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Building out additional web pages manually (controllers, routes, and views).
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Adding Additional Web Pages
In this video we'll manually add an additional web page to our app.
When to use
Whenever you want to add a new web page to your app, you can do it manually fairly easily.
To manually add a web page to your app, follow these three steps.
1. Add a new HTML file in your View directory. Be sure to name it with a .html.erb file extension.
2. Add a reference to that file in your home controller.
3. Add a new route to that file in your routes.rb file.
Hints & tips
- Adding web pages manually is pretty easy
- Add the html file, then add a reference to the controller, then add a new route in the routes.rb file
- Don't forget to name the HTML file with a .html.erb file extension
- 00:05 In this video, I wanna add another web page to our app.
- 00:08 Right now, we just have this index web page, but how do we add another one?
- 00:13 Well, earlier, we used the generate command, and we typed in rails g,
- 00:18 controller, and then, home, and index, and that created an index page.
- 00:23 You can also then type in additional pages, just list them out on this line.
- 00:28 So if we wanted an about page, if we wanted a contact page, whatever, we could
- 00:33 just done it that way, and rails would automatically generated all that stuff.
- 00:38 Unfortunately, we've already run the generate command.
- 00:42 We don't wanna do it again, because that could screw things up.
- 00:45 So let's create the next page manually.
- 00:48 And it's actually pretty easy.
- 00:49 We understand MVC.
- 00:51 We know that a web page needs an actual HTML page,
- 00:54 its own controller, and its route.
- 00:56 So we can do that manually.
- 00:58 Let's go up to our app directory, views, click on our home controller directory,
- 01:05 and right-click here and just click New File.
- 01:09 And let's call this about.html.erb,
- 01:12 you got to remember to type the erb at the end, very important.
- 01:17 And if we double click this and open it,
- 01:23 let's just type in About Us and
- 01:28 My Name Is John Elder, And
- 01:32 This Is Pinteresting, save it.
- 01:37 So, now what happens if we come back here and
- 01:42 type in home/about?
- 01:45 We get an error, because we haven't created a controller or a route.
- 01:48 So let's come up to our controllers.
- 01:50 And click on our home controller.
- 01:53 And we've already got our index controller,
- 01:57 so we just tab down here and type in define, about, end.
- 02:01 And you can see, I've just copied this and changed the index word to about.
- 02:06 Go ahead and save that file.
- 02:08 Close it, hit reload and it still doesn't work, because we need a route.
- 02:14 So if we come to our config folder and our routes,
- 02:21 let's type in get, home/about.
- 02:27 And you could see, I just copied this line here from earlier, and
- 02:30 just changed index to about, but if we save this, come back here and hit reload,
- 02:35 it should work, and that's all it really takes.
- 02:38 So it's pretty easy to use the rails generate command, but
- 02:41 it's also pretty easy just to do it manually.
- 02:43 Most of the times, I'll just do this manually, and
- 02:46 I don't think that's very hard at all.
- 02:48 So finally, let's come down here and type in, clear the screen, and
- 02:52 type in that rake routes command that, we talked about in the last video.
- 02:56 And remember the last time we did this, it only showed this root thing, but
- 03:01 now, we see this home about route.
- 03:04 And that's gonna be important in the next couple of videos when we start creating
- 03:08 links within our web app.
- 03:09 We'll use this stuff.
- 03:11 And you'll see how to do that, but just that easy.
- 03:13 Now we've got two pages on our app, granted they're not very interesting
- 03:17 pages, but coming up here real quick, we'll start to add some CSS, and
- 03:20 some different styling stuff, and make this look better.
- 03:23 But so far, so good.
- 03:25 Moving right along, and that's all for this video.
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