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About this lesson
Selecting data based on conditionals - such as greater than, less than, equal to, not equal to - is an essential part of data analysis. We'll discuss that in this video.
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Quick reference
Conditional Selection of DataFrames
Conditional Selection allows us to select things from our DataFrame based on certain conditions.
When to use
Use this whenever you need to make a conditional selection within your DataFrame.
We can use python conditionals to select data from a DataFrame:
To return a list of Booleans less than 0:
my_df < 0
To return a dataframe of data less than 0
my_df[my_df < 0]
To return a specific Column less than 0:
my_df["Total"] < 0
To return rowns less than Zero in a specific column:
my_df[my_df["Total"] < 0 ]
To return rows just from a specific column less than Zero:
my_df[my_df["Total"] < 0 ]["Total"]
To return more than one column, less than zero:
my_df[my_df["Total"] < 0 ][["Mon", "Total"]]
Hints & tips
- Booleans: my_df < 0
- my_df[my_df < 0]
- my_df["Total"] < 0
- my_df[my_df["Total"] < 0 ]
- my_df[my_df["Total"] < 0 ]["Total"]
- my_df[my_df["Total"] < 0 ][["Mon", "Total"]]
- 00:05 So in this video, we want to look at conditional selection.
- 00:07 So think of conditionals as greater than, less than, equal to,
- 00:12 greater than or equal to, not equal to, so some condition.
- 00:15 So we want to select things based on those conditions.
- 00:20 So let's just start out by saying we're looking through here and
- 00:23 we've got some data that has negative and positives.
- 00:29 So let's grab all the negative data.
- 00:31 So we could start out just by going my_df and then just saying less than 0.
- 00:37 And when we do that, we get this weird kind of table with all these true falses.
- 00:41 Now, these are Booleans, Boolean means true or false.
- 00:44 So we can see here the number is positive,
- 00:47 so that's false, it's false, it's not less than 0, positive.
- 00:53 Here's false, here is true,
- 00:54 this is a negative, it's true if this is a negative number, right?
- 00:59 So we can also flip this around and go greater than, right?
- 01:03 So it's true that this is greater than,
- 01:06 it's false that this is greater than 0, it's less than 0, obviously.
- 01:10 So let me put this back real quick.
- 01:12 So okay, that's kind of interesting,
- 01:13 but it's not probably exactly what we want to do, we can now actually pass
- 01:19 this whole thing into a new data frame to get some different sort of result.
- 01:22 So let's go my_df and just pass all these stuff in.
- 01:28 Now, we get a table that has the actual data itself.
- 01:32 So we want things less than 0.
- 01:35 If a thing is not less than 0, if it's positive, we get a no value.
- 01:39 If it is less than 0, we get the actual number, right?
- 01:42 So this is interesting, it's pretty cool.
- 01:44 We can do this, we can run conditionals based on columns.
- 01:49 So for instance, if we wanted to go my_df and then just grab our Wednesday column,
- 01:55 or let's grab our total column that looks like an interesting column,
- 01:58 we get a series, and there's some positives and negatives.
- 02:01 If we wanted to grab the negatives out of here,
- 02:03 we could just go less than 0 again, and we get that same false, true, true,
- 02:08 false, positive, negative, negative, positive, right?
- 02:12 Again, we can wrap this whole thing in a data frame.
- 02:15 So we go my_df, and then just pass all this stuff in again.
- 02:21 And now, we get some rows, and what's going on here?
- 02:24 Well, we're saying, if the total column has a number less than 0,
- 02:30 negative, then grab it.
- 02:32 Well, that looks like row B and
- 02:34 a row C are the only ones that have negative numbers in their total column.
- 02:40 So we've got row B and row C.
- 02:44 So we can break this down even further if we just want only the total column, right?
- 02:50 We can do that, and now we get a series with B and
- 02:53 C because B and C are the only ones with negatives.
- 02:56 And here we have 0.0081, 0.008, and
- 03:01 here we have -1.2466, -1.2466.
- 03:07 So it's just grabbing these two things from that.
- 03:11 If we want to grab multiple things here, we can pass in two of these,
- 03:15 we could go let's say we want Monday and total.
- 03:19 So we go to our Monday and total, and around this, boom,
- 03:25 we get the negatives from Monday which are B and C and total B and C.
- 03:32 So lots of ways you can do conditionals.
- 03:35 And again, you can use all of your conditional statements.
- 03:38 So that's less than, greater than, less than or equal to,
- 03:44 greater than or equal to, and let's see, not equal to, right?
- 03:51 That's a neat one, and that's how you do that.
- 03:53 So any of your conditional operators from regular Python will work there.
- 03:58 So that's how you do conditional selection, a little bit tricky, but
- 04:01 not too bad.
- 04:02 In the next video, we'll look at multiple conditional selection.
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