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About this lesson
Add slides, which are the building blocks of a presentation, and understand how layouts can provide you with quick ways to insert content aligned on your slide.
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Adding Slides, Changing Layouts and Exploring the Outline.pptx49.4 KB Adding Slides, Changing Layouts and Exploring the Outline - Solution.pptx
66.1 KB
Quick reference
Adding Slides, Changing Layouts and Exploring the Outline
Inserting slides, creating content using placeholders (including text), and using the Outline Pane.
When to use
To insert slides and create content within a presentation.
To insert slides
- On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click the arrow below the New Slide button, point to a Layout you want, and click it.
- On the View tab, in the Presentation Views group, click Normal, and then right-click anywhere within the Slides pane and select New Slide.
To insert content
- Click inside the placeholder to add text or select one of the other six icons to add other content.
- On the View tab, in the Presentation Views group, click Outline View to insert text.
Also note:
The keyboard shortcut Shift+Alt+arrow keys allows you to move bulleted or numbered text upwards or downwards, or to promote or demote the text.
The Outline View is only to manipulate text – images won’t appear in this view, but will appear on the slide.
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- 00:04 In this video, we'll start inserting some slides, as in,
- 00:08 some content on those slides, as well as looking at text in the outline pane.
- 00:12 Now, inserting slides is very easy within our thumbnails,
- 00:15 right click, new slide, very simple, and
- 00:19 it's already given us some suggested placeholders on that slide.
- 00:22 Now, layouts and placeholders will be covered elsewhere, but
- 00:25 placeholders are very important because they define the bounds of the content that
- 00:29 we can put on that slide.
- 00:30 Another way that we can insert slides is on the Insert tab,
- 00:34 new slide, and notice when I hover my mouse over the thumbnail, I'm giving
- 00:38 the keyword shortcut of Ctrl+M, which is the keyboard shortcut for new slide.
- 00:44 Anyway, we drop this little arrow down.
- 00:46 I'd like to add some text to the slide, as well as a chart, so I select Two Content.
- 00:51 Notice that in this particular placeholder,
- 00:53 we have seven types of content, such as adding text,
- 00:57 inserting a title, inserting a chart, a smart art graphic,
- 01:02 a picture from the computer, a picture from online, or a video.
- 01:07 So I click in the placeholder, Ctrl + V, and
- 01:11 place some text off the clipboard that I prepared earlier.
- 01:13 The icons have disappeared because the placeholder now has some content in it,
- 01:17 which is text.
- 01:18 Selecting the placeholder on the right, I want to insert a chart, so
- 01:22 I click the relevant icon.
- 01:23 And I can see a preview of what the chart looks like.
- 01:26 Click OK, and PowerPoint goes away and loads Microsoft Excel in the background,
- 01:31 and the chart is populated within that placeholder.
- 01:34 So we'll close this down, this Excel window, and
- 01:37 we can see how quickly we can add content to slides.
- 01:41 Now, let's have a look at the outline pane, and
- 01:43 that's also available on the View tab. Outline view,
- 01:48 and the outline pane is all about text.
- 01:51 You can see, as I click between different slides,
- 01:54 that where there is text on the slide that matches in the outline view.
- 01:58 However, a slide with a chart or a picture doesn't show
- 02:01 in the outline view because the outline view is all about text.
- 02:06 So, it's where storyboards can be built very fast.
- 02:09 It works very quickly and it saves so much time.
- 02:12 So, for example, I can type a sentence,
- 02:15 I wanna use the keyboard shortcut tab, it demotes the text, and
- 02:19 then if I use the keyboard shortcut of Shift tab, it promotes the text.
- 02:25 It's such a fast way to work and you can work in here sentence by sentence, and
- 02:30 create your whole presentation.
- 02:32 Notice also, as I change things here on the outline pane,
- 02:35 the text updates on the slide because the text and the contents of the slide,
- 02:39 are dynamically linked to what's in the outline pane.
- 02:43 So let's go back to normal view.
- 02:44 We notice that we've seen how the thumbnail of the button shows the view
- 02:48 that we will see, and finally, if I select the outside boundary of that chart and
- 02:53 delete it, the placeholder reappears so
- 02:55 that we know that the chart was indeed in a placeholder.
- 02:59 So let's remember that in certain slides, it's very easy, and they come with
- 03:03 different layouts that govern the placeholders that are within them.
- 03:06 Placeholders contain seven types of content that we can insert and they allow
- 03:11 us to quickly access such things as pictures or charts to add to our slides.
- 03:16 And also remember that the outline pane is a great place to get text into your
- 03:20 document quickly, and to edit it.
- 03:23 And that's where I love to build a story line for my presentation,
- 03:26 it's a truly great feature of PowerPoint 365.
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