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About this lesson
After mastering styles, keep the Style Gallery tidy by editing or removing styles.
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Rename, Modify and Remove Styles.docx59.7 KB
Quick reference
Rename, Modify and Remove Styles
After mastering styles, keep the Style Gallery tidy by editing or removing styles.
When to use
Changing your new text styles is inevitable as a document develops. By using the Styles Manager you can keep them current or get rid of old unused styles.
View the Style Inspector
- Alt + Ctrl + Shift + S, then click:
- Open the Style Inspector and click on any existing text to view the formatting applied.
- When you float the mouse over the Style Inspector window, it will show the extreme details of the format.
Clear the format from a styled text
- Select the text to clean up.
- Click the Clear Formatting button on the Home Ribbon.
- OR click the Normal Style in the Style Gallery.
Manage Styles: Rename, Modify and Remove
- Alt + Ctrl + Shift + S, then click:
- In the Manage Styles box, find the Style you want to modify and select it.
- Click the Modify button.
- Type a new name and click ok.
- OR Delete the Style and click ok.
- The Gallery will show the changes immediately.
- 00:04 Continuing on from the previous styles lesson, now we're gonna Rename,
- 00:09 Modify, and Remove Styles.
- 00:11 And it's all done right up here in the styles gallery of the Home ribbon.
- 00:15 Now the easiest way, and
- 00:16 I like the easiest way, you simply right click inside the gallery, right click.
- 00:21 When you you right click you'll see a list,
- 00:24 I can Update Normal to Match the Selection.
- 00:26 I can Modify this, I can Select All 12 Instances of this, and
- 00:31 change it to a different style all in one fell swoop which is a wonderful
- 00:34 time saving trick right there.
- 00:36 I can Rename the style, I can Remove it from the Style Gallery.
- 00:40 Now to Modify, if I click Modify, we get an entire dialogue box
- 00:45 where now I can rename this, I can change anything I want.
- 00:48 Font style, font size, everything about this, I'm gonna go ahead and hit Cancel.
- 00:52 You're gonna see this screen for about three more times.
- 00:55 Okay, let me hit Cancel on that.
- 00:57 So the easiest way to Rename,
- 01:00 Modify styles is to right-click in the Styles Gallery.
- 01:03 Now, how about the next easiest way?
- 01:05 I don't know if this is easy, they say it's a shortcut, but to me,
- 01:08 it's a long-cut.
- 01:09 Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S, that's a lot of fingers pressing buttons at the same time.
- 01:14 But look what happen on the right hand side, I got my Styles task pane.
- 01:19 Now this lists all the current styles that are up in that gallery,
- 01:22 it just looked like normal texts instead of fancy formats up here.
- 01:25 I wanna draw your attention down below, though.
- 01:28 The three little buttons of New Style and the Style Inspector and the Manage Styles.
- 01:32 Now before we get there,
- 01:33 I'm gonna close that task pane 'cause I wanna show you another way to get to it.
- 01:36 I'm not going to remember Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S.
- 01:39 It's just too many, and I don't use it that often, let me Close that.
- 01:42 What I am gonna remember is in the Styles Gallery on the right hand side,
- 01:46 see this little arrow?
- 01:47 That's called a dialog box operator.
- 01:49 They're in other groups, you can see them along the ribbon.
- 01:52 Basically, everything that wouldn't fit on the ribbon,
- 01:55 they put in these little boxes.
- 01:57 So when I click that box, watch what happens on my screen.
- 02:00 Now in my opinion that's easier than Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S, so I'm gonna use that.
- 02:05 All right, I wanna show you down here,
- 02:06 we have a new style which was a previous lesson.
- 02:09 Style Inspector, this is how we reverse engineer a style.
- 02:13 This is how we pick one apart and see what exactly is in there, click.
- 02:17 So when I click on this one now of course I have to click into a style.
- 02:20 So in this style, check this out, it says Heading 1, and
- 02:24 I have a little box here that I can arrow through.
- 02:28 Click through and tell me what size it is, where it's located, background color,
- 02:32 what's font style all this great stuff.
- 02:34 Even though it looks gray here, but blue here, check this out when I float my mouse
- 02:38 it says, FONT Default, Ariel font color Background 1, that's gray all right?
- 02:44 I don't know why it appears blue. Let's see the paragraph style,
- 02:47 I have a drop down arrow which of course went off the screen.
- 02:50 But let's see, over here we these little buttons, these little letter As with this pink
- 02:55 boxes on them.
- 02:57 Remember high school there was pink erasers we used to use?
- 02:59 That's what those pink boxes are there erasers.
- 03:02 So watch what happens to keep your eyes on the screen.
- 03:05 I'm gonna erase all the Styles,
- 03:08 all the font settings off of those with that pink eraser, kind of great.
- 03:12 Now that it Clear All, already done the same thing.
- 03:15 So keep in mind there are buttons down below, Reveal Formatting and New Style.
- 03:19 All right, all that said, so I wiped out and I cleared,
- 03:23 I erased all the styles off of there.
- 03:25 I want to show you now how to remove a style kind of rename one and remove one.
- 03:29 So, first of all in our previous lesson, we created a New Style.
- 03:33 And I'm gonna apply it right there.
- 03:35 And so now I want to modify that.
- 03:38 So I'm gonna go ahead and close this Style Inspector.
- 03:40 I'm not gonna work with that open, but over here on my Styles box,
- 03:44 way down at the bottom I have A with a little check mark.
- 03:46 Remember the letter A always means text, so I'm going to manage Styles.
- 03:50 When we come in here, we have Edit, Recommend, Restrict, and Set Defaults.
- 03:54 And notice, Modify, I mentioned earlier, you're going to see the Modify a lot.
- 03:58 And this is where I would type my New Style Here, okay?
- 04:02 I retyped the name, hit OK, and I would change whatever I needed.
- 04:06 But I just renamed it to my New Style.
- 04:08 Now notice we've got Recommend, and Restrict, and Set Default.
- 04:12 Why would you restrict a style, why would you use only recommended ones?
- 04:16 I can even set the priority of them in the Styles Gallery right here by
- 04:20 hitting move up, and make last, and all this stuff.
- 04:23 Well, it depends on your industry, if you're in the legal industry,
- 04:28 you're very particular about the documents you take into a court of law.
- 04:31 And you don't want an employee going rouge with styles.
- 04:33 So you might restrict some styles, recommend some styles.
- 04:37 Check out down here, we've got an Import/Export.
- 04:39 You can actually export these, email them to your coworkers, have them import.
- 04:43 So everyone's using the same style set across the board.
- 04:47 Okay, with that said, I'm gonna go ahead and
- 04:48 hit OK on this, and I don't think I showed you how to remove one.
- 04:52 So I'm gonna go back into that Style Gallery, I'm gonna click on one,
- 04:56 I already created, and I can just hit Delete right there.
- 05:00 Delete it, and yeah, I do wanna delete that and hit OK.
- 05:04 Could I have done that with a right-click up here?
- 05:06 I could remove it from the Style Gallery, but not delete it entirely.
- 05:10 But okay, that's it for this lesson on modifying styles, thanks.
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