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Create an approval workflow that is automatically triggered when a new file is added to the document library.
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Automated Workflows
In this lesson, we are going to create an approval workflow that is triggered automatically when a new document is uploaded or created in the SharePoint document library.
When to use
Create an automated workflow whenever you want an action to trigger the workflow.
Create an Automated Workflow
To create an automated workflow, we need to open Power Automate.
- Go to the office.com home page.
- Click the App launcher.
- Open Power Automate.
- Click My Flows.
Automatic workflows are triggered by an action. We want to send a document for approval when its uploaded to the document library.
- Click Create.
- Select Automated cloud flow.
- Give the flow a name.
We need to select a trigger for the flow. There are lots of triggers to choose from in Power Automate. Our trigger is the process of uploading or creating a new document in the SharePoint document library. Narrow down the list of triggers by only showing triggers related to SharePoint
- Type 'Sharepoint' into the search field.
- Select When a file is created in a folder.
- Click Create.
Define the properties for the trigger.
- Click the drop-down arrow and select the correct SharePoint site from the list. This is the site we are currently working in.
- Specify the folder where the files will be uploaded to.
- Click folder icon and select Shared Documents.
Now we have created the trigger, we need to create the action. So, when a file is uploaded to the document library, we want to start the approval process.
- Click New step.
- Click on the Actions tab.
- Narrow down the list of actions by typing 'approvals' into the search field.
- Select Start and wait for an approval.
- Click the drop-down arrow.
- Select the Approval type: Approve/Reject - Everyone must approve.
- Add a title for the approval. This is the title that will appear in the email notification.
- Enter the names of the approvers.
The other fields aren't mandatory. Remember, we could carry on going adding more steps to make the workflow more complex.
Testing the Workflow
- Click Test in the top right-hand corner.
- Select Manually.
- Click Test.
- Go back to SharePoint and upload a file to the document library OR create a new document.
- This will trigger the workflow.
- Go back to Power Automate.
The first step will show with a green tick as it's been completed. However, the workflow is waiting for the document to be approved by the approvers.
- Open Outlook.
- Open the email notification and select Approve. Add comments if required.
- Click Submit.
The workflow is now complete.
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