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About this lesson
Paragraph format and alignment is important to proper document layout.
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Basic Paragraph Formats.docx59.4 KB Basic Paragraph Formats - Solution.docx
59.9 KB
Quick reference
Basic Paragraph Formats
Paragraph format and alignment is important to proper document layout.
Home Ribbon, Paragraph Group
When to use
Use the Paragraph Alignment buttons when you want text to align to the left edge, right edge, both edges, or center align.
- Click the line of text that you want to apply Paragraph Format to.
Click the Left Align button so the text is flush to the left margin. This is the default paragraph alignment. (Meaning, it’s how the computer displays it if you do not make changes.)
Click the Center Align button so the text is centered between both margins. Used to align titles over a report or story.
Click the Right Align button so the text is flush to the right margin. Use when you want text flush right on the document.
Click the Justify Align button so the text is flush to both margins. Used in a formal business or report document.
- 00:05 In this lesson I'd like to show you about the basic four paragraph formats.
- 00:08 They're located on the home ribbon in the paragraph group, and
- 00:11 there's four buttons right above.
- 00:13 When you hover your mouse, it gives you the name of it, tells you the tool tip,
- 00:16 and kind of tells you what it does right underneath.
- 00:19 The next one is the center, the next one is the right align, and
- 00:22 the last one is the fully justify.
- 00:24 Now we're gonna go ahead and apply those to the paragraphs on the screen.
- 00:28 So the first one is already set to align left.
- 00:31 That means it's default.
- 00:32 When the computer puts it there without being told, that's the default setting.
- 00:37 So by default, the left align is always on, it's always blue.
- 00:42 It is normal to go ahead and put a half inch indent, which means I simply hit my
- 00:46 Tab key on my keyboard, and that will indent the first paragraph by a half inch,
- 00:51 and that's very proper formatting for a paragraph.
- 00:53 The next one is a center alignment.
- 00:56 Now centering simply means you're going to center the paragraph on the page.
- 01:00 Generally not used for a full paragraph and I'll show you why.
- 01:03 I'll go head and click the center right there.
- 01:05 Cuz it just looks awkward to do that to a paragraph.
- 01:08 So it would be more likely to use as for a title over a report or story.
- 01:14 So I have that line written.
- 01:15 Go ahead and just click into that line and now hit center, and
- 01:19 that perfectly centers the title over your reporter story.
- 01:23 It's a wonderful use for that.
- 01:25 The next one is the right align.
- 01:27 When we say right alignment, right now it's left aligned to the margin.
- 01:31 We want to right align it to the margin.
- 01:33 Generally, again, not used for a full paragraph, but possibly a note.
- 01:37 A note of explanation under a paragraph.
- 01:41 So, I'm gonna go ahead and just put my insertion point anywhere on that line.
- 01:44 Again, you don't have to highlight the entire line.
- 01:47 You don't have to highlight entire paragraphs to apply these.
- 01:50 Just be clicked into the paragraph or the line to apply these.
- 01:54 So I'm gonna click into that line, and I'm gonna go up.
- 01:56 And I'm gonna hit the right align button, and there it goes.
- 02:00 It just went flush to the right margin, and you can
- 02:04 see up above where the right margin is, and just draw a line down with your eyes.
- 02:09 Okay, the last one is fully justify.
- 02:11 Now, fully justify simply means I want flush left edges, and
- 02:15 I want flush right edges.
- 02:17 Now right now, if you take a look at all these paragraphs are uneven edges.
- 02:20 And that is because it's easier for the human eye, when you're reading,
- 02:25 to track where the lines leap off and start again with an uneven edge.
- 02:29 But it has become typical business practice, or
- 02:32 formal report writing practice, to justify both of those edges.
- 02:37 So in those situations only,
- 02:38 business or formal reporting only, would you use to justify button.
- 02:43 So I click into the paragraph.
- 02:44 I'm gonna go ahead and click on the fully justify,
- 02:46 and you can see my left edge is fully justified.
- 02:49 My right edge is fully justified, meaning the text within adjusted or
- 02:54 justified to spread out the words or
- 02:58 shrink up the words a little bit, or the spacing of the words, to make that happen.
- 03:03 All right, so that is how the four basic paragraph formats are applied.
- 03:07 Go ahead and practice, and I look forward to seeing you in the next video.
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