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About this lesson
Learn how to apply bold, italic, underline and Drop Caps styles to text.
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Quick reference
Format Text With Fonts And Colors
How to format text with bold, italic, underline, strikethrough and Drop Caps styles
When to use
Formatting text is a very common feature in Word and makes your text stand out.
- Click the line of text that you want to apply a Format to.
- Click the HOME ribbon and move the mouse to the FONT group.
- Click any of the buttons within the FONT group to see the effect on the selected text.
The format only applies to the SELECTED text. Make sure you have told the computer what you want it to do by clicking, dragging, and selecting the text.
Double click a word to select one word.
Triple click a paragraph to select a full paragraph.
Login to download- 00:05 Hello, in this lesson, we're gonna talk about formatting text with fonts and
- 00:09 colors.
- 00:10 I've got an exercise file ready for you in the video files, so please download that.
- 00:15 We'll go ahead and use a blank document and type your own text and color.
- 00:19 Topic one, bold and red.
- 00:22 The base rule is this, you've got to highlight what you wanna work with.
- 00:25 Just because I'm looking at something doesn't mean I'm clicked on it.
- 00:29 So make sure you've highlighted.
- 00:30 Now I can do a click and
- 00:31 drag, I can double click just to select a word, I can triple click to select an
- 00:36 entire paragraph, in this case a paragraph is only one line.
- 00:40 I can float my mouse off to the left in the margin, and select an entire line.
- 00:46 Okay, so I'm gonna go ahead and select this particular line.
- 00:49 When I highlight the line, a mini bar comes up,
- 00:51 which is kinda nice because it has bold, italicized, underline.
- 00:54 It has some coloring here so if I want to make this one red, I can make it red.
- 00:58 If I wanna bold, I can just click on Bold, there you go.
- 01:02 So, basically, we're going to do what the line tells us to do, Bold and Red.
- 01:06 Let's go ahead and do the next one.
- 01:07 Topic 2, Italicize and Blue.
- 01:09 Now, whenever I highlight, the mini bar comes up,
- 01:11 I like that cuz it's right where I need it.
- 01:13 I like it, it's convenient.
- 01:15 But let's remember that on the home ribbon, there's all our font group,
- 01:18 and everything.
- 01:19 Not all of these items are on that mini bar.
- 01:21 Right over here I'm going to click access bar,
- 01:23 it's got some font tools as well, all right?
- 01:26 So let's go ahead, and this time I'm going to hit italicize and
- 01:29 then we're going to make changes to blue.
- 01:31 So, I hit the drop down arrow on my font color and choose any one of this blues,
- 01:35 there we go.
- 01:36 Now, number three, let's see, underlining green.
- 01:39 So I'll go ahead and click the underline on my home ribbon and
- 01:43 I will choose any green color, there we go.
- 01:46 This one is strikeout or strikethrough, so the strikethrough is not on my minibar,
- 01:52 it is only on here on my font group and its called strikethrough.
- 01:56 When I click it, it's gonna put a line right through all that text there.
- 02:00 Used often in legal offices, where they'll strike through things instead of deleting
- 02:04 them and then re-type text.
- 02:06 Okay, and then bold italicize underline on this particular one, I'm going to use my
- 02:11 keyboard to apply the bold with control b, italicize control i, underline control u.
- 02:18 But,what I want you to see is when I use this on the keyboard, you're gonna see
- 02:21 real buttons lined up right up here on the home menu, it's kinda cool.
- 02:25 So, control B, lights up the B, control I lights up the I, and
- 02:29 control U, so I did the bold, italicize, underline.
- 02:33 Now, in this particular case, I like that a lot, I wanna use that.
- 02:38 But I want to now apply everything I just did, those three steps of that underline,
- 02:43 I want to apply all those steps to the next line.
- 02:47 Okay, text of topic four.
- 02:49 So we're going to use a paint formatter, and that is on my quick access bar,
- 02:54 it is on my home ribbon, it is also,
- 02:57 when I double click, it also happens to be on my minibar, It's called format painter.
- 03:01 So I select the word with all the style I like,
- 03:07 I hit my format painter, my mouse turns into a little tiny paintbrush, and
- 03:11 I can actually just wipe that paintbrush right over any other word, and
- 03:15 there it applies all those fonts right there.
- 03:17 Isn't that great?
- 03:17 I love the format painter.
- 03:19 Now, as far as the bold, italicize, underline with the keyboard,
- 03:24 I do wanna point that out to you, when you float your mouse on any one of these
- 03:27 buttons, notice down below, it's teaching you what to use on the keyboard.
- 03:31 So bold says Ctrl+B, the I says Ctrl+I, the U says Ctrl+U.
- 03:37 It's teaching you, all you have to do is read and learn and
- 03:40 decide if you want to try that or not.
- 03:42 Okay, one last little bit of magic in here, it's called a drop cap.
- 03:46 I'm gonna highlight just the first letter of this paragraph.
- 03:49 And this feature is not on the Home ribbon,
- 03:51 it's actually on the Insert ribbon.
- 03:53 Way over here is a little feature, a text feature called Drop Cap.
- 03:58 When I hit the drop-down arrow, I have three options.
- 03:59 I have None, Dropped, and In margin.
- 04:04 So I'm just floating my mouse, and you can see how it affects it.
- 04:08 You'll see this often in books, or
- 04:11 magazine articles, often use the drop cap feature, and so I'll do this one, and
- 04:16 do this one in margin, so you can see how it totally changes it.
- 04:19 It just takes the first letter of the first word and adds a little style to it,
- 04:24 that's all that is.
- 04:25 So, all right, that's it for this lesson.
- 04:27 Please practice those.
- 04:28 Get good at applying formats to your text.
- 04:31 Thank you.
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