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Working with custom visuals in Power BI
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Quick reference
Custom Visuals - Chiclet Slicer
Working with custom visuals in Power BI
When to use
When the default visuals are not inspiring, or you just need to use a visual that Microsoft doesn’t supply by default, you can often find another version in the Microsoft AppSource store
Locating Custom Visuals
- Go to Home > More Visuals > From AppSource
- Enter a search term and hit enter
- Choose Add to add a custom visual to your project
A better slicer – the Chiclet slicer
- Search for Chiclet Slicer in the store and install it
- Add the field you wish to slice by the visuals Category field
- Note that multi-select is accomplished by holding down the CTRL key
- Visual formatting can be done for the Formatting icon in the Visualizations pane
Adding images to the Chiclet Slicer
In order to use images in the Chiclet Slicer, they must live on the web. In addition, you must have the URL in the data table in Power BI. Once you do:
- Go to the Table view and select the table that holds the image URLs
- Select the column > Column Tools > Data Category > Image URL
- Return to the visual
- Drag the field with the image URLs into the Image field
Hints & tips
- There are many other custom visuals in the gallery including other slicers and charts
- Like any slicer, the chiclet slicer filters stick and add to the filter context in addition to any selection in another visual
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