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About this lesson
Create a list of labels to assign to your work.
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Task - Creating your Labels.docx62.3 KB Solution - Creating your Labels.docx
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Quick reference
Creating and Editing Labels
Labels are a very powerful feature inside of Todoist. Underrated in practice, labels help you to add context to certain tasks by providing information like time, type of task, importance and so much more. The brilliant thing about labels is that they are completely up to you and work around your needs, giving you total freedom to customise them to whatever you see fit and whatever form of work you do. Labels are a premium feature and are visable from the sidebar.
When to use
- Apply to your tasks when you'have populated your task list
- Open Todoist
- Head to Labels section on Sidebar
- Open Labels dropdown
- Hit "Add Label"
- Add a Title
- Add a Color
- Press Enter to create label
- Add labels to suit your project needs
- To edit labels, head to the three-dots next to your label
- Hit "Edit Label"
- Change the name or the color
- To pin a label, hit "Add to Favourites"
- This will add it to the top of the page below "Next 7 Days"
- You can delete labels by hitting "Delete Label" in label options
- Create as many labels as you need for your projects
Hints & tips
- Labels can be referenced to what, who, tools and time orientations, as shown in the video
- Use the exercise to list your first few labels to apply to tasks
- 00:04 Welcome back to this GoSkills course all about Todoist.
- 00:08 We are going to be diving into labels.
- 00:10 Labels is a premium feature inside to do list allowing me to add context to tasks.
- 00:16 Now labels works really, really simply, it allows you to add
- 00:20 a bit more detail when you're creating new tasks and once you master it,
- 00:24 it will allow you to filter down tasks based on a lot of different factors.
- 00:29 Now, labels can be found on this left hand side just below projects and, once you
- 00:34 open it up, you obviously have the ability to access and create labels from here.
- 00:39 Now, labels are really easy to create.
- 00:41 So for example, you could have a whole host of labels ranging from what type
- 00:46 of tasks that you'll be doing all the way to the actual tools you'll be using.
- 00:51 And one of the most popular ones is time based tasks.
- 00:56 And the brilliant thing about labels is it's expansive to whatever
- 01:00 you want it to be.
- 01:02 So you can create whatever setup you want.
- 01:04 So let's add a label of five minutes.
- 01:07 Now being able to add this label is really, really easy.
- 01:10 All you have to do is click the Add Label, type in the name of the task and
- 01:14 you can choose a color with it,
- 01:15 very similar to what you would when you actually create a project.
- 01:19 So I'm going to click the yellow label here and hit Add Label.
- 01:23 Now you can see here, as I enter this label,
- 01:26 there is nothing that matches to this query in terms of tasks.
- 01:29 So what I'll have to do is I want to go into Today and
- 01:33 I'm going to put Buy new iPhone.
- 01:38 And I'm going to put five minutes as that task time and click Add Task.
- 01:43 So you can see here that I have Buy new iPhone on my to do list and
- 01:48 you can see it's going to take me five minutes, apparently.
- 01:50 You can see this is a clickable link.
- 01:52 So if i click in,
- 01:53 I can see any other items that have been labeled with five minutes.
- 01:58 Now you could not just add one label to a task, you can add
- 02:02 multiple labels to a task, and it allows you to essentially add more detail.
- 02:07 So for example, let us say I want to add town.
- 02:11 Let us say I have got a few tasks that I need to do
- 02:13 when I'm running some errands in town or a city for
- 02:16 example, and when I buy the new iPhone I'm going to be doing it in town.
- 02:20 So here's an example of adding multiple labels to a task.
- 02:24 You can see here that they both appear below the task and
- 02:27 allows you to add more context to that task.
- 02:30 Now a lot of people don't just do that with location and
- 02:33 time, they do it with what type of task.
- 02:35 So for example this could be an errand, and
- 02:38 I'm going to put this one in red and I'm going to go back to here and add errand.
- 02:44 You'll just use the at symbol and hit Save and as you can see, it's a task
- 02:48 that is in town that is five minute long and it's a currently an errand.
- 02:53 Now you can do this with any of your tasks that you have.
- 02:56 You can add even more, for example, 30 minute tasks, and
- 03:00 I'm going to label that in green.
- 03:01 And you can, for example say, iron all clothes,
- 03:06 because let's say you do that, let's put a P3 on it, which is the priority
- 03:10 three indicator, and then put at 30 minutes, there we go.
- 03:16 So you can see here that 30 minutes appears as a label option.
- 03:19 So the symbol is really, really easy, all you have to do to
- 03:23 rename the labels that you've created, is going to here, hit Edit label and
- 03:27 you'll be able to access the color and the renaming from here.
- 03:32 You can also if you wanted to hit Add to favorites,
- 03:36 that is a great way to be able to pin it to the top as you can see in the last
- 03:40 section, we dived into how you could do that for projects.
- 03:44 So hopefully that gave you a nice overview of labels,
- 03:47 how you can use it in everyday practice.
- 03:49 Again, it takes a bit of time to work out what context points you ought to a task but
- 03:53 we'll be diving into that a little bit later in this course.
- 03:56 Let's dive into filters next and I'll see you in the next feature, cheers!
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