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Working with Treeview visuals in Power BI
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Quick reference
Working with Treeview visuals in Power BI
When to use
Treeview visuals (also known as Breakdown Trees) are useful for showing the breakdown of your data
- Drag your primary measure into the Values area (it will show up as a full square)
- Drag your descriptive Field into the Category area. The square will now subdivide to show the group as a proportion of your measure
- Add a field to the Details area and your square will be further subdivided to show how each main square is built up
- Tooltips can also be configured
- Dragging multiple fields into the Category area will activate Drill Down
- Fields can be used on both the Details and in the Category area
- Visual formatting can be done for the Formatting icon in the Visualizations pane
Hints & tips
Common Modifications for Treeview visuals:
- Provide a custom title
- Turn on Data Labels
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