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About this lesson
An overview of the Word opening screen and Ribbon functionality.
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The Ribbon and Word Screen56.4 KB
Quick reference
The Ribbon and Word Screen
An overview of the Word 2013 screen and Ribbon functionality.
When to use
The advantage to collapsing ribbons when using a small laptop or tablet is to provide more screen room for your document.
There are two ways to operate the ribbon functionality:
- On any ribbon title, double click. This will collapse the ribbons and to use them you must click the ribbon title first in order to view the buttons.
- This same collapse function can be found on the upper right corner beside the “?”:
It is called “Ribbon Display Options”, then choose ”Show Tabs” - To expand the ribbons to lock into place, again, double click any ribbon title. Or operate the “Ribbon Display Options” and choose ”Show Tabs and Commands”
The zoom control feature on the bottom right of the screen is to assist in your document legibility view while formatting.
The zoom control does NOT affect font size, but only changes how large or small your document appears while you are working.
Login to download- 00:04 Hello and welcome to the Word 2013 screen.
- 00:07 When you first open up Microsoft Word,
- 00:09 you're going to be seeing a list of recent documents,
- 00:12 if you had opened any, an option to go find other documents on your computer, and
- 00:16 over on the right hand side, a series of different options to open different types
- 00:21 of documents, but we're gonna head for this first one that says, blank document.
- 00:25 When I double click blank document it opens up the main screen.
- 00:28 And here I wanna give you just, kind of, a tour of the overall screen itself to
- 00:32 familiarize yourself with the options you have available.
- 00:36 On the upper top left, right above file and home,
- 00:38 this is called the quick access bar.
- 00:40 In the second video we'll be customizing that.
- 00:43 Right below the quick access bar are a series of ribbons.
- 00:45 Now the ribbons are a bunch of, basically toolbar,
- 00:48 they call them ribbons simply because they're stretched out and
- 00:51 they have all the options available to you on them.
- 00:53 You can go ahead and click through those tabs just to observe all
- 00:55 the different types of buttons that are in there.
- 00:58 Over on the right hand side, upper right hand corner, we have a question mark and
- 01:03 that's always to go find help.
- 01:05 You can ask a certain question in there.
- 01:06 And the next tab, that's called the ribbon display options.
- 01:10 Now the ribbons don't just appear with all the buttons.
- 01:12 You have options to turn those ribbons on and off.
- 01:15 So maybe you just want to show the tabs of your ribbons instead of all the buttons.
- 01:19 Then of course you would click this ribbon display option and choose the Show Tabs.
- 01:23 Now this is handy if you work on a laptop and have a small screen and you actually
- 01:27 need that extra inch of room to read your document, you simply show the tabs.
- 01:31 Now you can still use the ribbon simply by clicking on the tab, all your buttons will
- 01:36 appear and when you click off the tabs vanish again, all the buttons vanish.
- 01:41 When I work on my PC, I like to have those open all the time, so
- 01:45 I always have mine set at show tabs and commands.
- 01:49 In 2013, they've given us this operator, it's called the ribbon display options.
- 01:53 Previous versions didn't have this little operator in the corner.
- 01:57 You would just have to know that a double-click on the ribbon tab, click,
- 02:00 click, would make them vanish and
- 02:02 to get them back, click, click will lock them in place again.
- 02:06 Another thing on these ribbons, we have the top hierarchy as Home, Insert, Design,
- 02:10 but the second level hierarchy happens to be at the bottom of these.
- 02:14 It's called group names.
- 02:15 So this is the Clipboard group, and then the Font group, and
- 02:18 then the Paragraph group.
- 02:19 In between the tab headings and the group names.
- 02:22 Are all the busy buttons, that would be the third level.
- 02:25 Notice on some of these we have Clipboard with the little triangle on the corner.
- 02:29 That's called a dialogue box operator.
- 02:31 So if I click the dialogue box operator for fonts,
- 02:34 here's every possible thing I can do with fonts buried behind this box, and
- 02:39 the reason is, they couldn't fit them all on the ribbon.
- 02:41 So they put the most popular ones on the ribbon, hid the rest in this little box.
- 02:45 You just have to know that you have to look for
- 02:47 these little dialog box operators.
- 02:49 Now when I click on my insert ribbon, you can see here that in each little group,
- 02:53 there's not one single dialog box operator.
- 02:56 So all of the buttons available for our insert ribbon are on that screen.
- 03:00 I'll go ahead and click back on my home ribbon just so you can see this.
- 03:04 Okay, over on the screen itself on the right hand side this is a scroll box
- 03:07 where you can scroll up and down and see the entire document.
- 03:10 On the very bottom, this is the zoom control.
- 03:12 Zoom control has nothing to do with font size,
- 03:15 it simply has to do with how big you want to see it on your screen.
- 03:18 So you can zoom in and out using this little lever.
- 03:22 To the left of the zoom control are print and reading layouts.
- 03:26 So I can click Reading mode, now if I'm reading an e-book,
- 03:29 this just happens to allow me to click right to turn the page.
- 03:34 I prefer to stay on my print layout, at all times, I like to see my margin
- 03:38 areas and I like to see the desktop in the background, or the web layout,
- 03:42 if you're designing something go up to the web view you would use this one.
- 03:45 But for the purpose of this course,
- 03:46 I'm gonna leave mine on the print layout screen.
- 03:49 Over here on the left simply shows us page one of one and
- 03:52 how many words that are typed on this screen.
- 03:54 So the moment I type a word, this will change to one word right there.
- 04:00 Okay, that's it for our screen at this time.
- 04:03 That's simply a review corner to corner to get you familiar with the areas that
- 04:06 you'll be working with and
- 04:07 in the next video your going to be customizing a quick access bar.
- 04:10 Thank you.
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