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Have cards that you use frequently re-appear at specific times.
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Adding Card Repeater
Have cards that you use frequently reappear at specific times.
When to use
To learn how to create recurring cards. To understand the benefits and limitations of this power-up.
Power-ups give your boards additional features and integrations with other applications. Boards belonging to free users can turn on one power-up at a time while boards belonging to business class users can have unlimited power-ups.
Enabling Power-Ups
Enable power-ups by selecting Power-Ups from the board menu. Then select Enable or Disable to activate or deactivate the power-ups you would like to use. NOTE: You have to be a member of that board's team to enable power-ups.
Once the card repeater power-up is enabled, a Repeat button will appear as an option in open cards.
Repeating a Card
Select the Repeat button inside any card to set it to repeat.
Cards can be repeated weekly, monthly, or yearly. Every time the card repeats, it will be copied to the list you select. While cards can only be repeated once in a month or year, they can be repeated multiple times a week or every 2, 3, 4, etc. weeks. To repeat a card daily, set it to repeat on all days in a week.
Canceling a Repeat
Archiving the card will not stop it from repeating. Only deleting a card, moving it to another board, or canceling the repeat on the original card will stop it from repeating.
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