a specific column on a table
- Sales $ - All Years = CALCULATE([Sales $],ALL('Calendar'[Year]))
Hints & tips
- Removing filters from a column is typically used to remove successive filters caused by use of slicers
- 00:05 Let's review some practical examples of where all works and
- 00:08 where it might not not work quite as expected.
- 00:12 You'll notice I've added a new card here with four different measures on it.
- 00:15 The first one being sales is our standard sum of sales, total sale columns,
- 00:20 our nice, basic tax measured.
- 00:22 Again, this will filter nicely for us depending on what we do.
- 00:26 You'll notice here that I also have set up a sales all time,
- 00:29 a sales all location and the sales all years.
- 00:32 And one of these will work really, really well in certain cases and not others.
- 00:37 So, let's take a look first here, we're gonna go and we're gonna filter to 2016.
- 00:42 And you'll notice that this point in time, that right now, we still have our sales
- 00:47 for all year is showing 5.2 million as we originally expected it.
- 00:52 We see that our sales for all time is also showing us at $5.2 million and
- 00:56 that makes sense.
- 00:57 But our sales for all locations is not, it's showing us 2.7.
- 01:01 And the reason being is because we've applied a filter context of 2016 to this,
- 01:05 so it's filtering down to just the 2016 sales as you'd expect.
- 01:09 So what's happening between these two things?
- 01:12 Let's go take and take a look at the all time measure.
- 01:15 So we'll go and grab sales-all time, and
- 01:17 you'll notice that this one is built based on a calculate for our sales.
- 01:21 And we're saying we would like to modify the filter context via the calculate
- 01:26 function, override it using all for the calendar table.
- 01:31 So basically, even though we have selected 2016,
- 01:34 it says remove all of the filters from the calendar table.
- 01:37 Therefore, we're not gonna filter any rows based on dates and
- 01:40 we're gonna return the total sum back to the model, so this makes sense.
- 01:44 And you can see the same thing is happening with all years,
- 01:47 even though I've used a different setup for that.
- 01:49 And I'm not going to show you that quite yet because I want to show you this.
- 01:53 What happens if I drill into a specific piece?
- 01:58 Now, this is a little bit odd.
- 02:00 Notice that my all time sales measure is still working beautifully.
- 02:03 It still says 5.2 million which is what our all time sales were, but
- 02:08 my sales for all years is not.
- 02:10 As a matter of fact, if I come back and I highlight this, you can see that
- 02:14 the highlighted portion, which is in July 2016, I believe, is 370,000.
- 02:19 So why did the all years not apply?
- 02:24 Well, the answer comes down to the way that the visual is actually built.
- 02:28 Let's take a quick look at what's actually creating this guy here.
- 02:32 On this chart, we are using the end of month field.
- 02:35 But if I look at the sales for all years,
- 02:39 you'll notice that my calculate is saying remove the filters from calendar year.
- 02:44 The challenge is is that I didn't select calendar year.
- 02:47 I selected end of month, calendar end of month.
- 02:50 Those are two different fields.
- 02:52 And therefore,
- 02:53 the functions that I've used here are not removing the filter for end of month.
- 02:59 If I wanted it to remove end of month, I could go and add that.
- 03:04 I could come back and say, you know what?
- 03:05 Let's go back and say, all, open parenthesis, calendar.
- 03:10 I'm gonna remove the filters not only from calendar year, but
- 03:14 also from calendar end of month.
- 03:15 So I can actually apply multiple columns here.
- 03:18 When I hit enter on this guy now, you'll notice that, that now
- 03:22 removes the filter from the end of month as well, so now it will work properly.
- 03:26 So this is something if you're targeting specific columns you
- 03:29 really want to be aware of is, how is that gonna effect and play with things?
- 03:35 Sales all locations, you might expect, this one is actually
- 03:38 another one that actually removes all of the filters in the locations table.
- 03:42 So even if I were to go and click on say the squints, it's gonna remove all of
- 03:46 those particular filters here and we're gonna be back to the 5.2 million.
- 03:50 So this is the way that all actually works,
- 03:53 we should also just point out one more thing about this.
- 03:57 If I wanted to, I could come up with a new measure as well that says give me
- 04:01 all sales for everything.
- 04:02 So the way that I would do this is say,
- 04:04 if I want to always permanently negate everything, let's go and
- 04:08 create a new measure of it says, sales all, and we'll just leave it that.
- 04:14 The way that we could work with this one is we could say, again,
- 04:16 calculate, we could calculate our sales.
- 04:20 And then what we would do is we would say, all, and we would start with let's remove
- 04:25 the sales from budgets, comma, all, and we'll remove the tables from or
- 04:30 the filters from calendar, comma, all, and we would go through and
- 04:35 deal with every single table in our model this way to remove all of the individual
- 04:40 filters that we're actually being applied no matter what they were for.
- 04:44 This is a way that you can go through as I say and remove everything.
- 04:47 Now they layer on nicely, and when you're done, boom, you got something for
- 04:51 sales all.
- 04:52 I can now select my visual and go and drop my sales all,
- 04:56 right on there and you'll see it's 5.2 million, no matter what I select.
- 05:00 While the other measures might change, this one will never change.
- 05:04 It will always give me the total values.
- 05:05 So that's how we can apply successively more pieces with all.
- 05:09 The other thing is that you can also add
- 05:12 other pieces to the calculate to override the filter contact, so
- 05:15 you can remove things using all, you could add things using other pieces.
- 05:18 Those things all work together to build the exact filter context that you need.
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