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Creating measures for our sample model
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Quick reference
Basic Measures - Application
Creating measures for our sample model
When to use
You want to practice creating basic measure patterns
Creating basic measures:
- Right-click the table you want to hold the measure -> Add measure
- Enter the formula for the measure
- Set the default formatting options
Sample measures
- Budgets $ = SUM(Budgets[Amount]
- Sales $ = SUM(Sales[Amount])
- Sales (Units) = COUNT(Sales[Units])
- Last Sale = LASTDATE(Calendar[Date])
Applying measures:
- Replace all numeric columns in the visual with the appropriate measure
Modifying Measures:
Last Sale is not correct, it’s giving the last date in the calendar, not the last sale
- Select the measure
- Change the formula to LASTDATE(Sales[Date])
- Change the Home table to Sales
Units should be a sum, not a count:
- Select the measure and change the formula to =SUM(Sales[Units])
Hints & tips
- By right-clicking the table in the fields list and choosing Add Measure, the measure is automatically added to the correct table
- Updating a formula in the measure updates all visuals immediately
- Numeric fields in a table can be hidden to force you to use your measures
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