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Working with Cards and Multi-row Cards in Power BI
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Quick reference
Working with Cards and Multi-row Cards in Power BI
When to use
Cards and multi-row cards are useful for showing summary statistics. Single point cards are also especially useful, as they can be used to set alerts in the Power BI service, whereas multi-row cards cannot.
Creating Cards
- Select the card (or multi-row card) visual
- Drag a measure into the Fields area in the Visualizations pane
- Be aware the Cards can only have one field whereas multi-row cards can have many fields
Advantages of Cards over Multi-Row cards
- You can change the name displayed on a card (multi-row inherit the raw measure name only)
- Multi-row cards have very limited formatting options (no alignment, all measures must be same color, etc.)
Moving labels above the values
- Turn off the Category Label
- Turn on the Title and name the card appropriately
- Format as desired
Hints & tips
Tricks for formatting and aligning cards
- Format the card text size under the Visual > Callout Value group
- Format the card titles under the General > Title group
- Turn on gridlines (View > Gridlines) for easier alignment
- Select multiple cards by holding down the CTRL key or Shift key, then selecting them
- Align or distribute visuals via the Format > Align menu
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