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About this lesson
An overview of the Word opening screen and Ribbon functionality.
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The Ribbon and Word Screen57.3 KB
Quick reference
The Ribbon
An overview of the Word 2019 screen and Ribbon functionality.
When to use
The advantage of collapsing ribbons when using a small laptop or tablet is to provide more screen room for your document.
To operate the ribbon functionality:
- On any ribbon title, double click. This will collapse the ribbons. Then to use the buttons, click the ribbon title to view the buttons.
- This same collapse function can be found on the upper right corner, called the "Ribbon Display Options”:
- To expand the ribbons and lock into place, double click any ribbon title or operate the “Ribbon Display Options” and choose "Show Tabs and Commands”.
The zoom control feature on the bottom right of the screen is to assist in your document legibility view while formatting.
The zoom control does NOT affect font size and only changes how large or small your document appears while you are working.
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- 00:04 Hello and welcome to Microsoft Word 2019. On the left hand side is a blue panel
- 00:09 this show you the home and the new and the open each with separate sections, and
- 00:14 separate documents that you can open up all depends on what you need.
- 00:18 Now the home button does show you the sum templates and
- 00:21 the existing documents you previously worked on or most recently worked on.
- 00:26 The new is all the templates, we do have to scroll by here.
- 00:28 Here you can scroll through find something or of course you can type into this search
- 00:33 box and find a template that's already been designed.
- 00:35 And the open simply allows you to go to the OneDrive or your own PC or
- 00:39 browse to a file that you have previously used and want to pull a document from. I'll go
- 00:44 ahead and click on the home button.
- 00:46 Please take a look at this entire screen up here, this is brand-new, we have
- 00:50 a little frowny face and a happy face, these are feedback buttons for Microsoft.
- 00:54 You could also hit the Sign In which allows you to sign in, and
- 00:57 connect to your OneDrive account where all your documents may be stored.
- 01:01 We do have a help button which is a question mark,
- 01:04 a minimize to put this entire program down on your taskbar,
- 01:08 maximize to fill up the entire screen or the bright red close button.
- 01:13 I'll go ahead and double-click on this Blank Document right here,
- 01:17 and we'll have an introduction to the Microsoft Word screen.
- 01:20 Please notice up on top the blue title bar, over on the left hand side is a small
- 01:24 set of tools box, this is called the Quick Access Toolbar sometimes called the QAT,
- 01:30 Quick Access Toolbar, we'll be having an entire lesson on that particular feature.
- 01:35 Of course in the center of the blue bar is the title of our document, since I have
- 01:39 not saved it, it knows that this is the first document that I've opened today.
- 01:42 It says document one, the Sign In allows me to sign into OneDrive to access other
- 01:47 files, this button allows me to collapse or expand my ribbons.
- 01:51 The ribbons of course are right underneath where it says this File, Home, Insert,
- 01:56 Design, these are called ribbons, but
- 01:58 I prefer to call them work benches personally because they're full of all
- 02:02 these tools that we need to become familiar with.
- 02:04 But technically Microsoft Word does them ribbons, when I click on this button
- 02:09 I can show just the tabs or I can click it again and show the tabs and commands.
- 02:14 You can also do this with a double click on any one of the ribbon titles,
- 02:17 I can double click the word Home, click click, and it will collapse.
- 02:20 Click click, and it will expand.
- 02:22 The reason you would do that is if you are using a laptop and
- 02:26 have very limited screen space, it's really nice to collapse your ribbons to
- 02:30 give you more room to view your document.
- 02:33 Over here we do have the minimize, maximize and
- 02:36 of course the Close button and then in our document we have our scroll,
- 02:40 we can scroll all the way down, the very bottom we have a zoom control.
- 02:45 I can click and drag the lever to zoom in or out or
- 02:48 I can just tap on the little plus signs and the minus sign to do the same thing.
- 02:54 Here we have our reading mode,
- 02:56 which simply realigns the document more like a textbook layout, our print layout,
- 03:00 which is a formal letter layout, which is the preferred one I use all the time.
- 03:04 And of course, our web layout, which simply does not have margin markers or
- 03:09 margin boundaries.
- 03:10 The display settings, this is brand new in 2019, this allows you to optimize for
- 03:15 best appearance, and then on the bottom-left hand side,
- 03:18 we have number of pages, number of words and the this macro button,
- 03:22 which we will not be having a lesson in for this course.
- 03:25 Please notice I do have a ruler on the left and a ruler on the top, if you do not
- 03:29 have a ruler, you would click the View ribbon, up on top on the far right hand
- 03:33 side the View ribbon, and put a check mark right here where it says Ruler.
- 03:37 If I uncheck mine, my rulers go away, but when you put a check mark on there,
- 03:41 they reappear.
- 03:42 It's really important when you're working with Microsoft Word to be aware of
- 03:46 the inches on each side of your piece of paper, so
- 03:49 that's why we like to have the rule of there.
- 03:51 All right, that's it for now, and we will see you in the next lesson.
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