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About this lesson
Learn how to apply bold, italic, underline and Drop Caps styles to text.
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Format Text with Fonts and Colors57.8 KB Format Text with Fonts and Colors - Solution
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Quick reference
Format Text with Fonts and Colors
How to format text with bold, italic, underline, strikethrough and Drop Caps styles.
When to use
Formatting text is a very common feature in Word and makes your text stand out.
- Click the line of text that you want to apply a Format to.
- Click the HOME ribbon and move the mouse to the FONT group.
- Click any of the buttons within the FONT group to see the effect on the selected text.
Hints & tips:
The format only applies to the SELECTED text. Make sure you have told the computer what you want it to do by clicking, dragging, and selecting the text.
Double click a word to select one word.
Triple click a paragraph to select a full paragraph.
Login to download- 00:04 In this lesson we're going to work with formatting text, so for
- 00:09 Topic 1 on the exercise file, it says Bold and Red.
- 00:12 So the rule is you must select what you want to work with, when I click and
- 00:16 drag and let go the minibar pops up and the minibar has
- 00:19 just a few formatting options like the bold, italicized, underline.
- 00:23 Please notice underneath those buttons when I flip my mouse says bold Ctrl+B,
- 00:28 italicize Ctrl+I, underline Ctrl+U.
- 00:30 So you have that option to use keyboard commands rather than hitting the buttons.
- 00:34 Please also notice, on the home ribbon above, we also have bold,
- 00:39 italicize, underline, plus many more actions that are not on the mini bar.
- 00:44 And over here on the right-hand corner of the font group, this is
- 00:47 called a dialogue box operator, when I open up that, there's even more options.
- 00:52 Here we have small caps, All Caps, Hidden text, Double Strikethrough,
- 00:56 not just the regular Strikethrough that's out there.
- 00:59 So as you can see it depends on what you want to which group you'll go to.
- 01:03 Okay, our base level formatting is on the mini bar and
- 01:06 then the second level formatting buttons are right here, and then everything
- 01:11 is on that cute little corner arrow called the dialog box operator.
- 01:15 Here's everything you can do with fonts, regardless, we're gonna go ahead and
- 01:18 bold and turn this one red.
- 01:20 It is already selected, so I'll go ahead and use the buttons up on my Home ribbon,
- 01:24 I'll click on the B for bold.
- 01:25 Notice after I activate it, the gray boxes around it just shows me what was just done.
- 01:30 And under here we have the A with the color underneath of it.
- 01:34 Anytime you have a button with the letter A, it means alphabet, this has alphabet with color,
- 01:38 so it's font colour. I'll click on that and I'll turn this red.
- 01:43 Okay, so I'll select the next line and with this one, I'm gonna use a MiniBar.
- 01:48 This time I'm going to make this italicize and
- 01:51 I'm going to turn the font color to blue.
- 01:54 Scroll down and this one, I'm going to select this line by pulling my mouse out to
- 01:59 the margin, clicking once to select the entire line plus open my MiniBar,
- 02:03 this one will be underlined, and we're going to choose green, and
- 02:08 this last one, we're gonna do a lot on this one.
- 02:11 We're going to strike out, we're going to make it bold, italicize,
- 02:14 underline with the keyboard, okay.
- 02:16 Now the strike out also called strike through is up here on the ribbon.
- 02:20 So, I'll go ahead and hit this button to strike it all through, and
- 02:24 I'm gonna control B to bold, control I to italicize, control U to underline.
- 02:29 Now, we just did a lot of work, we should make it a color as well, so,
- 02:32 I'll make it orange, here we go, I'll turn this one orange. All right.
- 02:36 That's a lot of work, I want that same format on the next line, well,
- 02:41 here enters the Format Painter button.
- 02:44 So when I have the format already selected that I like, when we come up here and
- 02:49 I'm gonna I click this button called the Format Painter.
- 02:52 Now this also resides on the mini bar, right over here the Format Painter, and
- 02:56 in my opinion, it's one of the best buttons Microsoft ever gave us,
- 03:00 it's a wonderful tool.
- 03:01 You see, it doesn't copy text and paste text, it copies format and pastes format,
- 03:06 so I will go ahead and click that Format Painter just once, and
- 03:10 when I move my mouse over here can you see the tiny little paintbrush attached?
- 03:14 I will click and drag with that paintbrush, and
- 03:17 I'm basically painting format right over the top, it's a wonderful option.
- 03:21 All right, one more thing to show you right in here,
- 03:23 I'm going to select the very first letter.
- 03:26 This is a little advanced feature, but if didn't point it out you might never
- 03:30 even know it exists. So I'm gonna select the first letter of the word this I'm
- 03:34 gonna click on the insert and way over here is a whole set of text options, okay?
- 03:38 And one of them right here is called drop cap, now you will see this in story books,
- 03:43 you know where that first letter is really big at the front of the paragraph?
- 03:47 You might also see something like that in the magazine article, okay?
- 03:50 So I'll go ahead and click this one and I'll tell it in margin.
- 03:54 And actually move the first letter within the margin, now, of course we do also have
- 03:59 the drop cap option, so you can click there and choose some options, but
- 04:02 it's kinda cool to know you have some advanced options with your formating.
- 04:06 All depends on what you're writing and now you wanna format it, please go ahead and
- 04:11 do that exercise.
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